Kickstarter - Brenda Brathwaite and Tom Hall RPG

Still, Obsidian have made KotOR2, NWN2, AP, FO:NV, DS3 in the last decade. People know what they can do. Furthermore they got people which are clearly credited for their work on Fallout, Arcanum , PS:T etc.

None of that guarantees their game is going to be superior or even good at all.

Hmm hope they make it, more rpg's are never a bad thing. Plus it seems to piss off a lot of you so your reactions will be worth it alone.

I actually find myself agreeing with you for once. There's a lot of lame negativity in this thread for no apparent reason.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
That´s only true when it comes to the story and dialogues though (not that these weren´t great for this kind of game), the rest, like game mechanics, was Linda Currie´s and other designers´ work.

I wasn't implying that Brenda wrote the game, coded it herself, created the art, printed the manual, and personally delivered the boxes to the store. ;)

Only Warren Spector is capable of that.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US

Key updates: 1st-person perspective, 4 character party, Unity engine, fantasy/sci-fi setting and theme.

Man I really wish they had just said that to begin with. I'll probably still wait for more information, but this is certainly a good start. Like I said in my message to them, I'd love a Wizardy style, First-Person RPG, especially since the other big kickstarter rpgs don't have that style covered.
May 4, 2011
There's a lot of lame negativity in this thread for no apparent reason.

I think that's a bit of a mischaracterisation of the thread, personally. Being cautious isn't in and of itself, a negative thing. I think people are justified in approaching it as such given the information that is currently available.

Still, we'll see what transpires. :) More party based, turn based goodness sounds great to me, but is obviously dependent upon other factors as well.
Jul 12, 2009
More RPGs in the market never a bad thing. People have pledged (including me) to the Shadowrun game over 1 millon $ without knowing what it will be. They too didn’t have concrete ideas about what will be the mechanics of the game and haven’t quite an experience in the CRPG area (designing P&P RPGs is a different area I think).

I perceive these pledges as investment, an investment for a better future with lots of old school RPGs in the market. I don’t know you, but 15 $ investment aren’t so much for me for these possibilities. I have pledged over 10 projects in Kickstarter and nothing is certain if any of them will be able to deliver the experience we want. But, again it’s an investment for me. There’s always a possibility that they would botch the game, but losing 15 $ won’t ruin me.

We, the CRPG players are a bunch of gamers in a vast gamer crowd. Many of you may not agree with me but, if we are reluctant to pledge 15 $ to the possibility of bring in a new old school style RPG to the market, then I honestly think we don’t have the right to complain about the current state of RPG market.* I’m surprised that many of the people in the forum think like a CEO of the leviathan publisher companies we dislike because of their lack of interest in RPGs.
Oct 30, 2006
Everyone dissing Romero and praising Brenda.

They are married.

They make Facebook games now.

It's great to see Kickstarter become an outlet for creativity but all these "Legends" that haven't made a PC game in 20 years. I don't know.
Nov 28, 2006
More RPGs in the market never a bad thing. People have pledged (including me) to the Shadowrun game over 1 millon $ without knowing what it will be. They too didn’t have concrete ideas about what will be the mechanics of the game and haven’t quite an experience in the CRPG area (designing P&P RPGs is a different area I think).

I perceive these pledges as investment, an investment for a better future with lots of old school RPGs in the market. I don’t know you, but 15 $ investment aren’t so much for me for these possibilities. I have pledged over 10 projects in Kickstarter and nothing is certain if any of them will be able to deliver the experience we want. But, again it’s an investment for me. There’s always a possibility that they would botch the game, but losing 15 $ won’t ruin me.

We, the CRPG players are a bunch of gamers in a vast gamer crowd. Many of you may not agree with me but, if we are reluctant to pledge 15 $ to the possibility of bring in a new old school style RPG to the market, then I honestly think we don’t have the right to complain about the current state of RPG market.* I’m surprised that many of the people in the forum think like a CEO of the leviathan publisher companies we dislike because of their lack of interest in RPGs.

I backed 15 games on Kickstarter, mostly RPGs and Adventures, so you cannot accuse me of not being willing to "invest in a better gaming future" to use your own words. Nevertheless, I agree with all the people here that criticize this particular Kickstarter due to the severe lack of information and the unfortunate "2 games for 1" marketing tactic. One cannot just shout "Old School" and expect to be awarded with $1M.
Last edited:
Jun 22, 2011
Madrid, Spain

Key updates: 1st-person perspective, 4 character party, Unity engine, fantasy/sci-fi setting and theme

Man I really wish they had just said that to begin with. I'll probably still wait for more information, but this is certainly a good start. Like I said in my message to them, I'd love a Wizardy style, First-Person RPG, especially since the other big kickstarter rpgs don't have that style covered.

