Kingmaker - Review @NeverKnowsBest

Or make a few when you are level 1 before leveling to level 2 at Oleg's, they are very cheap then ;)

Cheap? Iirc, a merc costs 2000 Gold at level 1. This may allow for 2-3 mercs max at level 1. I guess later on gold is no longer an issue.

If I wanted a custom party from the get-go, I would look out for a gold cheat.
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
Oct 13, 2007
While I don't play with custom characters I think this is a major flaw that could have easily been avoided.
It may be that they want you to use the premade companions. But that's something the player should decide.
May 6, 2013
I would have much preferred to roll all six characters right at the beginning or shortly after the tutorial. I'm pretty sure I won't pay that outrageous amount of gold per person to do it, though, maybe that will be changed in the future because to me it makes absolutely no sense.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I edited in enough gold to pay for them. You need decent knowledge of coding or a good cheat engine table. You could also download MrAntiFun's trainer. It has unlimited health, gold, encumbrance and levels. I use the encumbrance mod because traveling back w/o fast travel isn't happening. I don't recommend using the wealth option in MAF's trainer. It gives you 10,000,000 gold which will allow you to buy every item in the game.

P.S. I assume I broke most achievements when I took out encumbrance, but I could care less about achievements. I play for me, not for some status :D

Why don't these role-playing games assume that you have a trustworthy caravan following your party around? They sell the loot and keep a nice portion for themselves. That's why you only get 1/4 of what an item is worth. The rest is kept for upkeep and payment of your caravan….

This caravan should be responsible for hunting, setting up camp, having quest giving npcs, etc. It would also be a logical place for the companions that aren't tackling an area with you. They'd be close by if you want to swap out someone. Say you run across some traps and don't have the right person in your group; click on caravan and get a choice screen.
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah, I don't like the idea of paying for a custom party. It would make sense to me if you could pay for temporary mercs if you needed some extra muscle for a while, but I don't see why my own party of adventurers must be hirelings on the payroll.
Nov 8, 2014
Me either, so I edit out Owlcat's stupid choices wherever I can. They're not the first to penalize true role-playing for playing with their limited options. Another thing I hate is custom companions only get 20 points at creation even though you have to pay for the privilege of hiring them. I could have edited that with cheat engine but just left it alone. Your character gets 25 and I think 25 is common in the tabletop too, but someone else can answer that.
Oct 18, 2006
Me either, so I edit out Owlcat's stupid choices wherever I can. They're not the first to penalize true role-playing for playing with their limited options. Another thing I hate is custom companions only get 20 points at creation even though you have to pay for the privilege of hiring them. I could have edited that with cheat engine but just left it alone. Your character gets 25 and I think 25 is common in the tabletop too, but someone else can answer that.

Wow, things just keep stepping down a notch for this game. So in addition to penalizing you by needing to buy the ability to make your own, they are also handicapped to be worse than the Companions? Or does only the main character get the 25 point buy?

Technically, Paizo designs their APs with 20 point buy for PCs. I know a *lot* of groups both online and off that use 25 so that the more MAD classes are more viable. Will Cheat Engine modify that or would it require the trainer you mentioned?

EDIT: My grey matter is obviously failing... the above should be 15 point and 20 point respectively. Yes, originally, APs were built for 15 point buy and that's the suggested amount for a standard game per the rulebook.
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Apr 12, 2015
Oct 13, 2007
I like that it has variety. It would be boring if every character had exactly the same point amounts to spend. I also like having underpowered or overpowered characters as long as the game is balanced for a variety. It's also fun to turn the underdog party member into a great one by using your brain.
@crpgnut;, You can change your party on the world map screen by clicking the Group Manager button at the bottom. Beware that it takes some hours of in-game time to do that.
Sep 5, 2018
I don't understand why people don't want to play the game with given companions. After all, they are part of the game too and the developers spent great amount of time and effort creating them.
I don't understand why people don't want to play the game with given companions. After all, they are part of the game too and the developers spent great amount of time and effort creating them.

