What games are you playing now?

Blood was great. Blood 2 was not (IMO).

The funny thing is that I've been lamenting about the absence of a WindowsXP version for a long time now... without ever realizing how well it plays in DosBox.

I still have original boxed copies of both Bood games. I never did finish Blood 2 though, It ran like crap on the computer I had back when I bought the game, and I never got back around to playing it again.

I'm still hoping that someday they'll release the source code for Blood so that someone can port it to XP and Vista with higher resolutions like they did with Duke Nukem 3D.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I managed to aquire a DVD version of Outcast yesterday, in an second-hand shop.

Never knew there was one.

I payed only 3 Euros for it, which is a bargain.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
My new games I'm playing are Legend: Hand of God, Silverfall: Earth Awakening, and I am on the beta for Geneforge 5 for the Mac (shhh!).

For Retrospective stuff, I just finished NOLF and am playing NOLF 2. Also replaying all of the Troika games - Arcanum, Temple of Elemental Evil and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Newer stuff including Jedi Academy (5 years now) and XIII and Postal 2 and soon Deus Ex Invisible War. Still working on the 'class of 98' with Half-Life and SiN and Baldur's Gate. Going even further back, I'm finishing up Betrayal at Krondor, Might & Magic II (from '88) and VI (from 93).

That is all PC and Mac ... not much on the PSP but replays, but on the DS I've been working on a review for the soon to be released Disgaea DS. Next week I get a few PSP games and a metric crapload of PC stuff ...
Oct 18, 2006
I bought KOTOR 2 today for 4 Euros on a flea market - is it wise to play it before KOTOR 1 ?
And what about the restauration project ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I bought KOTOR 2 today for 4 Euros on a flea market - is it wise to play it before KOTOR 1 ?
And what about the restauration project ?

There is some info from #2 that could be considered 'spoilers' for #1 ... but if you haven't heard most of it by now anyway I'd be surprised.
Oct 18, 2006
Desperate to fight interesting enemies I modded Medieval 2 by lowering recruitment requirements, setting the starting year to 1430, and getting rid of any peasant archers/spear militia/ballistae and most pre-citadel troop types. The change helped immensely. All of a sudden I am invaded by a reasonable late game German army of Imperial knights, Zweihander, and handgunners.

I bought KOTOR 2 today for 4 Euros on a flea market - is it wise to play it before KOTOR 1 ?
And what about the restauration project ?

You dont lose all that much story-wise by playing Kotor 2 first, but there are some (minor) mechanic/interface improvements in the sequel that might make Kotor 1 feel less enjoyable.

The ending makes more sense with the restoration project (the ending is extremely sparse without). It's probably worth waiting for (if Team Gizka manages a release before new year).

Btw, Kotor 2 is significantly darker than the first game, so you might appreciate the first title (which has more of a happy ending fairy tale tone to it) more.
Nov 4, 2006
I'm busy testing ant mounds, dungeons and gargoyle fighting animations for U6P. Who has time to play games!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Thanks for your opinions.

I think I'll buy KOROT 1 then during the next few months.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Like that on your currrent avatar picture ? ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
KOTOR 1 is great. I also bought KOTOR 2 quite cheap. Also waiting for Gizka. In the meantime I'm still playing Drakensang... Don't find the time to play anymore. Damn. Maybe tonight I get lucky... ;D
Aug 4, 2008
Baldur's Gate STILL going, just beat "Davey" down in the cloakwood mines. My total loot score for the entire Cloakwood slog was about 25K - that's with identification fees and un-liquidated items (like those boots of speed!) included. Nice haul.

Since im planning on putting a new hard drive in my gaming rig soon, Ive decided to bust out a couple Starforce-infected games and give them a go. Rise and Fall:Civs at War is one i was waiting for, when it bombed i was happy to pick it up for like 5 bucks at Circuit city. So far it's an alright RTS w/ "hero-mode", you can at times go down into 3rd person mode and kick ass personally amongst your troops. Wasnt a critical hit, but I think it's pretty cool!
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Yesterday evening I noticed that I've been fooled. I got REALLY angry about that.

Worst is, that I was looking straight into it, like the protagionist of "Going postal" always says.

Point is, that my KOTOR2 game I bought in a flea market contained 3 discs. I assume that 4 are usually in there, since they have numbers printed on them.

