The TV Series discussion thread

Same here. I've been indoctrinating the Wild Dogs with a proper appreciation for Married recently via reruns.

I keep dabbling with Big Bang Theory, but haven't gotten hooked yet.
Yeah I don't get the hype with Big Bang Theory either. Friends of mine have cited the geek factor (e.g. playing boardgames we do and references to gaming), but it isn't enough for me. Although Blossom is actually one of the funnier characters, at least the few times I've seen it.

Happy Endings I never expected much from it, but find myself enjoying it. It's almost like a Friends-Seinfeld combination. One of my favorite lines from Damon Wayans, Jr. to his cranky, hot wife: "Aww baby, are you consta'd?"
Jul 18, 2007
What exactly is awful? A classic theatre drama approach with extremes in acting perhaps? Or no massive amount of bullets? Or perhaps hinted Sherlock's bisexuality? Or whatever else?
I love that show and rate it 10/10. Why? Because it doesn't pretend to be the books, so they've changed (shortened) the name of the show. And I like when someone shows some respect unlike a movie(s) called Lord of the Rings that don't deserve that title.

I can't stand the guy playing Sherlock or his extreme interpretation. It ruins everything for me. Not a big fan of Hobbit Watson either.
He ruined everything eh? :)
But I like that style, what can I do…

Meanwhile, Utopia ended.

But some questions remained unanswered, wouldn't surprise me they renew the show.

It's unbelievably fantastic, but as I've said in my previous post about it, it will never air in USA. From wikipedia:
UK media regulator Ofcom received 44 complaints about the television series including complaints about violence, offensive language and child actors being involved in scenes of adult content. Thirty seven of the complaints related to a scene at the beginning of the third episode where a shooting takes place in a primary school.[20] Channel 4 also received 28 complaints about the scene. It was aired a month after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut. A spokesman for Channel 4 responded, "Channel 4 thought very carefully about continuing with the planned broadcast of Utopia. The drama is in no way based on real events, and the scenes featuring violence are editorially justified within the context of the storyline. All material has been carefully considered in accordance with the Ofcom Broadcasting Code and we were satisfied that, appropriately scheduled in a late night slot at 10pm and preceded by clear on-air warnings about the graphic violence and very strong language, it could be broadcast as planned."[21]
The problem is… This thing can't be cut out of the show as it has a very important place in the story.
Now, if you do live in USA, try to smuggle it from Mexico or somewhere, the rest of you, press your TV stations to buy and air it!
Apr 12, 2009
Yeah I don't get the hype with Big Bang Theory either. Friends of mine have cited the geek factor (e.g. playing boardgames we do and references to gaming), but it isn't enough for me. Although Blossom is actually one of the funnier characters, at least the few times I've seen it.

Count me as another one who doesn't quite get it. I've only seen a handful of episodes, but they all basically seemed the same. "Bazinga" wasn't funny to me from the start, and I'm pretty sure I'd end up punching Sheldon in the face if I met him in real life.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well if people here are watching Sherlock Holmes (I'm not) you have to be watching Person of Interest.

Man I love that show. When last night's episode introduced a new character I wanted to see more of it and more of her.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I do watch Elementary, does that count? :)
Aug 31, 2006
Count me as another one who doesn't quite get it. I've only seen a handful of episodes, but they all basically seemed the same. "Bazinga" wasn't funny to me from the start, and I'm pretty sure I'd end up punching Sheldon in the face if I met him in real life.

I find it amusing at times, but the awful laugh track is more annoying than anything else. And as someone who has spent my life in the science/engineering fields, the lack of even attempting something realistic is annoying as well. I don't expect it to be like a procedural drama, but ... well, I find it hard to draw an analogy. The only thing that I HAVE seen happen is the scientist/engineer condescension.
Oct 18, 2006
I find it amusing at times, but the awful laugh track is more annoying than anything else. And as someone who has spent my life in the science/engineering fields, the lack of even attempting something realistic is annoying as well. I don't expect it to be like a procedural drama, but … well, I find it hard to draw an analogy. The only thing that I HAVE seen happen is the scientist/engineer condescension.

+1 on the laugh track. Another time I tried to watch the show Sheldon was using his laptop, then says something like: "Oh Ubuntu, it's no wonder I love you most of the Linux based operating systems…" and the crowd went wild. First of all, that isn't funny (not because of some bias against Ubuntu or Linux. It's like stating a fact about some regular product. He could have just as easily been talking about his favorite fabic softener); second, there's no way so many people in the audience would even have known what he was talking about.