I will be more than happy to play the game with Companions once I purchase it. By why all the extra effort to throw up hurdles to play the game without them once I've seen those Companions? I played the infinity engines games numerous times, and the only reason I did so was to take different party compositions through the games. Wanting to play one way is not at the exclusion of the other. But if my only choice is a subset of rigidly constructed companions, no matter how well done, I'm far less likely to play through the game again. Also, the alignment issue may or may not be a thing. If evil companions will not stick around with good players (and vice versa), then the possible party compositions are further restricted.
Apr 12, 2015
I'm not touching this game until it becomes a much more solid product. Right now it sounds as bug-riddled as a rotting carcass. I'm surprised there isn't more criticism by reviewers. Are they getting a pass because they aren't a better known company? It'll probably okay eventually, but how could they release a game players can't complete?
Mar 22, 2012
Because it was added in the late stage of the development (not planned initially) as a result of feedback? It makes perfect sense since you are *hiring* mercenaries. You don't start off the game with your own gang.

You are raising the concerns of limited replayability and yet you haven't even played the game using available companions yet. There are 11 of them, you can only travel with 5 at a time, seems to me plenty of choices for at least first playthrough. Sounds to me you just want to play the game with custom party from the beginning.
Sounds to me you just want to play the game with custom party from the beginning.

That's what I would like, ideally. If it is the sort of game where it's an option to have a completely custom party, I'd prefer that option not to be constrained by requiring ingame gold.
Nov 8, 2014
Some more Pathfinder: Kingmaker Reviews & One Interview. Enjoy.:)

ScreenRant -4/5
If there are any stumbles present in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, it’s in the pace of play. While the combat itself is fluid and moves in real-time, the narrative moves slowly, and the emphasis on passing days or weeks can be a real drag. While it makes sense that the campaign would feature an open world and a lot of choices to be made, sometimes it comes across as more aimless than inspiring. The introduction of the game, in particular, drags - players don’t even get access to their Barony for several hours, which is puzzling since it’s one of the more innovative and welcome elements of the title. That’s a major issue, since RPGs are already time sinks and failing to make much of an impression in the first six-or-so hours of gameplay is playing with fire.

That being said, there’s plenty to dig into in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, and even if the early introduction overstays its welcome, there are many more hours afterwards that make the game worth the wait. If gamers can find room for yet another long, beautifully-crafted isometric RPG in their schedules, they probably can’t do much better for recent offerings than Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
GameSkinny - 8/10
In reviewing this game on Linux, it was extremely frustrating having to start the entire game over every time the full party died because saved games couldn't load. That said, it's just a bug, and hopefully, it'll be fixed soon.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker set out to bring the look, feel, and gameplay experience of a classic tabletop RPG to the PC and, in that, is an absolute success. It's not without its flaws, but all of them could be corrected with additions and further content patches, which a game like this lends itself to very well. Interview
Owlcat Games is a newer studio name, but it masks a wealth of experience. Its small but mighty team has worked on a number of games together from Nival Interactive and, ranging all the way back to Rage of Mages in the '90s to Skyforge as recently as 2015.

One thing they all had in common was a desire to try something very, very new.

"To be honest, we were a little bit tired with MMO production after 10 years spent on Allods Online and Skyforge, so we wanted to try something completely opposite from that - a story-driven RPG with multiple choices and meaningful consequences focused on a single-player experience," said Owlcat studio head Oleg Shpilchevsky.
Oct 1, 2010
Would you rather prefer the feature not available at all as planned initially?
Would you rather prefer the feature not available at all as planned initially?

No, but that's a false dilemma; there's no reason it has to be a choice between those two states. I've explained what my preference would be. You never know, if they made such changes before, and they're busy patching now, they might be open to some more changes if enough people express that preference.
Nov 8, 2014
I have a feeling Owlcat will probably lower the price for custom companions eventually. I just find it funny people are okay spending game gold paying for magical weapons and armors and yet feel cheated paying for mecenaries of their liking (custom companions)
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