Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Tip and Tricks -

As I am not into thievery I guess I will not be able to unlock these locks anyways I guess. Not really lots of options to train this skill otherwise, which is somewhat realistic I guess.
Jun 2, 2012
But you are into thievery. Hunting game is against the law. :p
Unless you're a noble and you're not, or if you have a hunting permit. Not sure if the permit is obtainable somewhere, if I find a possibility to get it I'll write.
Apr 12, 2009
Well, you know what I mean. Hunting is also 0 Danger, compared to breaking into houses.

Also not a lot of lockpicking going on when hunting :p
Jun 2, 2012
Yea but… It' not like I'm only stealing everything and not playing the game.
Perhaps I should have been stealing everything first then go on with the story because I just discovered a longsword better than Queen of Sheba. More durable and more damage.

You cannot buy it (at least I haven't seen it anywhere) and to get it you need to rob the trunk with certain person's possessions. While they're sleeping of course. Who has it?
Hans. After you're done with his quests. Grab it in his room while he's sleeping because he'll put it in the trunk.

It's stats (QoS has 65 slash/pierce damage and durability just 10):


I'm not sure if this is the best longsword in the game. If I find a better one or spot this one somewhere available without stealing, I'll post.
Apr 12, 2009
There is a couple of chests out there (like in bandit camps) that have locks.
Oct 13, 2007
Back to those "bandits camps" quest chain Kordanor was asking about. The one near Sasau (require doing Rattay and Talmberg first) reward 900 groshen per camp and 625 groshen per ear (+ whatever loot you find).

You probably don't need the money once you are that far unless you are like me and just enjoy spending your money on food, bathhouse services, drinks, horse equipment and books.
Oct 13, 2007
lol, I just clean my clothes there and bath. I don't take the extra services.
Oct 13, 2007
What is a groshen ?

In Poland even now the smallest coin is 1 grosz so, it seems, that it's Central European kind of thing :)
Jan 10, 2008
There are 5 ancient treasure maps in the game and 25 "normal" treasure maps.
But it doesn't mean total of treasure spots is 30.

There is 31th treasure described with jotted notes "riddle" in the Monastery near Prior's quarters. The treasure you get by solving it is crapload of items you won't use really but sell for a chunk of $. The location of that treasure will be marked as an interesting site when you approach it:
on a small river island east of monastery (entrance).

As I said I didn't go for other treasures yet to avoid getting overpowered too early. Since this one is not a drawn map but is a written riddle and I just had to try to find it. I suck when it comes to riddles I know, I just have to crack them all.
While it's not intended, this particular treasure and probably the game itself can be taken as a hidden message to dubs insisting subs hating audience:
learn to read = profit.
Apr 12, 2009
A separate post as I finished the game and some things I wish I did differently.
In other words I wish I really turned every stone in this game, but I just couldn't because of bugs.

I will definetly replay the game with even more detailed playthrough, no question about it, as I've noticed random people have hints on your current quest although you were never pointed to ask about that (example: your "crush" wants you to get water carrying job for Antonia - if I didn't chase the courting sidequest at the same time I'd probably never notice it).

But there is one thing I want to say for the game start. As your starting attribute, pick 2 Speech points. It's the hardest attribute/skill to master as only fresh chatty (white lines in dialogues and not gray) and successful 1st time persuasions improve it - the persuasion chatty with random encounters although marked as new options won't improve speech!
You can still roleplay an ignorant fool and not take it, but in such case you should stick with only the main story till the end so your speech and general knowledge will stay low - carefully hidden criticism and an obvious middlefinger to fastrunners and IGN reviewers, I just have to adore this game and devs who dared to make it this way.

Aditionally, and I believe we all agree, you should force only the main story till the point you get your own horse before starting actual world exploration.
What we might not agree, but I have to suggest, is after getting your horse immediate visiting apothecary in Rattay to get learning to read sidequest then rush to Uzhitz and learn it.
Note also that reading maps at least once, although drawn, will improve your literacy (once you learn to read). Make sure you sit on a bench or on your bed so reading bonus XP kicks in.
Learning alchemy recipes won't improve reading.
Reading skill is not necessary to finish the game. In fact fastrunners shouldn't go for it. Again, a huge respect from me to devs for making this the way it is.

