DA: The Awakening - Velanna Video

Hmm, is that LOTR music I hear?
Dec 30, 2009
I don't know what is the RPGWatch's policy regarding news and opinion, but I would prefer news posts like this to be more neutral. There were other examples in the past (I think also from you, Dhruin), where I ended up thinking the same.
Dec 24, 2008
London, UK
I would stay away from Evil Avatar...used to go there alot. However, found out the guy running it had screwed over alot of people. Not a good place at all.
Apr 17, 2007
Personally I'd prefer it if RPG didn't get so sanitised that we can't even handle minor witticisms like "Morigan II". I don't want it to be the Codex, either, and I think the editors do a fine job of keeping that balance.
Jul 26, 2007
I don't know what is the RPGWatch's policy regarding news and opinion, but I would prefer news posts like this to be more neutral. There were other examples in the past (I think also from you, Dhruin), where I ended up thinking the same.

You'll have to put up with it, I'm sorry. I typically post 25 to 50 newsbits per week, and have done so every week since 2003. Every now and then, I feel the need to get out of the straight jacket just a little.

Your comment is noted, though.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
My expectations of this site are not the same as my expectations of cnn.com and both sites do a very good job. Adding opinion on posts here is very appropriate in my view.
Oct 23, 2006
I would stay away from Evil Avatar…used to go there alot. However, found out the guy running it had screwed over alot of people. Not a good place at all.

What you thought the guy running EVIL AVATAR, was a good guy??? that would have been a real rip-off.........
Oct 25, 2006
Hmm is that Alistair as king (refered as *your majesty*) I see in the Ander video? Seems like Bioware will make Alistair a king for sure in the Awakening and that he won't be joinable NPC. Pity. I really liked Alistair :(
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Seems like Bioware will make Alistair for sure in the Awakening and that he won't be joinable NPC. Pity. I really liked Alistair :(
If they really forgo many of the old party members, I hope they don't include too many new love intrests while ignoring the old ones. Especially after seeing how ME2 treated old love intrests.
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Dec 30, 2009
I just don't think it was a very witty, or fitting jab myself. So all angsty female spell casters are Morrigan analogs ? She doesn't seem very similar to Morrigan other than the angst, and magic.... It does seem like a dig at DA just to do it.
Oct 13, 2009
I typically post 25 to 50 newsbits per week, and have done so every week since 2003. Every now and then, I feel the need to get out of the straight jacket just a little.

Completely understandable. And thanks for all of your work over the years.

Anders is definitely Alistair II. Same attitude, same general look and even (I believe) the same voice actor.

I don't know enough about Velanna to see the parallel, except for her low-cut top and nasty attitude.
Sep 6, 2009
I just don't think it was a very witty, or fitting jab myself. So all angsty female spell casters are Morrigan analogs ? She doesn't seem very similar to Morrigan other than the angst, and magic…. It does seem like a dig at DA just to do it.

It's not just a dig at DA, which is one of my favourite games from the last several years. Anders sounds and looks very similar, even down to the humour - "well good luck with that" is pure Alistair to me. Angsty female casters with a similar (same?) haircut and the same staff - yes, I'm going to think of Morrigan. I admit on re-watching the voice isn't anywhere near as close as I first thought it was.


While I don't think a forum thread proves much, a bunch of people saying "I can't believe they made a white-haired Morrigan!" must at least suggest it might be an issue.

All that said, the video is a few seconds. The in-game experience may be vastly different. My suspicion, however, is that since both Morrigan and Alistair are unavailable as party-members, BioWare intentionally made replacements to lessen the blow to some fans.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Angsty female casters with a similar (same?) haircut and the same staff - yes, I'm going to think of Morrigan.

And the boobies. Don't forget the boobies.
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Sep 6, 2009
I do hope they at least explain the similarities in-game. If Anders was Alistair's twin-brother I'd understand the vocal uh.. similarities, but otherwise it's just wrong to re-use the voice like that, even though I liked the voice acting a lot.
Aug 30, 2006
Here's update on DA: Awakening. Its a FAQ. I am very, severely diappointed. They lied to us again. Choices in DAO is important my ass =.=;


1.7 – If I had a romance in Origins, does it carry over into Awakening? (Back to top)

Romances do not carry forward in Awakening, because you are away from your previous life fighting a new threat.

wtf seriously. So my human noble marries Alistair, becomes a Queen and then get booted out from castle to become a grey warden commander and meet Alistair on commander/king based relationship only. Wow, is it just me, or theres no consequences in Awakening no matter what choices you make in DAO?

Another example:

2.3 – If my PC died at the end of Dragon Age: Origins how are they alive in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening? (Back to top)

If a player wants to, they can import their "Dead Warden" into Awakening and play as them. For the story it's assumed that they didn't make the ultimate sacrifice, instead somehow survived. A player would start as the same level with the same gear as their "Dead Warden". Essentially, if a player doesn't have a problem hand-waiving the story in this regard - neither do we.

Seriously, fuck you Bioware.

1.9 – Which Dragon Age: Origins NPC will be returning? (Back to top)

Besides Oghren who plays a large role in Awakening, there are cameos and returning characters. For companions you'll potentially meet Loghain, Wynne, and Alistair depending on your decisions in Origins. In regards to NPCs, Master Wade and Herren reprise their roles, with Wade offering to make even more fantastical goods if the player brings his list of ingredients. Loghain's daughter, Anora, may also appear in Awakening depending on your choices in Origins. From David Gaider's novel "The Calling" - both the Architect and Utha are present in Awakening.

Nice try there.
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