RPGWatch - Official Game of the Decade Voting

Of those 3 I have to go with Dark Souls 1. Not only did it have great combat, exploration, character building and progression, weapon moves sets (...)
I went completely blind into Dark Souls 1 when it first released (didn't know Demon Souls, just saw a short preview of DS) and the first minutes were just frustrations and disappointement.
I almost ragequit the game forever but then I noticed that every weapons had his own moveset and animations, and that's what sold the game for me.
I was particularly impress by the rapiers moveset, first time in a videogame I saw the correct and realistic fencing moves...
Every RPG (ARPG or not) should be like that. It's a lot of fun.
Jul 27, 2018
Polling has now officially closed. Anyone voting from this point onwards will have to be especially nice to me, maybe include lude propositions in their PM etc.
Nov 1, 2014
Let the complaining begin! ;)

I must say I think it sucks Ghost of Tale is not number one. I suspect fraud.
I am indeed expecting a lot of vehemence from the two people who nominated that game.
Nov 1, 2014
The results have been tabulated and sent to Myrthos for officialising.

There is one undisputed outright clear winner by a very large margin.

However, because there was only 88 voters the rest of the top 50 positions are quite the close call with many games sharing their spot with another game! So close you can see the sweat beads on the sweat beads of each successive game!
Nov 1, 2014
No matter the results or how you explain them. People are still going to complain. :D
Oct 19, 2006
No matter the results or how you explain them. People are still going to complain. :D

Well, naturally. He could have just posted my personal list and I still would've complained. Isn't that the point of these lists?

I wonder which the clear winner is though? Going by my gut feeling from this thread I'd guess Skyrim or TW3? None of those actually made my list but I think I'm in a minority there.
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Dec 20, 2010
Oh indeed, I'm sure I'll be complaining about it at some point :D

Some interesting non-spoiler but sill a bit spoilery facts that might be of interest to some:

45 of the top 50 games were indeed present on the previous regular Game of the Year results:

The top 2 and no's 4, 5, 10 from 2010
The top 3 and no.5 from 2011
The top 4 from 2012
No.1 from 2013
The top 6 and no.9 from 2014
The top 7 from 2015
The top 3 and no's 5, 8 from 2016
The top 4 from 2017
The top 5 from 2018
The top 3 from 2019

So we could have just pitted all the previous No.1s against each other, but then four of these previous number ones all tied at 29th, meaning that there were about 30 games that the watch liked more, so that wouldn't have been very accurate.

We could have just pooled all the top 3 games, and this would have been a lot more accurate as only three top 3 games failed to make the list: Divinity 2 DKS/FOV , Expeditions Conquistador, Baldur's Gate 2 EE, however, again, for several of the years the second or third spot only garnered a bottom of the list place, with none of the 2016 or 2019 games placing higher than 24th.

We could have just pooled the top 5 games from each year and this would have just about done it… well… if you consider 80% to be just about. 11 games that made the top 50 did not rank higher than 6th in previous Game of the Year polls while nine previous top 5s have been thoroughly forgotten about. The highest placed non-top 5'er made a respectable 18th place, so it would have been very harsh on some games to exclude them by using this method.

And then there's the five games that were never placed on any previous GOTY polls which, admittedly, do not place very highly here, the highest placed one being 24th, but no doubt will make a large number of people very happy by their cumulative inclusions.
Nov 1, 2014
It must have been a lot of work and I appreciate it a lot that you have done this.

The list will be published on Monday.
Aug 30, 2006
Well, naturally. He could have just posted my personal lousy and I still would've complained. Isn't that the point of these lists?

I wonder which the clear winner is though? Going by my gut feeling from this thread I'd guess Skyrim or TW3? None of those actually made my list but I think I'm in a minority there.

It is without doubt TW3 as a number of people only voted for that game. I'll wait to rant about that until @lackblogger; confirms the result in the official thread.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
2013 ? :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:o_Oo_Oo_O

I hope I misunderstood your post? otherwise a console game will win ? @lackblogger;

Ahh, now I got it :D nevermind. I read too fast :D

I thought number one was from 2013, for short scary moment.
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Oct 25, 2006
Avadon 2: The Corruption wasn't a console game. :p
Apr 12, 2009
That would be a vote for the best CRPG ever?

No, it would be a view of games from those decades from this much hindsight. Those decades only.

Best game ever was something you brought up a few times as a top 100 list but you've never implemented on The Watch, only the Dot.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Aug 13, 2013
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