So I turned the channel immediately because it was so unfunny. It may sound like I have it out for this show. Maybe I do, because not only is it not funny, but it's on constantly.
Jul 18, 2007
Person Of Interest, Chicago Fire, Criminal Minds, Blue Bloods, NCIS, Elementary, Touch. Maybe a few others. Big Bang Theory is just not funny. And if I see more of these godawful shit reality shows I am going to vomit. It is just ridiculous. This fall on NBC, "Watching paint dry with the stars!! On CBS, "Stars brush their teeth." And on ABC, "Stars trim their hedges" Of course Fox, not to be outdone, brings us "Mopping floors with the stars."
Person Of Interest, Chicago Fire, Criminal Minds, Blue Bloods, NCIS, Elementary, Touch. Maybe a few others. Big Bang Theory is just not funny. And if I see more of these godawful shit reality shows I am going to vomit. It is just ridiculous. This fall on NBC, "Watching paint dry with the stars!! On CBS, "Stars brush their teeth." And on ABC, "Stars trim their hedges" Of course Fox, not to be outdone, brings us "Mopping floors with the stars."

LOL I know. It had seemed as though maybe, just maybe the reality shows were starting to drop off. But no such luck.
Jul 18, 2007
I do watch Elementary, does that count? :)

I don't. But could. Maybe. Now that Utopia ended.

Speaking of which, DVD with all 6 episodes and some bonuses is set to be released as stated on the official site: Mon 11th Mar.
Preorder cost: £14.00.

It's region 2, means you can't watch it (well, on players that can't switch region) unless you live in: Europe, Middle East (including Turkey, Egypt, Arabia), Japan, South Africa.

But that's not all. 10 lucky winners will receive it for free in the contest:

Remember that the contest is for UK residents only!
Apr 12, 2009
Ever heard of Veronica Mars?

It's always among cult tv show lists, but for whatever reason, the show got cancelled without a proper ending in season 3.
IMO season 1 was awsome. But season 2 lost the charm, the case of Lilly Kane was solved in season 1 which ment removal of key characters with stellar performances, and nothing even comparable was introduced to series 2. It wasn't a bad season, but not a masterpiece either. The same goes for season 3.
Still there were fans out there and I fail to understand why (probably only in) USA they cancel series without giving them at least a chance for a final closing episode.

Thanks to kickstarter, the series should now finally get a proper ending:
The goal of $2M was reached in only 11 hours.

One thing if you planned to "join the club" of pledgers, quote from KS page:
"Kickstarter campaign and rewards fulfillment limited to U.S."

Anyways… I've watched the show fully when was available here and I suggest you to watch season 1 of Veronica Mars if you can. You don't have to continue on 2&3 though, but since there will be a closing movie of those, hell, why not.

God bless Kickstarter. I thought there is no way to see more of Firefly. Or Jack of all trades. Or Adventures of Brisco County junior.
Apr 12, 2009
Any of ya'll watching The Americans? I'm only on episode 3, but I love it. If nothing else, not often you see that late 70's/early 80's America period depicted well. I find it interesting to see how American events of the time (like Reagan getting shot and the fallout from Haig's 'I am in control here' comment) were viewed by the Russians (sure its not 100% accurate, but still cool).

And I love Keri Russell, so that's nice! :)
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
No, sorry… Won't watch it.
Why? Because the only show that would deserve the title "The Americans" should be about this event:

And I believe "The Americans" is not about reallife voters on the USA president.

About Russians… Well… I have yet to see a work that would show all things that happened during Stalin's dictatorship, not just movies/series about sending some folks to Sibir, but also stuff like "stealing" food from the people so thousands, even millions died from starvation.
Apr 12, 2009
You won't watch it because of the title?
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Veronica Mars was an excellent show, I really hope they put in some international options for backers. It set several KS records, and I bet they'd make loads more money with some options for non-US peeps. Thomas did this with little or no prep/warning, if he'd been better prepared at the get-go I bet it would be nearer 5 million.

Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Speaking of comedy, I assume everyone here has seen Black Adder 2-4?

If not - do so.

Talking about "black", I recommend "Black books", about the very misantropic bookshop owner not wannabe. With Dylan Moran and Bill Bailey in leading roles. I find it VEEEERY funny.

Other than that I've spent a lot of time training on my ergometer bike and watching Dr. Who (the revived serieses, will try to get the older ones as well) and Torchwood. Saw the 3rd series of the latter this week, which, while still interesting and entertaining, didn't live up to the first 2 series. Also have season 4, but I have my doubts. From what I've read about it there and here the setting seems … overly constructed.

I'm watching Breaking bad with a friend of mine. A good show but increasingly disturbing as the main character develops from someone I could sympathise with to … something completely different.

BTW, lots of interesting and useful (I think) stuff in Joxer's list (sounds like a title of a TV series actually)

I usually watch shows like these on DVD or blu-ray. I seldom have the time or the patience or the flexibility to follow them on TV.

Pibbur who has been to Cardiff. And who is (was) a doctor and sometimes is just as whimsical as the doctor. Without his powers and longevity. And who is slightly less good looking than the captain. And who in general is trueish, but sometimes not exactly truthful. There are fairly blantant lies in what he just wrote.
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The Veronica Mars KS is now almost at 3.4 million, and they've enabled Canadians for rewards, which caused an instant positive spike in donations. Now, to get those Euro peeps brought in!!!

Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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