Witcher 3 - Interview @ Gematsu


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Gematsu interviewed CD Projekt RED Studio Head Adam Badowski at GamesCom 2013.

I was delighted to read your consistent anti-DRM stance, as I’m personally not a fan. And that’s why I feel as if CD Projekt RED is presented as sort of a ‘superhero’ to the development community, and just one of the reasons why you’re extremely popular with consumers. You come off as very nice people who are passionate about making games, and it shows in your products. Now that you are producing multiple games simultaneously, was it difficult for you to transition from a single-project studio to a multi-project one?

Badowski: Well, the most difficult time was when we grew from 50 members to 100 members. Once we learned that we should not run the company as a corporation, but rather as a nice place to develop games at, everything went much smoother. Now growing another 50 to 100 people should not be an issue anymore. We know how to make games and Cyberpunk [2077] is developed within a smaller team with core members from The Witcher team (Roland’s note: The Witcher 3 is being developed first, then focus changes to Cyberpunk 2077]. Thanks to that we are researching a new, improved approach to game development: we would like to develop the game so it can enter full production once we have all the details finalized and know everything about it.

What I saw during the demo looked fantastic. It’s difficult to believe you are focusing on content over technology. At E3, you already gathered many awards (best RPG, best visuals, game defining the next generation, etc.), but we’ve only seen a few trailers. This was the first time I’ve seen it running live and it looked, again, fantastic. So, naturally I was shocked to hear that comment.

Badowski: I do not want to have an exaltation, but right now this is not the final state and we already know that we can still keep on going and pushing to further improve [the final product].
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
CD Project boss is speaking = best interview on witcher3 (and more) so far
Sep 15, 2011
I can't wait, it sounds great. I never played any of the witcher games before and ordered the second one just the other day for the Xbox.
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