
The Elder Spy
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RPG Site presents the main charcters and features of Visions of Mana:

Visions of Mana main characters and features revealed

It's been a while since we last saw new information for Square Enix's upcoming game Visions of Mana. The game was first announced at The Game Awards 2023 in December, and it also appeared at last January's Xbox Developer_Direct 2024 where we got introduced to the Pikul creatures among others.

Recently in early March, Square Enix published a new press release to Japanese outlets that introduced the game's main characters and features. But as of this writing, the company has yet to update the game's official website or release an English version of the press release, so we have translated the details that we could get from the Japanese article. Note that the romanizations of characters and terms that have not been confirmed in official English press releases are still tentative and may change in the future.

Thanks Couchpotato!

More information.