Neverwinter Nights: EE - Dark Dreams of Furiae DLC Released


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition DLC Dark Dreams of Furiae has been released.

Dark Dreams of Furiae: A City on the Edge of Hell

In the fallen city of Furiae, ruled by devils and despots, a quiet war wages for the hearts and minds of the people. Into this chaos, a new arcane substance is smuggled: worldwine. Worldwine is deadly to devils, and turns mortals into dream-addled fanatics.As a mortal of Furiae, you have a vested interest in this new operation. Could worldwine serve as a tool against the oppressive regime? Or will a passive populace simply succumb to their rule? What dark forces hide beneath the city, feeding on the dreams of the afflicted? Fight to save a damned city in this planar mystery adventure...
Key Features

  • 10 hours of brand new gameplay for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
  • Solo and co-op play
  • Original Music Score
  • Takes characters from level 5 to level 8
  • Several new in-game items to add to your own campaigns, including the worldwine potion and equippable devil horns
  • Time is of the essence: day/night cycle marches on; your choices bring new events
  • Daily news sheet adapts to your decisions and gives adventure clues
  • Based on the Planescape D&D campaign setting
  • Events coincide with official D&D tabletop campaign, Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Thanks Lucky Day!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Never looked better - which isn't saying a whole lot. Impressive legs for such an ancient game though
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
That is one ugly game. :)

The game was a downgrade from BG prerendered graphics but it isn't that ba when you look from its 2002 perspective. Also it gave us some really fine mods
Mar 25, 2020
The game was a downgrade from BG prerendered graphics but it isn't that ba when you look from its 2002 perspective. Also it gave us some really fine mods

Just remember that JDR is a ‘NWN thread troll’ - he has no interest in the game, has never said anything positive, has no intention to really try it (except to ‘hate play’ maybe) ... but yet he cannot help but come in and crap all over any NWN thread. I don’t get it, but evidently that is just who he is as a person. Personally I like NWN, but even if I didn’t I would just choose to stay away because I believe that people are allowed to like the games they like.
Oct 18, 2006
I played NWN and its expansions, a few user created content modules. I loved it. Just not for the graphics. Early hardware accelerated stuff is pretty painful. NWN2 is great its unfortunate the engines aren't compatible.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Apparently this mod has new music and new tilesets.

I can't wait for them to get into a future patch.

I've never really been interested in any of the paid mods and this is no exception. That said, Pirates of the Sword Coast was great!

I bought the Diamond edition on Gog when it was $2 and I've waiting for EE to go really on sale because they throw in a copy of the all the Premium Mods if you had it. I doubt that includes the new DLC though.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Just remember that JDR is a ‘NWN thread troll’ - he has no interest in the game, has never said anything positive, has no intention to really try it (except to ‘hate play’ maybe) … but yet he cannot help but come in and crap all over any NWN thread. I don’t get it, but evidently that is just who he is as a person. Personally I like NWN, but even if I didn’t I would just choose to stay away because I believe that people are allowed to like the games they like.

You don't seem to post much here anymore except to overreact to people's comments and then go on mini-rants attacking them for no real reason. On top of that, you seem to have a penchant for exaggeration or straight up dishonesty.

I'm not sure at what point you became so overly sensitive, but if you can't handle other people's opinions on a message board then maybe you should do the rest of us a favor and self-quarantine from posting.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Initial reviews say it's a bit average, is short and has some serious bugs.

I've played very little but NWN:EE for the past 12+ months. User created content, mainly PWs, and the vast array of character building options make for a great challenge and endless variety. To still be around 18 odd years after release speaks for itself.
Apr 9, 2015
Looks like there's an initial problem with Lucenna attacking another plot character for infinity. Its a game breaking bug where you can't continue.

However, restarting apparently fixes it.

The new tileset has been built by Zwerkules - Medieval City and its been available for awhile. Zwerkules is hilarious. When he starts daily on Discord he picks someone random on it on to confuse.

That would be great if it gets integrated. Still trying to find out what the music is.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Initial reviews say it's a bit average, is short and has some serious bugs.

I've played very little but NWN:EE for the past 12+ months. User created content, mainly PWs, and the vast array of character building options make for a great challenge and endless variety. To still be around 18 odd years after release speaks for itself.

