Elder Scrolls Online - Launch Details


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Gamer Headlines has information from a recent AMA on Reddit with the game’s director Matt Firor, Creative Director Paul Sage, Lead Gameplay Designer Nick Konkle and Lead PvP Designer Brian Wheeler. Part of the AMA talked about trh games launch.

Those who pre-ordered the Imperial Edition or the Digital Standard Edition from the ESO store will be able to access the game on March 30 at these times:

  • North America: 7 a.m. EDT
  • UK: Noon WEST
  • Central Europe: 1 p.m CEST
  • Sydney: 10 p.m. AEDT
  • Singapore: 7 p.m. SGT
All other pre-order customers will get access on April 1 at these times:

  • North America: 7 a.m. EDT
  • UK: Noon WEST
  • Central Europe: 1 p.m. CEST
  • Sydney: 10 p.m. AEDT
  • Singapore: 7 p.m. SGT
Finally, everyone else will get in on the official release date of April 4 at these times:

  • North America: 7 p.m. EDT (the night before)
  • UK: Midnight WEST
  • Central Europe: 1 a.m. CEST
  • Sydney: 10 a.m. AEDT
  • Singapore: 7 a.m. SGT
The developers also touched on a few more key points:

  • Beta players do not need to create a new account, but all beta characters have been deleted.
  • The faster-moving opening quests from the later versions of the beta will be used in the official game, so re-rolling shouldn’t be too rough (players can still skip “The Island.”
  • The client used in the beta can be used for the official game. Just update it and go.
  • There are several fixes coming for in-game issues regarding Guilds, Traits, PvP, and quest bugs. No exact timetable was given, but the developers said “at launch or soon after.”
  • Players will have the option of joining overflow servers if a login queue forms. These overflow servers don’t have the social features enabled.
The Elder Scrolls Online will release on April 4 for PC and Mac users. A slightly altered version is set to release for Xbox One and PS4 in June.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I wonder why ESO is covered by RPGWatch but not games like Wildstar. Wildstar has a proper RPG GUI and realizes it is 2014 so doesn't have a list for an inventory. Wildstar is also good, whereas console MMOs generally suck really bad.
Mar 7, 2014
I keep the MMO coverage to a minimum because our members prefer singleplayer games. As of right now I barely cover five of them , and ESO gets more coverage because we have a lot of Elder Scroll fans.

Your welcome to make a thread in the forums, and collect all the links.;)
Oct 1, 2010
Have my Physical Imperial Edition key and ready to go!!!

Really enjoyed the last 3 Beta Weekends I was in.

Going to be an amazing game!

Jan 2, 2008
I welcome MMO coverage of all kinds :)

As for Wildstar, I found it pretty terrible in most ways - but I guess it works for people who're not sick to death of WoW and want to play WoW 1.1 with less style and soul.
I welcome MMO coverage of all kinds.

I know you do but the others are not so forgiving. ;)

I used to cover more MMOs when I first started posting news, but quickly learned not to.
Oct 1, 2010
I cancelled my ESO pre order... I really wanted to like this game but the more I played the more I didn't like it. It feels like the game was developed by the"B" team. Most of their major game systems (combat, quests, world, animation, polish etc) had faults. Only thing I found note worthy was their class and character build system. I came across more bugs in the last beta weekend that the previous betas.

I am sure they will fix most of these issues in 6 months down the line and I might give it a go then.
Oct 8, 2009
Well Baubles since you just joined this month I will tell you why. Couch asked if we want ESO to be covered and a lot of members said yes. I for one can't wait to play Sunday.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
In the SWTOR forums are a lot of hardcore PvP people want to go either to Wildstar or to ESO, most of them seem to prefer Wildstar.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I am sure they will fix most of these issues in 6 months down the line
Dream on.
See… There is no modding community for this game. :evilgrin:

I'm not "hardcore PvP" but wouldn't refuse a challenge if the game is balanced. And polished!
Could try Wildstar if it's popular...
Apr 12, 2009
In the SWTOR forums are a lot of hardcore PvP people want to go either to Wildstar or to ESO, most of them seem to prefer Wildstar.

I've been itching for an MMO but I'm definitely in the 'no PVP' side. Also I don't like twitch based MMOs, which I believe Wildstar is?
Sep 23, 2008
In the SWTOR forums are a lot of hardcore PvP people want to go either to Wildstar or to ESO, most of them seem to prefer Wildstar.

There are hardcore PvP players in SWTOR? o_O

ESO only PvP is Cyrodill, it's going to fall to "GW2-zerg-fest" fast enough.
Wildstar is a scifi-WoW-clone full of blandness. It has cool ideas though, but the entire thing lack something.

