Dragon Age 2 - News Roundup


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Here's a small collection of Dragon Age 2 odds and ends.
You can watch the NBC Jimmy Fallon segment showing Felicia Day and Dragon Age: Redemption here.
More in-game lewt! If we reach out (come on Twitter and Facebook fans!) and get 1 million people to download the Dragon Age 2 demo, BioWare will reward us all with two new in-game items. According to my spreadsheet with Signature Edition, preorder, GameStop, Staff of Parlathan, demo completion, Facebook game and these bonuses, I should have 642* in-game items before I start the game. Woo!
Dragon Age players, this is your call to arms! We need one million players of the Dragon Age 2 demo and we want you to rally the troops to reach this monumental goal. Tell your friends, tell your family, talk about it on Facebook, Twitter, talk about it at school and at work. We want One Million downloads of the Dragon Age 2 demo and we need you to rally the troops to reach this goal.

If we reach One Million downloads, we will reward players with 2 new in-game items the Lothering’s Lament and Far Cliffs of Kirkwall tomes. And don’t forget, anyone who completes the demo will get the in-game item Hayden’s Razor. All 3 items will be available on all platforms for Dragon Age 2.

We need you to rally your troops and heed this call to arms!

Read more details on the Call To Arms
Lastly, someone has posted videos of the Dragon Age 2 demo to be released next week. I'm not sure how they go their hands on it but if you can't wait, check out how it runs (i5 750, 4Gb, nVidia 460GTX @ 1920x1024) here and here (thanks, Qt3 forums).
*May not be completely accurate.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
May I respectfully request to please stop getting frontpage news about Dragon Facebook Age 2 every other day, especially since there is nothing… new ?

I realize it must not be easy for you folks working for the Watch, being constantly inundated/harassed by EA's spam mails, but come on, there is quite a number of other games to cover, you know.

I seriously doubt the interest of most readers here in that game is anywhere close to the attention it is getting.
Dec 13, 2010
Lay off, Karmapowered.

Just ignore the post if you're not interested. You really don't need to troll a thread about a game by proclaiming your non-interest in it.

I am very interested in DA2. I appreciate seeing the news here, and all of the content in this post is new to me. I'm trying to keep myself from watching the videos... I did look here and there at them, but I don't want any spoiler of the story. Just want a peek how it looks, what the action is like, etc.

Thanks for the update Dhruin.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
Read it again.

It is a request. What is wrong with asking for less of the so called "news" about Dragon Age 2, and care some more about other games ?

Deus Ex:HR, The Witcher 2, I don't know, plenty of decent indie games otherwise craving for some attention. Should I really start to make a list, and maybe count how many times we've had DA2 on the frontpage lately ?
Dec 13, 2010
Read it again.

It is a request. What is wrong with asking for less of the so called "news" about Dragon Age 2, and care some more about other games ?

Deus Ex:HR, The Witcher 2, I don't know, plenty of decent indie games otherwise craving for some attention. Should I really start to make a list, and maybe count how many times we've had DA2 on the frontpage lately ?

While I agree with you the above mentioned games have plenty of news posts also.Just ignore the thread like I do if your not interested in hearing about DA2 and all its dlc. Ovenall is right.
Oct 1, 2010
I come to RPGWatch to get news about cRPGS, not advertisements.

I don't mind forum threads, because usually, I only have so much time to browse the frontpage. Usually again, I am not disappointed, because I get quality news about quality games.

Dates for the launch of the demo are news, how to get crappy Facebook bonus items that no one cares about are not.

It is not only about DA2.

I continue to think of RPGWatch as a quality site, for all quality roleplaying games, and there are quite some of them (not only the ones I mentionned). As such, I expect to read news with an objective value, not being thrown at some unfiltered marketing crap.

If I come here, instead of reading gamespot, ign or other "sponsored" sites, it is for a good reason. If this has to change, please tell me so, so that I can adjust.
Dec 13, 2010
Karmapowered, please get over yourself.

Have a look at the recent news stories. There's around 8 per day for the past four days visible on the front page right now. Is 8 stoies per day just too many for your eyes to scan? Is it really so tiring to simply ignore a news item? DA2 is a swiftly upcoming release by one of the most famous names in the business. Why the hell do you care if there's news stories about it posted to this site?

Take your attitude somewhere else. The people running this site do a damn good job and don't need people complaining about news items concerning a big budget, big name RPG from a huge and very famous company which is getting very close to launch. It would be the height of snobbery if they ignored it. What, you want to see FEWER stories posted here? Do you think the people posting news here are deliberately leaving out other stories in favor of DA stories?

I'm interested in DA and I'm sure many others here are as well. Seriously, why even post in this thread?
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
I liked Dhruins post myself. Even though I tend to like Dragon Age I am somewhat appalled at all the items being handed-out, so I found it rather amusing.

As for the news ... I also valued that and not just because I am eager to get DA2 (I plan on playing but am not nearly as excited over it as I am other games or was with DAO).

I am interested as I am curious just how far EA/Bioware will go these days in some of their stunts. This entire "Call to Arms" was pretty annoying IMO. It just seems so cheap and greedy. So I valued the news if only for that aspect.

Its really not all that hard to not make yourself click on a link if you don't want to after all.
Jun 4, 2008

Excuse me, but who are you again, trying to patronize people on this site ?

