
First off I'd like to say hi to everyone, I am a new user here (although I have been coning here for a long time viewing threads).

I want to know about a few things regarding Sacred 2, its been hard to get info since the wiki is shut down. I was playing it a long time ago (years) and recently picked up where I left off (thank God I kept my saves!). One is - mount storage. I heard there is storage in your mounts, but I don't know how to access it - can someone enlighten me?

Second - more of a strategy question, I am level 48 Shadow Warrior playing on silver. I have gotten to the point where all gray and white weapons / armor are useless tome, and when I get it I sell it. I also sell off most of my blue items now, because even they are pathetically weaker than what I have equipped for the last 20 levels or so. Even so, my storage is full, and I have two other characters that I use to store stuff too (I don't play them I just transfer extra stuff to them to hold). I think I'm about to start selling off the next level of stuff - but its hard to sell off yellow items! How would you approach it? Is there enough legendary items to just start getting rid of the yellow stuff? Is there legendary items of every class of item (that would be nice because then my challenge would include finding all of the legendary items and not worrying about storing the weaker stuff)? I'd ideally like to just keep a few items and sell off everything that isn't legendary - but I don't want to make the mistake and throw out something that isn't legendary but has unique values that I'm not going to find even in a legendary item.

Third: Are there jewelry items that have slots? Or is it pretty much what I have seen so far, just armor and weapons? The bulk of my inventory is jewely - which I wish I could categorize / compare better (like Borderlands)i instead of clicking on each and every one - like a game of concentration - to filter out the ones that I don't need.

Last: at what point do more skills open up? I made the mistake of not picking Ranged Weaponry, there are two more slots but as I said I'm at level 48 and they still haven't let me add another skill. I find I like the bow better than anything else, even though my character is Shadow Warrior. The game is great but the melee fighting is kind of sloppy - when you are fighting a crowd, for example it becomes hard to pick a target. I like to snipe the enemies while my Nether Allegiance "gang of skeleton warriors" hacks them down up close. (I hate those stupid hogs for this - they always feel the need to run right up to me and just sit there pounding at me - even worse on a mount, where they get right under you and are hard to hit!).

Thanks for your help in this.
There is already Sacred 2 thread you might find some useful info there

I want to know about a few things regarding Sacred 2, its been hard to get info since the wiki is shut down. I was playing it a long time ago (years) and recently picked up where I left off (thank God I kept my saves!). One is - mount storage. I heard there is storage in your mounts, but I don't know how to access it - can someone enlighten me?
As far as I know you can only store 1 horse and one unique mount you can change which one is summoned from character screen.As for mobile storage you can summon carrier imp with X key at any time(only if you have blood and ice expansion)
Second - more of a strategy question, I am level 48 Shadow Warrior playing on silver. I have gotten to the point where all gray and white weapons / armor are useless tome, and when I get it I sell it. I also sell off most of my blue items now, because even they are pathetically weaker than what I have equipped for the last 20 levels or so. Even so, my storage is full, and I have two other characters that I use to store stuff too (I don't play them I just transfer extra stuff to them to hold). I think I'm about to start selling off the next level of stuff - but its hard to sell off yellow items! How would you approach it? Is there enough legendary items to just start getting rid of the yellow stuff? Is there legendary items of every class of item (that would be nice because then my challenge would include finding all of the legendary items and not worrying about storing the weaker stuff)? I'd ideally like to just keep a few items and sell off everything that isn't legendary - but I don't want to make the mistake and throw out something that isn't legendary but has unique values that I'm not going to find even in a legendary item.
Keep only legendary and set items sell rest
Third: Are there jewelry items that have slots? Or is it pretty much what I have seen so far, just armor and weapons? The bulk of my inventory is jewely - which I wish I could categorize / compare better (like Borderlands)i instead of clicking on each and every one - like a game of concentration - to filter out the ones that I don't need.
Jewelry don't have upgrade slots.There is button key for comparing item with ones you wear.
Last: at what point do more skills open up? I made the mistake of not picking Ranged Weaponry, there are two more slots but as I said I'm at level 48 and they still haven't let me add another skill. I find I like the bow better than anything else, even though my character is Shadow Warrior. The game is great but the melee fighting is kind of sloppy - when you are fighting a crowd, for example it becomes hard to pick a target. I like to snipe the enemies while my Nether Allegiance "gang of skeleton warriors" hacks them down up close. (I hate those stupid hogs for this - they always feel the need to run right up to me and just sit there pounding at me - even worse on a mount, where they get right under you and are hard to hit!).
Last 2 slots open at 50 and 60 IIRC.Also bow is waste on Shadow warrior since he can take more punishment more than any other character in S2,he is really hard to kill.
Thanks for your replies, Nameless One (I like that username, BTW). On your storage mount answer, I asked that because people were making posts as if there were extra storage space in the mount (like a horse carrying a pack). I wanted to know if there was a storage container - separate from the main one available. The carrier imp is not a separate storage source, he brings the same old storage chest to wherever you are - so that isn't applicable.