I'm angry at me, because I even checked the CDs for scratches ( I always do ) !

I almost assume that they've even swapped the hull of the package: The plastic "spin" where you place the discs on reads on thetop a "3", meaning 3 discs. Some games have this.

I have a suspicious feeling as if this was the brother or so of who sold me NWN1 last year at the same place - also with I think disc 1 missing.

This seems to be a cheap way to betray people: sell the game but keep the playing disc so you still can play it ...


On the other hand, both KOTOR games are currently sold on ebay for only a few Euros ... This might soothe my anger ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'm currently wanting to try out the new online trading card game that has come to SWG - I mean its "free trial".

However, during the process of making an account I find a very disturbing point in their "agreement" :

EVERY artwork, idea, whatever product of creative energies, will be from the moment on one sends it to SOE - no matter whether they want it being sent to them or not (a point above says they can't accept any creative works at all), WILL become property of SOE - for ALL times and in the WHOLE universe !

This is the exact text in the German-languwge agreement:

Sämtliche kreativen Vorschläge, Ideen, Anmerkungen, Zeichnungen, Konzepte oder andere Informationen, die Sie uns zusenden – ob nun auf unseren ausdrücklichen Wunsch oder entgegen unserer Bitte, davon abzusehen - („Einsendungen") und sämtlicher lizenzierter Inhalt wird vom Augenblick der Erstellung als Eigentum von SOE erachtet. Dementsprechend sollen sämtliche jetzt bekannten oder in Zukunft existierenden Urheberrechte einschließlich anderer Rechte an geistigen Eigentum an allen Einsendungen und lizenzierten Inhalten jeglicher Art und Natur auf alle Zeiten und im gesamten Universum exklusiv SOE gehören. Für den Fall, dass eines der oben genannten Regelungen ungültig oder nicht durchsetzbar sein sollte, stimmen Sie damit überein, dass sämtliche Nutzungsrechte urheberrechtlicher sowie sonstiger Art an den Einsendungen und lizenzierten Inhalte hiermit unwiderruflich und ausschließlich SOE eingeräumt werden. Sie stimmen in jedem Falle damit überein, dass SOE unwiderruflich im gesamten Universum und auf alle Zeiten dazu berechtigt ist, jegliche Einsendung und/oder lizenzierte Inhalte zu verwenden, zu reproduzieren, zu verändern, anzupassen, zu veröffentlichen, zu senden, zu lizenzieren, auszuführen, einzusenden, zu verkaufen, zu übersetzen, abgeleitete Arbeiten zu erstellen und zu vertreiben für jeden erdenklichen Zweck – kommerziell oder anders – in jedem jetzt bekannten oder in Zukunft erdachten Medium ohne Entschädigung und ohne Urhebernennung des Autors der Einsendung und/oder des lizenzierten Inhalts. Sie verzichten auf jegliche Ansprüche, dass der Gebrauch einer Einsendung und/oder eines lizenzierten Inhalts durch SOE und/oder seine Lizenznehmer jegliches Ihrer Rechte verletzt – einschließlich, aber nicht darauf begrenzt, moralische Rechte, Recht auf Privatsphäre, Öffentlichkeitsrechte, Eigentums- oder andere Rechte und/oder Rechte auf Würdigung des darin verwendeten Materials oder der Ideen. Sollten Sie eine Einsendung oder einen lizenzierten Inhaltzur Verfügung stellen, versichern Sie, dass Sie mindest ens achtzehn Jahre alt sind. Falls Sie jünger als achtzehn Jahre alt sein sollten, müssen Sie zuerst SOE unter license@soe.sony.com kontaktieren, um eine Unterschriftserlaubnis für einen Elternteil oder Vormund zu erhalten.

This is almost as bad as Google's "agreement" that practically everything that is displayed through thrir browser automaticalkly belongs to them / becomes their property.