Unlike Bugrym, Bugdom Come dares to be a work of art. It questions morals and values of modern society while being set in medieval age.
Here's hope we won't wait too long for a detailed patch. It would be a shame.
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Apr 12, 2009
I understand that you've missed parts of the game due to bugs but how long it took you to finish it (without restarts)?
Jan 10, 2008
(example: your "crush" wants you to get water carrying job for Antonia - if I didn't chase the courting sidequest at the same time I'd probably never notice it).

In my playthrough, Antonia seem to have fetched her and she got to me right when I was done hunting down the Baliff to give him my choices. She actually interrupted my conversation with the Baliff.

Some NPCs are going to run after you for a long time too. I had Ushitz guards arrest me in Rattay, like 3 days after I bolted from that place (with a fine on my head). I had the time to go to Sasau and a few other place before that caught me, lol.

What we might not agree, but I have to suggest, is after getting your horse immediate visiting apothecary in Rattay to get learning to read sidequest then rush to

I got the "learn to read" quest from the Parish Priest in Rattay.
Oct 13, 2007
I understand that you've missed parts of the game due to bugs but how long it took you to finish it (without restarts)?

I wrote it in "finished" thread. 117 hours of battling with bugs. I didn't restart it anywhere except I loaded previous hours in several cases where a game got screwed so much I had to.
Note that I deliberately skipped stuff that would turn the game into easy mode (didn't dig out any of 30 treasures, didn't grind/train combat for hours just to max stats, etc). To be honest I was scared some of it could bug the game even more.
All of it is something I left for replay where I intend to dig out all treasures immediately after I get the horse, a shovel and learn to lockpick hard locks.

I got the "learn to read" quest from the Parish Priest in Rattay.
It's possible I remember it wrong, but I believe the one who gave it in my game was the apothecar.
Apr 12, 2009
Haven't had any real bad bugs so far. Just tons of minor ones.

And several "stupid" gameplay decisions. For example the beforementioned water carrying quest. I talked to Theresa (more or less by accident) and she suggested that I chose a specific person. However I expressed my doubts. And this conversation decision is taken into account as "nope, not going to happen" which I didn't intend (she was pissed).

Same as another point in the game when you can decide to take a shirt off infront of a noble. Which the game takes as "I will jump into the bed with you".

Other point, right from the start: "Can you help me" translates to "please beat this guy up for me!" for the game.

People were mad about the Fallout 4 Dialogue system and personally I hardly had any problems there (just don't chose the sarcastic option). Yes, in KCD you can see what the character will say as answer, but you will not see what your characters follow-up-dialogues are/ what this implicates for the game. Combined with the lack of quicksaves it's actually "worse" than Fallout 4 in that regard.
Jun 2, 2012
Oh, btw: I got this perk that I got bonus attributes if I eat and drik just right for about 3 days (never hungry, never ate too much). However, this thing is always active.
Guess that's an omni-present bug for me.
Jun 2, 2012
No wonder you have doubts, she's female in medieval setting. Not fit for heavy weight transport. Once you learn improved first aid, you can beef up Antonia.
The point is she needs a job desperately. So put her on cleaning shit. If you want to help her at all.

The shirt point leading to bed in the game is top notch. It's medieval setting, not modern/facebook "wanna sex" communication we see today.

I have no idea which "can you help me" means beating. In fact there is a random encounter where a beggar yells help me, you come to talk to him and then he calls a pair of bandits to rob you.

I despise default FO4 yea/nay/maybe/2ndmaybe dialogue system. So I used the mod.

I refused to take that perk.
Apr 12, 2009
Well, she gave me a shirt and as she was the superior, another answer would have been unpolite.

The beating I was talking of is the very first quest you are on. You try to convince this guy that he should give you the money. You fail. You ask your friends whether they could help you. They beat him up.

Just won the horse-race and now have to redo it as I got stuck , standing on my horse…gnaah…
Jun 2, 2012
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