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We were talking about the dog or animal companions you can have. Not Skyrim looking like fable. I dont know about you but I find them annoying if they are forced on you like fallout and fable.

I don't recall having a dog forced upon me in Fallout and I don't see any reason to think we'll have a dog forced upon us in Skyrim.

Also, when people say "Skyrim looks a lot like Fable" - I tend to believe they're saying the game looks a lot like Fable - regardless of your interpretation.

If they mean something else, like: "Skyrim looks nothing like Fable - but it seems to also have dog companions" - then they should probably say that instead.

Personally, I think I'll need to see more than a screenshot of dog standing next to the player, to start making any significant Fable - Skyrim connection. The house feature has been a staple of TES since long before Fable existed. The spouse thing? Ok, that's a new one for TES - but I have to say the games appear to be VERY, VERY different in both theme and gameplay.
It seems pretty logical - animal companion mods were among the most popular for MW already, and the feature is consistently popular with Bethesdas as well as many other games. I admit I really liked my dog in DA:O :)
Oct 18, 2006
Well, I'm a big dog person - so I don't mind them in my games. But I will never have them as companions, as I don't want them to get hurt on my account :)

I also didn't appreciate having it forced upon me in Fable 2.
I guess it's only a matter of time when animals will appear in the Medieval SIMs …
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
We were talking about the dog or animal companions you can have. Not Skyrim looking like fable. I dont know about you but I never cared about the dog as Peter claimed everyone would. Even the dog in Fallout 3 was a result of fable. Knowing the TES games it will probably be optional and not forced.

Just saying something doesn't make it true. The dog in Fallout 3, Dogmeat, was based on the dog from Fallout [1], Dogmeat.

Fallout 3 and Fable 2 came out the same month of the same year, so I find it hard, even ignoring the first Fallout's Dogmeat, to believe that one copied an idea from the idea during their simultaneous development. =|
Aug 23, 2011
@CardboardSlug: Welcome new guy or previous lurker! You really shouldn't confuse potatoboy with facts that counter his wild conspiracy theories :) The fact that the dogs in Fallout existed nearly a decade before Fable was even a dream, has no bearing on couch's reality. He really should study before posting, but then it wouldn't sound so silly and wouldn't give us as much amusement.
Oct 18, 2006
@CardboardSlug: Welcome new guy or previous lurker! You really shouldn't confuse potatoboy with facts that counter his wild conspiracy theories :) The fact that the dogs in Fallout existed nearly a decade before Fable was even a dream, has no bearing on couch's reality. He really should study before posting, but then it wouldn't sound so silly and wouldn't give us as much amusement.

Why thank you I try now let me get my tinfoil hat.;) Life is boring with just stating facts like the majority of idiots out there. My posts are usually 50 truth and 50 pure bullshit.

Cant be accountable for fools who take them serious.:mean:

Also, when people say "Skyrim looks a lot like Fable" - I tend to believe they're saying the game looks a lot like Fable - regardless of your interpretation.

That's just you Dart. Just you. All I commented on is I hate animal companions. And you know what I hate dogs.:p
Last edited:
Oct 1, 2010
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