Well, the 4 characters party is mentioned on the main page. I personally think it was only missing the perspective. The setting explanation could have come later through updates.

And the Unity engine guys are probably rejoicing at all those kickstarted games. Not only did it put their engine on the "map", but larger studios are starting to use it. It might end up the "defacto" engine for more and more games in the future. Especially when it support such a vide variety of platforms.
Oct 13, 2007
There's a lot of lame negativity in this thread for no apparent reason.
...and also @Gokyabgu

I don't think expecting a decent pitch with a clear vision is asking too much from professionals asking for substantial amounts of funding. I want to use my money to support good, innovative, interesting indy-CRPGs, not mediocre projects riding a wave of crowd funding popularity. I have had quite the same reacton to Project Eternity, and while slowly there comes more and more info that shows that they have a substantial design that I may want to support, the initial pitch with it's name-dropping was really dissapointing to me. And still I have only a vague sense of the world, setting and central conflict. Still not pledged. And this pitch is even worse.

Can't say it better than Gareth did on his blog though:
Oct 18, 2006
Hmm hope they make it, more rpg's are never a bad thing. Plus it seems to piss off a lot of you so your reactions will be worth it alone.

I'm very skeptical about contributing to this Kickstarter and won't do so. I think many share that view. That doesn't mean people are 'pissed off'. I think many of those not contributing hope that the product turns out well and may buy it as a finished project. I and many just don't have either the faith in the people doing this, or enough knowledge about what they are doing to pre-order/pre-fund the project.
Oct 4, 2011
New Paltz, NY that true, that these people create Face book games?!?! I don't know about anyone else, but I honestly consider Face book to be the greatest taint that the internet has ever seen, short of hate-mongering websites. This concept is sounding lamer and lamer.

Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
They did not specify the name of the rpg game nor its background in this Kickstarter, and seems they are jumping on the 'old school' bandwagon. I don't know the people in this kickstarter, they might be veterans but I have not seen their games in the mainstream PC market in recent years compared to Obsidian, for example. I think that I will be increasing my support for project eternity (their past and present track record justifies this).
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
They did not specify the name of the rpg game nor its background in this Kickstarter, and seems they are jumping on the 'old school' bandwagon. I don't know the people in this kickstarter, they might be veterans but I have not seen their games in the mainstream PC market in recent years compared to Obsidian, for example. I think that I will be increasing my support for project eternity (their past and present track record justifies this).

They've specified the background as a "fantasy/sci-fi setting and theme". Why are you worried about the game's title? Who cares if they haven't named it yet? Obsidian hasn't named their title yet either.

So announcing a title like this three weeks ago wasn't "jumping on the bandwagon", but it is now?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
That bandwagon moves fast, apparently. Must have retro-rockets. ;)

The pitch just seems cheesey on this one and vague and no recent experience on PC RPGs, just Facebook games. This is not in league with Project Eternity. Not even close. Maybe if they produce some design info or even art assets, they will look more credible…
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Obsidian didn't provide any design or art assets when Project Eternity was first announced unless you count their generic snake-circle symbol.

What's wrong about the pitch exactly? At least this seems somewhat different with the sci-fi/fantasy theme and first-person perspective. Project Eternity is going to be yet another party-based isometric game coming after Divinity: Original Sin, Wasteland 2, Shadowrun, and Chaos Chronicles.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I think obsidian had their finger on the pulse of the RPG forums of what our loud fan bases wants to hear. What they have in mind may have been something they've been working on since their Black Isle days.

They have a proven track record of being a recent deliverer of a major RPG. Also, since they had a shout out looking to co-op other people's kickstart a few months ago, they've clearly been working on their pitch awhile (see our most recent poll even).

that said, this group has already got in 3 days triple what David Crane managed to get in a month even with criticism here and their own page.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Obsidian didn't provide any design or art assets when Project Eternity was first announced unless you count their generic snake-circle symbol.

What's wrong about the pitch exactly?

Obsidian actually pitched a party-based isometric concept in a fantasy world already mapped. I didn't support it right away, either though. I'll say give them some time to flesh out the concept. What they've done so far feels cheesey and the experience base of the leaders doesn't compare, but we will see.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
As strange as this sounds, if you have played anochronix(sp) their pitch came across sort of like the humor in the game, a bit tongue in cheek. Lots of talent on that group talking of making a game, it seems like they are holding back info.
Apr 17, 2007
Obsidian actually pitched a party-based isometric concept in a fantasy world already mapped. I didn't support it right away, either though. I'll say give them some time to flesh out the concept. What they've done so far feels cheesey and the experience base of the leaders doesn't compare, but we will see.

You mean it feels cheesey to you. I don't feel that way at all, and I'm glad to see something that sounds a little different and isn't just another isometric fantasy game. I also don't see Obsidian having an advantage in terms of experience.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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