This is the English-languegge version of it:

Any and all creative suggestions, ideas, notes, drawings, concepts or other information that you send to us, whether at our specific request or despite our request that you not do so ("Submissions") and any and all Licensed Content shall be deemed, and shall remain, the property of SOE from the moment of creation. Accordingly, SOE shall exclusively own all now known or hereafter existing copyrights and all other intellectual property rights to all Submissions and Licensed Content of every kind and nature, in perpetuity, throughout the universe. To the extent that any of the above may be void or unenforceable, you agree that any and all Submissions and Licensed Content are hereby irrevocably assigned to SOE, together with all intellectual property rights therein. In any event, you agree that SOE shall be irrevocably entitled to, throughout the universe and in perpetuity, use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, broadcast, license, perform, post, sell, translate, create derivative works from and distribute any Submission and/or Licensed Content for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, in any medium now known or hereafter devised, without compensation or credit to the provider of the Submission and/or Licensed Content. You also give up any claim that any use by SOE and/or its licensee(s) of any Submission and/or Licensed Content violates any of your rights, including but not limited to moral rights, privacy rights, rights to publicity, proprietary or other rights, and/or rights to credit for the material or ideas set forth therein. If you provide any Submission or Licensed Content, you promise that you are eighteen years of age or older; if you are under eighteen years of age, you must first contact SOE at license@soe.sony.com to obtain an agreement for your parent or guardian to sign.

I won't feed this shark with my creative works !
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
The Witcher :Enhanced Version
Legend: Hand of God (Normal Difficulty 1st time through)
Titan Quest : Immortal Throne (Epic Difficulty)
Loki (Norse Warrior Normal Difficulty 1st time through)
NWN2 (Act 2)

Coming Soon:

Sacred 2 ;)
Jan 2, 2008
i gave in and am dl'ing the free trial of Everquest II, my fiancee just wants to craft, explore, and heal, and really no singleplayer game will let her do that without throwing tons of enemies at her. So i get to be her official damage soak, while she crafts and explores.

I think that there is a pretty big market for a "peaceful" mmo, where all you do is run around and explore and craft and all that. I mean, youd have to hunt down certain wild animals for some things youd need, but have there be an ecosystem. Id even play that. That's all she wants in a game, unfortunately any sp game she plays is so loaded to the gills w/ enemies!

So here we go, been downloading EQII for a few hours now... wish me luck!

Besides this recent sea change of gaming priorities, Ive been playing Baldur's Gate (finally in the city proper!) and trying to get into Rise and Fall:Civs at war. It's an ok RTS, it just has some real ai issues and I dont really like the control scheme that much. WASD are actually camera keys in RTS mode, unchangeable. Pretty lame, anyone who's worth their rts salt moves their cam view w/ mouse and minimap. C'mon, this isnt 1998

Giving Kings Bounty demo a spin, and I have to say - Im quite impressed! Although I always am at first w/ a TB game, then they promptly induce chroic narcolepsy in me by mission 4, i think i very well may buy a case of No Doz and give the full version a spin.

That is, if I ever get away from Everquest, bleargh!
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
i gave in and am dl'ing the free trial of Everquest II, my fiancee just wants to craft, explore, and heal, and really no singleplayer game will let her do that without throwing tons of enemies at her. So i get to be her official damage soak, while she crafts and explores.

I think that there is a pretty big market for a "peaceful" mmo, where all you do is run around and explore and craft and all that. I mean, youd have to hunt down certain wild animals for some things youd need, but have there be an ecosystem. Id even play that. That's all she wants in a game, unfortunately any sp game she plays is so loaded to the gills w/ enemies!
Remember a few years back when Val (over at the Dot) was running for Pharoah or some such title in a game she was playing? I think she was playing Guild Wars, but I just can't remember. That game (whatever it was she was playing) had entire professions that did nothing but craft, and there were measurable rewards for doing it. The Dot forums are gone, but maybe someone's memory is better than mine.

I'm into Act 4 on my Diablo2 run, but I haven't really caught the grind sickness like I did with Dungeon Siege 2. I'm confident I'll finish out the first round, but I might take a break before doing it all over on the next level. I think I've made a mash with my barbarian's skill points, but I'm definitely not interested in starting over just yet. I loaded up 1701AD last night and went thru the first tutorial. Probably a mistake there, since I still haven't completed my NWN2 run. It's very rare for me to play 2 "real" games at the same time, and the possibility of opening up a 3rd front is unprecedented. Something's wrong with me, me thinks.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I remember Val playing an online game called A Tale in the Desert which had no combat.
Aug 31, 2006
That's the one! All hail Jaz the Memory Queen!
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Now if only we could discover what has happened to young Val; I miss her caustic wit- Imagine her and PJ squaring off in the P&R forum!! :cm:
Aug 31, 2006
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