It's like asking the guys behind south park to tone their some of their jokes down because it is wrong to make jokes about certain subjects… allow everything or don't allow anything

I like South Park, but it's only natural there are some jokes that are not funny in my opinion. I have the right to voice my opinion.

And this black or white opinion is wrong. The world isn't just right or wrong, there are shades in between. You can't say allow everything or don't allow anything. The world doesn't work like that.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Well, I hadn't heard about this kind of law until today.

Not that I read much about Romanian laws, to be honest.
Pladio this REALLY isn't a thread for this sort of discussion. You are just providing trolls with a chain...
Jan 10, 2008
The key point here is on purpose. When I make a joke about jews I do it to make somebody laugh, not to offend you, yet you get offended anyway. It's your own fault, as I said. You psychologically indoctrinated yourself into getting offended by oven jokes when you could just… not. You'd think somebody who's aware of his own bias would actually try and correct himself, but alas, man is not a learning animal.

Conversely, when I expressly call you a draconian cunt, feel free to get offended. I will relish it.

If your mother asks you to not make fun of handicapped people you see in the street, do you do so, because you think he might laugh of having lost his legs ?
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I like South Park, but it's only natural there are some jokes that are not funny in my opinion. I have the right to voice my opinion.

And this black or white opinion is wrong. The world isn't just right or wrong, there are shades in between. You can't say allow everything or don't allow anything. The world doesn't work like that.

lets make viruses. first is detecting an OS version and what security patches have made it immune to what our virus uses to initialize its hooks. it must not be detected. not a single version of it until it has successful stolen account funds and sent it through a complex distributed system before arriving at our offshore account. of course when the offshore account itself reaches a desired value we need to move that money around. then shut teh fuck up and make sure we wipe all evidence. wait a bit and we can use the money to just live the high life. after that we can mod fallout tactics forever or try to fix the mess that is the linux os/desktop environments.

*or donate a few million to codex, dac, and nma.
Dec 26, 2011
Pladio this REALLY isn't a thread for this sort of discussion. You are just providing trolls with a chain…

While some people are being very trollish, roll-of-the-dice or whatever his name is seems to be very serious about his discussion about gypsies.

Same applies to reject's discussion with me.

Worst case, I'm wasting my time. It's not like watching American Football isn't a waste of time too :D
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom

Horrid Reality

All I gotta say and you know it's the most broken power in the game. Your reality for the next scene is that you don't have food, you're starving, and elders are starting to look tasty. Finally, all of a sudden, blood dripping from the elders neck, glorious glorious blood, test for frenzy, you're at -4 because for all intents and purposes you are at 0 blood.

Or if I wanna be tarded and really ram home how broken it is, And BOOM there's a sun in the sky, it deals ag as normal, and follows you around.

The elder powers are even more ridiculous.

And now this whole room is under the effects of my Horrid Reality. Oh that's a mighty nicsse Ellysssium you have there Mr. Non Anarch Camarilla Prince, would be a sssshame is ssssomething happened to it. ssssssssss

That's why you send a pack of fleshcrafted ghouls to do your dirty work.

Wait, did someone on the Codex have 9 dots of Daimoinon?
Dec 26, 2011
It's like asking the guys behind Dragon Age to tone down gay romances because it is wrong to make everyone into a homoerotic dick worshiping fiend … allow everything or don't allow anything

Ten characters.
Last edited:
Dec 27, 2011
I like South Park, but it's only natural there are some jokes that are not funny in my opinion. I have the right to voice my opinion.

And this black or white opinion is wrong. The world isn't just right or wrong, there are shades in between. You can't say allow everything or don't allow anything. The world doesn't work like that.

It's more you allow everything, or eventually you won't allow anything. Look at speech laws in Britain. Used to only the basic slander laws, etc. Then they added in a clause disallowing hateful speech, only who defines hateful speech. Why the people do. And thus now people can sue you for playing Kung Fu Fighting too loud on the radio. Because it's racially stereotyping against the Asian races.
Dec 26, 2011
lets make viruses. first is detecting an OS version and what security patches have made it immune to what our virus uses to initialize its hooks. it must not be detected. not a single version of it until it has successful stolen account funds and sent it through a complex distributed system before arriving at our offshore account. of course when the offshore account itself reaches a desired value we need to move that money around. then shut teh fuck up and make sure we wipe all evidence. wait a bit and we can use the money to just live the high life. after that we can mod fallout tactics forever or try to fix the mess that is the linux os/desktop environments.

*or donate a few million to codex, dac, and nma.

@zarathustra: This guy on the other hand is just strange :p
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Anyone got an explanation for this pic? I shouldn't need to say it is NSFW
@Pladio's post about not going up to people to mock them
Is this a jewish forum?

