

So I obviously have a vested interest in this as I'm doing the music, but I also really want people to know about this game, just as a gamer, it's shaping up to be an incredible experience, you owe it to yourself to check it out at least:
A game with historical Quebec and Acadia? Backing!

Unfortunately it doesn't look like it will make it. Though I suppose when there's a will, there's a way.
I'm not much of a fan of retro for the sake of being retro myself (especially some indie games that make use of artificially huge pixels that look like bad SNES Mode 7 effects), but IMHO this pixel art looks pretty well drawn and crafted with (this is going to sound cliché for me to say, probably because it is) love. :)

The source material looks like it could make for some interesting story and gameplay.
The different combat systems look like they could be interesting as well, sort of reminiscent of Suikoden (and the excellent but obscure SNES RPG Inindo: Way of the Ninja) by combining both small-scale battles with a squad and larger skirmishes between armed forces. It is an ambitious game indeed, but not impossible. I wish the team luck in securing funding and completing the project.

Also, I missed this one when it was on Kickstarter before, and they're definitely making the right move by giving people who backed when it was on Kickstarter in 2012 the game when it's released, so good on them for that. :thumbsup:
Looks amazing! Sadly, it doesn't look like they're going to make the goal. I hope they try again and publicize it more. It would definitely be worth a second try.