Contrary to what you stated, I am not trolling. My request was motivated. Read above, or learn to read.

Contrary to what you pretend, I am not saying anyone here is doing a bad job. Simply, moderation in planting disguised advertisements all over the frontpage can be good, especially for a website which main focus are news.

It is my hope that the RPGWatch staff can take this fact into account, it is all.

Finally, I can take disagreement with an opinion I might have. I even value different opinions, to confront them to mine, but you are getting annoying real quick here.
Dec 13, 2010
Dragon Age 2 is a RPG. News about it will be posted due to this fact.
Feb 3, 2007

What you've done is implied that the people who run this site are either knowingly glutting it up with "advertising" from Bioware, or are (to paraphrase you) "stupidly throwing up unfiltered marketing crap."

That's bullsh!t. You have no standing to make such a complaint disguised in a request, and deserve to be called out on it.

Here's what I think: You didn't actually wanted to state that opinion anyway. I think you decided to proclaim to the folks here in the most smug and arrogant manner possible that you are simply not interested in DA2. So you leap into a thread about it and start requesting that such fluff be stricken from the site, lest you "adjust" your web browsing habits and stop reading RPGWatch. Is there some limit on news items such that DA tidbits will crowd out or eliminate news about other games? Preposterous. Many days there's not much news at all… a few extra items per week about DA isn't going to make a difference one way or another to any normal person. Hell, probably 50%+ of the news here doesn't interest me, but I don't start impugning the motives of the site managers when I see too many stories about a game I don't care about.


Deus Ex:HR, The Witcher 2, I don't know, plenty of decent indie games otherwise craving for some attention. Should I really start to make a list, and maybe count how many times we've had DA2 on the frontpage lately ?

Maybe there are no news stories about these games available? Are you out pounding the pavement looking for news on these? And I like the "we've had on the frontpage…" Who's "we"?

I love this site. The news items are scannable, topical, and posted in a timely manner. The news is always about RPGs, so I don't have to wade through a bunch of crap about the latest FP war simulator or Mario WeeWee World. There's no gaudy advertising and a generally respectful, active community. The forums are extremely friendly and helpful.

And DA2 is an RPG that I'm interested in and want to read news about. I'm sure the folks running this site would just be besides themselves with grief if you stopped reading news items here.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
Is it me or is this one ugly game?
Errr, I think that must be you. I'm sure not seeing any ugly. Though blasted landscapes aren't exactly pretty, either.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
What? And if we don't download the demo a million times you won't release these items? This is silly.

I'm gonna look for a way to download the demo without them knowing about it. Just because.
Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
Personally im tired of Bioware and EA not the guy that brings us the news, Its not his fault that the fans will suck an elfs cock in the back alleys of kirkwall for an in game item that should have been in the game,Plus we got news on Risen 2 , Witcher 2 thats enough for Bio/ console kids to revolt .
Oct 8, 2010
Personally im tired of Bioware and EA not the guy that brings us the news, Its not his fault that the fans will suck an elfs cock in the back alleys of kirkwall for an in game item that should have been in the game,Plus we got news on Risen 2 , Witcher 2 thats enough for Bio/ console kids to revolt .

Its the state of gaming in general nowadays. Dlc incorporated in every game and making sure you feel like you don't have the whole game. Its here to stay and its the percentage of gamers fault for buying every dlc and showing we are lambs and support it.

I know you don't need to buy but the publishers make you feel like garbage if you don't. Ads shove it down our throat and its required to platy online matches with others. But at the end of the day just think of the song by Louis Armstrong What a wonderful world . Have a cup of coffee or beer and think things will get better.:party:
Last edited:
Oct 1, 2010
Excuse me, but who are you again, trying to patronize people on this site ?

Contrary to what you stated, I am not trolling. My request was motivated. Read above, or learn to read.

Contrary to what you pretend, I am not saying anyone here is doing a bad job. Simply, moderation in planting disguised advertisements all over the frontpage can be good, especially for a website which main focus are news.

It is my hope that the RPGWatch staff can take this fact into account, it is all.

Finally, I can take disagreement with an opinion I might have. I even value different opinions, to confront them to mine, but you are getting annoying real quick here.

If you don't like to be patronized by Ovenall, maybe I can do the honors. Because he is completely right. Of yourse there are newsbits here that I am not interested in, and that occasionally cover games or developers I personally wish a quick and rapid demise, but the last thing I'd do is make "requests" to the team about it. The frontpage would soon be empty if they'd ever go there.
Oct 18, 2006
I wonder how difficult it is to balance a game when you have to consider all the items players might or might not have available? Or does the DLC equipment have no gameplay effect?
Dec 24, 2008
London, UK
This graphic design is horrible, just like the first one but with some bonus ugly. And to top it off, the passable if mediocre gameplay of the first one was reduced to something that looks like it'd be suited to an N64 game from the 90s. Then the dialog was so cliche it almost hurt to hear it.

I knew it'd be terrible, but seriously... :/
Sep 28, 2009
I wonder how difficult it is to balance a game when you have to consider all the items players might or might not have available? Or does the DLC equipment have no gameplay effect?

That's a good question - people seem to suggest it has neigligible effect...but then why bother with it? I suppose it appeals to the "magpie intsinct" - shiny baubles to play with.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
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