I like South Park, but it's only natural there are some jokes that are not funny in my opinion. I have the right to voice my opinion.

And this black or white opinion is wrong. The world isn't just right or wrong, there are shades in between. You can't say allow everything or don't allow anything. The world doesn't work like that.
Jokes do.
Dec 26, 2011
It's more you allow everything, or eventually you won't allow anything. Look at speech laws in Britain. Used to only the basic slander laws, etc. Then they added in a clause disallowing hateful speech, only who defines hateful speech. Why the people do. And thus now people can sue you for playing Kung Fu Fighting too loud on the radio. Because it's racially stereotyping against the Asian races.

So you can't pray Kung Fu Fighting in Engrand?
Dec 26, 2011
How about you get the fuck out of this thread?
How about I don't ?
you're openly admitting to willingly subjecting yourself to it for no discernable reason
Fixed that for you, reject.

But if someone can realize the way I feel
You are the only one who will always care how you feel. This goes for all of us, and it means the responsibility ultimately falls on each and every one of us. I don't care if you GTFO, but you probably ought to. It might not seem like it, but this is the friendliest thing you'll find in the last ten pages, and likely the next five.

This thread is now pretty much about genocide, and that is your fault, so thanks.
Dec 26, 2011
It's more you allow everything, or eventually you won't allow anything. Look at speech laws in Britain. Used to only the basic slander laws, etc. Then they added in a clause disallowing hateful speech, only who defines hateful speech. Why the people do. And thus now people can sue you for playing Kung Fu Fighting too loud on the radio. Because it's racially stereotyping against the Asian races.

But you never allow everything. It's illegal to incite hatred in most countries in the world. It's illegal to do so many things...

I'm not an anarchist, so I do think governments have their uses. Maybe you don't ?
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Pladio you're complaining about Holocaust jokes but that was more of a vague allusion to the Holocaust. I'll give you a Holocaust joke.

Arbeit macht frei - Work shall set you free. The sign above Auschwitz.
Now Auschwitz wasn't so much an extermination camp as it was a work camp. You would work, and work, and work until you couldn't work anymore. Then you're be killed by bullet, knife or gas. Now I would imagine that people in the gas chambers would think back on their time in the camp as the gas began to rise and the children died, thinking of their initial arrival and those gates in front of them.

Arbeit macht frei.

That image bringing home the truth of their situation. They were always going to die here and the Nazis had known of this and yet cared so little that they thought nothing of marking the gates with a joke. As the gas rose I would assume that some would begin to find the joke funny. People react oddly to stress. They would have laughed, a thick, desperate laugh as they came to know that all hope was gone and that were going to die for people who considered their life a comodity and their death a joke.

Arbeit macht frei - Work shall set you free. The finest joke the modern world has ever known.

And if you think it was only in Auschwitz that the Nazis displayed their humanity and humour you should see the sign above Buchenwald - Jedem das Seine - To each what he deserves.

Laugh and grow fat my friend.
Dec 27, 2011
That's why you send a pack of fleshcrafted ghouls to do your dirty work.

Wait, did someone on the Codex have 9 dots of Daimoinon?

i wish they would rerun the DS9 episodes on blogtv. they are doing that newest startrek popamole. which sucked.
Dec 26, 2011
He'd probably still be alive if he didn't go try and turn himself into a white chick. And yeah, that smug smiley sucks compared to the Codex one.

Anyway, good to see a leftist bro in this thread.

I'd give a brofist but who knows what ridiculous icon would show up here? Perhaps a pink dildo?
Dec 15, 2010
A Jew guilt tripping people and trying to censor good democratic folk? Who would of thunk. Next thing you know he'll have us in the middle east popping dune coon moles.
Dec 27, 2011
Fixed that for you, reject.

You are the only one who will always care how you feel. This goes for all of us, and it means the responsibility ultimately falls on each and every one of us. I don't care if you GTFO, but you probably ought to. It might not seem like it, but this is the friendliest thing you'll find in the last ten pages, and likely the next five.

This thread is now pretty much about genocide, and that is your fault, so thanks.

Actually, we're talking about how jokes should be treated, free speech and gypsies' rights.
Some people think Codexers have no ability to discuss important topics, but apparently some do ;)
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Roll-A-Die, have you lived among the gypsies as an actual gypsy? What do you have to say about crime and etcetera your people are known to often do it?

people are known to often do it?

How would you deal with your people if you were one of us?

Please do answer, I think it's going to be very interesting for everyone here
I mustn't be the only one interested

also, jew guy you should consider posting on the codex
Dec 26, 2011
Jan 10, 2008
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