Dungeons of Chaos


An RPGWatch Bot
July 22, 2022
On a Server
DUNGEONS OF CHAOS is a tribute to the 2D turn-based pixelart RPGs of the 80s.

A game where you can create your party of 6 characters with a few clicks, or spend more time creating a customised party with feats unlocked in previous plays. Where exploration is encouraged and rewarded, with no level cap, non-linear side quests and a vast array of items, item properties, shops and enemies.

The game already has over 30000 happy players on other platforms, and most often they mention the likeness to 80s RPGs like Ultima or the goldbox games. It is retro. Your hand will not be held. It does not try to have realistic 3D graphics. It is not multiplayer, and never will be. If you long for the days when you traded your sleep for a chance to direct a party of adventurers through pixelated lands of exploration and battle glory, then you may want to give it a try.

And as all existing players already know, all fans and myself help out with tips and tricks, mostly on the facebook page but also on my blog if you prefer that. I do not provide or encourage having a complete-detail wiki somewhere, as the fan interaction on questions and strategy are a very enjoyable part of the game. So come join our community of DoC addicts and play a game where a troll is still a hairy monster you can kill, where there are no level caps, where you are not confined by a slim storyline path, and where it all starts with fighting rats in a cave/cellar. Fans have usually spent anything upwards of 80 hours playing it.

More information.
Jul 22, 2022
On a Server
Greetings RPG Gamers! Let me be the first to say how awesome this game is. For those of us who are old enough to remember the final fantasy days, ultima 1-4, dragonwarrior, muds, etc. This game will take you back to those days and make you feel young again. For those of you who are "retro" gamers and don't remember the 80's/90's gaming era, this game will still satisfy your needs.

From the start it is great. You can either run the pre-generated party and have fun with it (I used the default party and beat the BBEG my first time with it) or you can venture on your own and create your own party of 6. You have several choices to start with including barbarian, monk, archer, rogue, priest, wizard; just to name a few. But before that you can spend literally hours rolling your Hit points/spell points, strength and dex trying to find the sweet spot, or just throw it to chance. Then you select your class, and your birth feat. This is the fun part in my opinion. Birth feats range from seriously hard hitting like troll ancestry or orc, to fun stuff like tree hugger which boosts a useful skill. You also have the ability to unlock multiple new BF's (birth feats) through game play. Some are as easy as literally finding an item, or some as difficult as a bare knuckled brawl between you and an NPC archmage.

Speaking of archmage, there are advanced classes to get once you get into the later chapters. You can turn your barbarian into a berserker, your mage into a wizard, your rogue into an assassin; the combinations are what makes the game fun! You wnat to run a party of 6 beefy barbarian/zerkers, do it. Want to liquify everything with 6 mages, okay, do that too. You have unlimited options.

The storyline is great, starting you as nobodies in a cave and taking you across multiple continents looking for monsters, gold, treasure, fame, fortune, and some BBEG dude who likes to mock you. But hey, what kind of BBEG doesn't right?

The best part of this game is the community. The creator is involved with everyone in the Facebook group and hes awesome and loves new ideas and suggestions. The dev team is great and everyone is super helpful. We are all gamers and we do what gamers do and ruffle each other playfully, sympathize over horrendous defeats, and cheer through ultimate victory; especially if you beat the bunnies... It is murder, I won't lie.

But all in all, it's a growing game. The last chapter was just released but there is a ton of stuff to still unlock and Volker is working hard doing it. He has a Patron page so you can support him in his creation(s) and he gives you some nifty perks for supporting him (including being a named bad guy, how cool is that?)

So if you want to slow down and get a good game that will keep you busy for hours on end (I play an average of 6-8 hours a day, sometimes just grinding dragons), then this is your game. You should go buy it right now, you can get it on android/iphone or steam. I'm serious, go get it... I will wait... What, you haven't bought it yet? Well, okay, that's your choice, but... go back and reread this, you may change your mind!
Oct 25, 2017
I spent almost a solid month playing this game, and it is completely worth the investment, both in time and money. If there is ever any additional content released I'll be exploring it immediately!!!! The old school and excellence is strong with this one. Almost excessively so.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Awesome game! Low cost, but hundreds of hrs of fun!

This game is fantastic. You get hundreds of hours of gameplay, tons of options to choose your own parties, and it keeps evolving. Once you purchase the game the creator doesn't make you keep spending more, but he does keep adding things and if you join his FB group you can even submit ideas. I've seen a lot of ideas (even one of my own) get incorporated into the game.

Unlike online multiplayer games (that I used to be addicted to) this is 1 upfront charge. I've saved hundreds by quitting those games and playing this in my free time instead. Very much like old School Ultima and D&D (pools of radiance times), but better in pretty much every aspect.
I Highly recommend giving it a try!
Oct 25, 2017
Michigan USA
I just got the game last week on Steam. Getting ready to play it in the next few days. I made a party and fought a few rats. Wanted to finish up a few other games first before I dig into this old school rpg.

