Can of worms: Long term effects of make up


Original Sin 2 Donor
July 22, 2012
I am wondering, do all those chemicals people put on their face damage a persons skin in the long term? What about the more "natural" makeup? Does it cause long term unhappiness? Is the short term benefits worth it? Does it cause you to not like your natural face as you get older?

I dont know, it seems like people are self inflicting a mental illness upon themselves and are damaging their skin at the same time. It makes me so sad that people are going to such lengths to get ahead(pretty people get further in life than others) at their own detriment.

Can anyone make the case for makeup being a good thing in the long run? It just seems like madness to me.
Jul 22, 2012
Nothing bad will happen if you don't overdo it.
If you need to use it for some reason like areas under glasses that sun didn't touch or puberty acne appearing during midlife crisis...

Keep one thing in mind. Less is more.
Apr 12, 2009
Hmmm ... I used to put on make up on a daily base when I was younger. Loved to try out new colors and looks and didn't give a rat's *** about what the stuff was made of.

But the older I got the more I became concerned with potentially unhealthy ingredients (no matter if they were said to have long-term or short-term consequences) and threw away all products that were potentially unhealthy. Nowadays I use an ingredient-checking tool for my mobile when I need to shop for shampoo, lotions etc.

As for decorative make up, I stopped wearing that after I met a make up-less businesswoman during a business trip a few years ago. She was the only woman in our workshop who didn't wear make up, and she was just as professional and confident as the others ... perhaps even more confident. That (and being a lazy person) made me finally lose interest in the stuff, so nowadays I wear decorative make up only at very rare occasions. I rarely feel like painting my face anymore. And I feel just as well without make up.
Aug 31, 2006
My wife doesn't wear any either except on rare occasions. She has some all natural concoction that she slathers on if she has an interview or something ;)

Of course, like nearly all Americans, she and I both use deodorant. They're both full of chemicals but people are living to 90+ nowadays and that is long enough!
Oct 18, 2006
It's just another thing we probably don't know enough about. Obviously, different brands will effect your skin differently - and I'm sure there are some "organic" brands that proclaim 100% natural make-up or whatever.

Whether that's true or not, I really can't say. I know next to nothing about make-up - except that I think it looks good when used in moderation, and when it's applied with skill.
For all the wheat allergies and sensitivities, and the masses who avoid it like the plague (in some cases, rightfully so), it's incredible how little care is given for distancing themselves from the wheat based make-up products.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
One theory is that allergies are developed when an bored immune system living in an too clean environments seeks something to fight elsewhere.

I don't really knbow what cosmetics do with a face, but I also thinik - hope - that firms are making sure it won't affect people's health too much.

Besides, I often find it very funny when people talk about an "Rouge class" in (A)D&D and other systems. ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I like the name of the treat "can of worms". Call me crazy, but reminds me of animals mating in a can lol. Anyway, I agree that deodorants are full of chemicals, but hey, who wants to smell bad at work...
Jun 30, 2017
Can anyone make the case for makeup being a good thing in the long run? It just seems like madness to me.
At least they aren't doing anything really crazy like putting holes in their body or something. Oh wait… :devil:
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Yea, as Zloth said, its way past makeup when it comes to body decorations these days, the modern fashion are piercings and tattoos everywhere…pretty gross, if you ask me.

*This is a personal pet peeve of mine, so a Rant follows*

I live in a very "progressive" city, and went to the park yesterday. I saw so many middle aged women with tattoos all over their arms and other areas, and it didn't look good at all. And these young people who are getting all these tattoos all over don't seem to understand or realize that when they get older, its going to look bad on their saggy skin.

I'm fine with a small discreet tattoo here or there, but that is not what is popular these days. It's like, huge tattoos and ones that go all up and down their arms and legs and backs and back of the neck that a lot of people, especially young 20-something girls for some odd reason, that is super popular.

I told my friend recently that I think it should now be considered "being a rebel" or being rebellious for a person if they have no tattoos at all! Because everyone else is getting them, and its rare to see someone with clean skin.
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
The long term effects of makeup?


Don't do it. kids.
Nov 8, 2014
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