That has been my experience so far as well. Not likely a module I will replay after finishing it ... don’t regret the $4.50 though.

I played all of the official stuff also over the last ~6-9 months (plus Daggerford, which isn’t officially official but was meant to be so I count it), and this is one of the weaker ones, but hey ... not terrible.

You don't seem to post much here anymore except to overreact to people's comments and then go on mini-rants attacking them for no real reason. On top of that, you seem to have a penchant for exaggeration or straight up dishonesty.

I'm not sure at what point you became so overly sensitive, but if you can't handle other people's opinions on a message board then maybe you should do the rest of us a favor and self-quarantine from posting.

Very interesting response. I was not over-sensitive, didn’t over-react, and didn’t go on a rant. You are right that my posting is sporadic, but wrong about the content of my posts. I came to this thread because I am directly interested in NWN and this new module - there was an announcement thread before and now the release thread.

And I do come to loads of threads where NWN is mentioned, and you invariably comment to the negative, occasionally talking about how you ‘tried to play’ but couldn’t. OK, fine ... but I tend to call BS because it is the same thing again and again. It seems much more likely that you decided (like with KotOR) that you don’t like it and therefore whenever it comes up you regurgitate the same exact things over and over.

I am not concerned about negative or contrary opinions, and welcome honest debate ... but that isn’t what is is going on here. You have made your dislike of NWN and NWN:EE clear, and guess what - they aren’t going to magically get better. So perhaps you should contemplate your own actions - and allow those who are actually interested to have a discussion without feeling the need to piss on every thread just to keep over-inflating your post count with incredibly low signal-to-noise nonsense like this?
Oct 18, 2006
Very interesting response. I was not over-sensitive, didn’t over-react, and didn’t go on a rant. You are right that my posting is sporadic, but wrong about the content of my posts. I came to this thread because I am directly interested in NWN and this new module - there was an announcement thread before and now the release thread.

And I do come to loads of threads where NWN is mentioned, and you invariably comment to the negative, occasionally talking about how you ‘tried to play’ but couldn’t. OK, fine … but I tend to call BS because it is the same thing again and again. It seems much more likely that you decided (like with KotOR) that you don’t like it and therefore whenever it comes up you regurgitate the same exact things over and over.

I am not concerned about negative or contrary opinions, and welcome honest debate … but that isn’t what is is going on here. You have made your dislike of NWN and NWN:EE clear, and guess what - they aren’t going to magically get better. So perhaps you should contemplate your own actions - and allow those who are actually interested to have a discussion without feeling the need to piss on every thread just to keep over-inflating your post count with incredibly low signal-to-noise nonsense like this?

My response was dead on. You did overreact, as is typical of you lately, and launched a personal attack over it. On top of that, I see you chose to follow it up with yet another personal attack backed up by more of your usual dishonest bullshit.

You say it seems more likely that I decided I didn't like it? What is that even supposed to mean? I played the game before I came to my opinion. Then you mention KotOR which is funny because I played that to completion. I notice you often like to insinuate that someone with a different opinion must not have actually played the game in question. Thing is, I'm pretty sure you know they did. That's just part of that dishonest angle I was referring to.

I said the game was ugly. The horror! The only other comment I've made about NWN recently was after I played the EE a few months back and said it was "extremely clunky" which it most certainly is by today's standards.

That doesn't make someone a troll. If you're going to devolve into a whiny bitch every time someone states an opinion that you don't like, you're better off not posting at all.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Apr 12, 2009
That could be anything except Baldur's Gate. At least it isn't JRPG.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
any good PWs to try? and do you have an adventuring party you play with?
Initial reviews say it's a bit average, is short and has some serious bugs.

I've played very little but NWN:EE for the past 12+ months. User created content, mainly PWs, and the vast array of character building options make for a great challenge and endless variety. To still be around 18 odd years after release speaks for itself.
Jun 18, 2019
I reckon its Jade Empire. They haven't soiled that one yet.

Interesting thought ... I would have assumed not since Jade Empire was a ‘commercial failure’ (in AAA game standards) which is why it didn’t get a sequel? But who knows - perhaps they are trying to leverage the old Bioware goodwill?
Oct 18, 2006
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