I would love a few tips on party creation and skills if anyone has them. :)
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
Hi Unspeakable,
I've been playing for more than a year now and have created at least 8 different teams. What I've found works really well is to have at least 3 melee characters, and 3 caster/shooters. My favorite team is to start out with 2 fighters, 1 rogue, (all focused on hand to hand). You need at least 1 healer in your team and you have 2 options for that from the beginning that are Monk and Cleric. For your first team I'd suggest cleric because they are going to have more healing power early in the game. If you choose monk you are going to have a faster player with less mana. It's harder basically. I have had teams with and without Rangers/Archers (shooters). I prefer to skip them and instead get 1 mage, and 1 druid. Each can learn almost every attack spell in the game and will help you get through a lot of tricky situations. They can also learn heal spells and back up your cleric. Birthfeats are trickier as the options are so open. I'm going to let you figure this out on your own, but if you want great info from players who are admittedly more committed to the game and thus more knowledgeable Join the games facebook page. There you can interact not only with other players, but the developer as well. https://www.facebook.com/groups/198849273863516/.
Once you get past chapter 1 of the game you will have quests where you can change the classes of your characters to stronger classes. Make sure to visit the trainers and invest the points you get leveling up into skills, spells, and strength and Dex upgrades. For mages, druids, clerics, and monks put them into magic lore at Parnoz (the wizard), Then you can upgrade spells from the character menu by clicking on the character, Pressing the "abilities" tab, Then clicking spells. There is a + button that will scroll you through the spell types. For Fighters, rangers, and rogues I suggest putting those points into strength mainly. Especially for chapter 1. Play around with it. Try different combos. Talk to everyone and have fun. If you have more questions let us know and we'll be happy to help. I do suggest the FB page. I played a long time without joining and regretted that later. There is no better place to learn!
Thanks and good luck!
Oct 25, 2017
Michigan USA
So much unbridled enthusiasm in this thread I actually suspected a troll thread.
Aug 13, 2013
I don't know who Unspeakable is, but I can agree that Dungeons of Chaos is a pretty fun game for it's price. It's not going to blow you away with its graphics or story line, but it does have pretty good character building and overall game mechanics. It can be a bit of a grind fest, so if that's not your thing then I'd suggest you skip it. Otherwise its a good game for it's cost.
May 24, 2013
San Jose, California
Unspeakable could be the title under Hastar's image, I believe. Or I could be entirely mistaken. More to the point, go purchase Dungeons of Chaos, then play it. You'll be surprised, in a great way.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Hadn't noticed it, on Mac, looks at least worth a try no matter if I really play it fully or not, small price plus a gentle sale, bought. :=)
Oct 14, 2007
I've played it about 5 hours now. It does have a certain old school charm about it with its open world. I like the D&D style classes too. It certainly does have its weaknesses though (writing and visuals, for example). There is a class guide on Steam. My party is a barbarian, a ranger, a monk, a rogue, a wizard, and a druid. Despite what the guide says, I think you can pass on a cleric with a monk-druid combo. There seem to be specialists (barbarian and fighter are the melee specialists, archer the range specialist, rogue is the skill specialist, wizard the offensive magic specialist and cleric the healing specialist) and hybrid types (druid is a mage-cleric, monk is sort of a melee cleric, ranger is a an archer-fighter) I think if you keep that in mind you can create a pretty decent party. You probably want someone with offensive and defensive magic, a rogue, and a couple of characters who melee, and maybe someone who can use missle weapons well.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
I just got the game last week on Steam. Getting ready to play it in the next few days. I made a party and fought a few rats. Wanted to finish up a few other games first before I dig into this old school rpg.

I would love a few tips on party creation and skills if anyone has them. :)

I'm running a troll barbarian>berzerker, a Troll fighter>samurai, a dynamo monk>exorcist, a righteous monk>priest, and two intellect mage>wizard>archmages.

Give the barb an axe, jack strength, a skyslicer and enchant it heavy, and either go unarmed or use a lifesteal staff for the exo. Using holy curse and destabilize matter I annihilate zomok's pets.

Or just run the standard party, it's good and will let you beat the game with little or no fuss.
Oct 25, 2017
I just started this and it brings back Ultima III vibes.
Oct 18, 2006
There are a ton of class and build choices. I love it!

Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, Archer, Rogue, Monk, Cleric, Druid.

Warrior, Knight, Samurai, Beserker, Marksman, Assassin, Priest, Exorcist, Geomancer, Wizard, Warlock, and Archmage.

W00t! Wizardry vibes for this part.

Then you have something similar to Birthsigns from TES or Origins from Dragon Age:

Physique, Dwarven Ancestor, Noble Origins, Protege, et al.

Some of these have negatives along with positives for that Daggerfall feeling.

Tree Hugger lets you summon animals but you can't wear shoes or necklaces. There are some feats/insights that are only unlocked by advancing in the game.

Spells have an interesting mechanic for leveling too. This isn't find a book and be able to blast away. It is a mix of training and using and even then finding a book about a certain spell assists in your ability to level it up:

Oct 18, 2006
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