Both games are going to be buggy at release as well. I was in both games long term testing and can see what is going to happen there. Yesterday I read a random guy on the web saying that you should join a MMO 1-2 years after they are released for the best experience and I'm starting to agree on that...
Oct 13, 2007
There are hardcore PvP players in SWTOR? o_O

According from the statements they do, there are.

I wrote about them a bit in my thread called "A Thought".

Typical "hardcore gamer" response regardxing Testing there (on the "Pubblic Test Server") :

The rest is just a load of crap that only you and a hand full of other people care about

Said by someone who is either an end-game PvE or an end-game PvP player. Both lo0ok down onto the masses in a very similar arrogant manner, meanwhile hating each other.

The PvP forum there is one of the most aggressive internet places I've seen so far (and I conscuiously keep out from any forum that I suspect to be aggressive as well).

Bragging and boasting is there the norm, meanwhile anyone who is not as perfect as there "hardcore PvP player" is called a "bad" a "carebear", a "window licker", a "mouth breather" or an "PvE player ". The newest invention there is the sentence "Bads remain bads and will never change."
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I've always been a singleplayer CRPG player, but after The Lord of the Ring Online I changed my mind. Now I'm really looking for something as amazing as LOTRO. I hope that it can be upcoming ESO.
Apr 26, 2008
I'm ready for ESO but my computer isn't. Last night it started a massive download. Can anyone confirm a whopping 60 gigs for this? The beta folder was only 29
Oct 18, 2006
Can't you just use the beta installation + a patch?
Oct 18, 2006
I'm ready for ESO but my computer isn't. Last night it started a massive download. Can anyone confirm a whopping 60 gigs for this? The beta folder was only 29

It's ~29 GB when it's done. It does go to ~60 until it's finished. Just make sure you have the right region selected, as it keeps data separate for both of them - for whatever reason. Unless they fixed that recently.
Okay that makes sense I guess. I do remember there being an extra Zenimax folder that I deleted after the first beta
Oct 18, 2006
Jesus, all you guys got closed beta invites for Wildstar? I wonder why I only get beta invites for games I really don’t have much interest in, like ESO. Its like these bastards know what I will pay money for to beta test.

The first time I played Wildstar was this weekend (beta weekend 1 for pre-ordering) and I had an absolute blast, and I dislike almost everything so found this odd. Combat is twitch based, but it has a pretty in-depth character development system in that you get ability points to plus up a limited ability skill set (I think nine active abilities total, but you have extra hotbars for item use, etc). You also have the AMP system which is somewhat like Path of Exile, but just one circle with three tiers and 6 sections. Tier 2 and 3 have far more significant choices and cost more points.

The difficulty level is higher than in any MMO I’ve played in a long time, and I am no fan of twitch action (my top 20 games all have TB combat besides Darklands), it is actually fun in this game. It’s less twitchy than TERA or Neverwinter.

Besides the classes they also have a path system which is like a class enhancement giving players more of whatever crap they like. They have settler, that builds buffing crap. They have explorers, which go out of their way to look at crap and do jumping puzzles. They have scientists which scan crap for lore and to read crap. And then the only path that makes sense to me – soldier. You get challenges to kill crap. Every sane person plays games to kill crap. Not build crap, read crap, or jump on or look at crap. I am not explaining this well but there is a video on it at their site here- http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/game/paths/

They also have a lot of housing options, but I don’t care about that either. I guess you get unique missions for building like mines or forests on your sky house plot thing. I don’t care either way as long as the game doesn’t force me into the housing nonsense.

I also like the setting. I occasionally go back to AO to get my sci-fi fix and have been waiting for a good sci-fi mmorpg. This game seems to me to be WoW during the Burning Crusade days, but better with a better setting and far more humor.

My favorite part is they will have an arena and 2v2 and 3v3 brackets. That is why I loved wow before they gutted all hybridization. From the forums the PVE players are happy about all the PVE crap, like 40 man raids and other such tripe that holds no interest for me.

And for the ESO fans – it has real PC GUIs developed for the PC. A real, honest to goodness inventory with a graphical representation. No lists. Pure civilization just like it is 2014. I don’t understand how this is not a bigger deal to people. DCUO was released on consoles and had a real inventory. Why or how does the list not bother you? Especially with the hordes of loot and lootables that ESO had? People like what they like, and more power to you. I’d just feel a lot better if people said they love the game despite the inventory list and the drastic overabundance of lootables. I don’t know what bothers me more – that they have a list for an inventory or that I seem to be the only person in the world up in arms about it. Maybe I’m just getting too old, I don’t know. I'd really appreciate if at least one other person was mildly miffed. Something.
Mar 7, 2014
I don't understand how any sane human being could prefer the Wildstar UI to the ESO UI - but such is the way in which we all differ.
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