What is this button to compare items? Does it only work with buying? I rarely buy anything - I find that merchants don't carry anything worth buying. When trying to clean out my inventory I haven't found anything besides grabbing the item and waving it around similar items - which is very slow if you have tons of items.

I'm sorry but I like the bow on my Shadow Warrior - he can take a lot of punishment IF the enemies can get to him, as far as I am concerned. I like him to cut the enemy down from afar, and IF they get to him I switch to a melee weapon and beat their brains out. I actually think the bow is the BEST weapon for the Shadow Warrior, because of his "tankness", by the time an enemy reaches him, it will be at a disadvantage with half or more of it's life gone, having to face the "tank"! I also imagine when I get to the point that I am fighting enemies 15 levels above me (I', already fighting enemies 4 levels above) that having the ability to cut their life down before they get to me will come in very handy.

Maybe the throwing knife would be a better option for the Shadow Warrior? Is that a range class weapon? If the throwing knife is considered a melee weopon then perhaps that would save me from having to use a bow and the ranged weapon slot... hmmm.
It is a little mind-boggling that they wouldnt have things just auto-compare, and at first it almost seems like youre stuck and cannot compare side-by-side, which is a total bitch.

Nope, hit the alt key and it'll compare whatever your pointing at with what you have equipped
Now I have another observation - after playing for a fairly long time I noticed some things, and also have experienced something that makes me not want to continue. The first thing is the games save system will save you at the worst moment, and there is no recovery - like right after failing a quest. I was at Seraphim Island, doing the "More Monsters" quest, and got killed. Next thing I know I am out of the arena and the words "Game Saved" are displayed - I'm like, WTF? I talk to the quest giver and the quest icon disappears - she becomes a regular NPC wih no quest. That quest is GONE and there is no way to get it back.

During the quest, I wanted to switch to a mount - I NEVER use a horse, but the mount icon had the stupid horse instead of the monster mount I always use! I then noticed my Power icons (can't remember the actual name) are now horse icons! i don't need that! I need Skeletal Formation! I had to get off the stupid horse, and the demons killed my skeletal warriors, so I was in the process of re-calling them, when BAM! - I'm dead - banging furiously on the 5000000 life potions garnered no response during the attack because I was summoning, I guess.

I would go again 50 times if I could and try over - but since I was thrown out and immediately given "Quest Failed" and then immediately after that the game auto-saved I have no option to do so. I have no intention of returning to this damn game - it took that quickly for me to hate it (this is not the first time something like this has happened). I like a challenge, but this isn't a challenge - this is busted! I guess I'll look at something else - like Divine Divinity or something - so disappointed.
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Why not just turn off auto-save? I think you can do that.

I got lucky when I failed quests. I was able to reload my previous auto-save and try them again. I would hate failing quests and having the game save automatically like that. Not a good look. But yeah, try turning it off and just manually saving your progress.
You can change which mount is called from inventory window IIRC.Majority of quests in game can't be failed so if you fail few it's not big deal since there is 600+ quests in game.IDK if there is way to turn off auto save but there is bit crude way to prevent auto save simply use quick save and use alt+F4 to exit which should prevent auto save and reload you quick save when you enter game again.Note that I heard this from friend I haven't actually tested it.
I haven't looked up that quest (which looks more like an arena challenge than a quest) but it felt like it was a special one. It was very difficult to get to the menus during the challenge because 6 demons in a small space were relentlessly chasing and attacking my character. It was almost impossible to stop running! I was reaching for the quick save / alt-f4 thing but the game reacted too fast and I was outside of the arena before I could react. Also, I was spamming light potions thinking it would save me, but the game did not acknowledge them. I don't care about dying - but auto-save right after a fail quest - unforgivable.