What games are you playing now?

In Chapter 4 of The Witcher now.....unadulterated crpg joy....
xSamhainx said:
Oh yeah! Chapter 4 was my favorite part of the game. The wraith quest was awesome, then the Lady of the Lake and all that - gold.
You know, that was my favourite chapter also, I think, but I kinda thought that I felt that way because Ch4 contains a bit of references to Polish literature/culture, and it was fun for me to discover. But I guess it just has great atmosphere, overall.

I'm playing a little bit of this and that, and I'm trying to finally finish my (still first) Drakensang playthrough. I can't believe how slowly I'm playing games nowadays! I blame it on being busy...
Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
FINALLY Majesty ! - And I'm having a blast ! :)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'm kinda burnt on it (finally), took quite a while tho for it to happen. Theyre supposed to be coming out w/ more maps and stuff pretty soon, I keep checking it on steam to see if any big updates have went down but nuttin yet.

The Survival Pack for Left 4 Dead is set to be released for Xbox 360 on April 21, 2009.

Shacknews explains what the Survival Pack will bring to L4D:

The free Survival Pack adds the new Survival game mode, where players are given time to dig in before fending off unceasing zombie hordes in an attempt to survive as long as possible. Survival Mode is played on 12 new maps--11 being sections of existing levels and 1 created especially for Survival Mode, Lighthouse.

The Survival Pack also brings Versus mode to the final two co-op campaigns, Dead Air and Death Toll. This release coincides with the release of Left 4 Dead: Critics Choice Edition, which contains the original game plus the Survival Pack.

The Survival Pack will be free for all Left 4 Dead players.


They'll also release the SDK, which means an endless supply of new maps/campgains of varied quality.
I forget--did you get the Northern Expansion, too? Great game.

No, not yet. I read in the official Majesty forums that the new re-release by Paradox Interactive is the same as Majesty Gold, which includes this expansion. :)

Plus - one doesn't need to have the CD in the drive anymore ! :) At least that's what I read - or/and understood so. :)

Last evening I was playing Tropico Gold again, for several hours ! I just couldn't stop ! :lol:
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Finished DoWII last night, tho RTS games w/ me are never really "finished" if they have a skirmish mode. Actually thinking about doing the SP campaign again, this time bumping up the difficulty level. So yeah, it's a good game, if you like the Warhammer universe you should give it a whirl.

Just installed Half Life II, going to be playing thru that one next. No, Ive never played it before! Just got thru the lenghty vehicle sequence in the beginning - meh, it drug out a little too far imho. Lookin for a shooter, not a jetbike game!
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Just installed Half Life II, going to be playing thru that one next. No, Ive never played it before! Just got thru the lenghty vehicle sequence in the beginning - meh, it drug out a little too far imho. Lookin for a shooter, not a jetbike game!

Huh? I don't recall anything like that at the beginning of HL2. Anyways, it's a great game. Do you have the Episode 1&2 expansions as well?

That reminds me, what the hell is taking so long with Episode 3?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
chapter 4: "Water Hazard"

Cruising thru the canals & drainage, while having a helicopter and mofos on the banks shooting at you. I didnt get any of the expansion w/ it, was a 9.99 special so I picked it up figuring that I might as well give it whirl. Was pretty gratifying once they outfitted it w/ a gun, and I finally got to shoot the POS out of the sky.

In RAvenholm now, liking it.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Ah - that isn't really 'the beginning' ... it is the poorly paced, dragged out section. The first one, anyway ...
Oct 18, 2006
Just got to Nova Prospekt - a good time to quit for the night, been playing for quite a while. Those gunships are a killer, and I cant find any way to get into the place itself.

Kinda funny running around w/ a squadron of antlions at my command!

I didnt like the first vehicle that I mentioned earlier that much, but I'm liking the buggy from one location to the next thing.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
^ HL2 was great. And Ravenholm followed by those Mines scared the bejesus out of me. I hate those black spiders.

Yep - HL2 is a really good game, I just remember reading all the reviews touting the perfection of pacing and storytelling and thinking about the useless filler of the vehicle areas ... and then thinking 'no, not perfect'. I gave it a 4.5 at GamerDad way back.

As for Ravenholm, I had played VtM: Bloodlines first, so after the Haunted Hotel it wasn't so bad. (not even counting the Asylum from Thief 3 about 6 months earlier!)
Oct 18, 2006
Yup, HL2 deserves its reputation -- I've replayed it a number of times, and there really isn't anything else out there in its genre that I've come across that's quite as refined a gameplay experience. The two sequels are excellent too; short but very sweet.

Nova Prospekt was one of my favorite areas. It's beastly hard in places, but immensely tense and atmospheric, and surprisingly varied when it comes to gameplay.

(Oh, and, I also particularly liked the vehicle areas, especially the hydrocopter. The loading screens jarred a bit there though... ;) )
Oct 19, 2006
Yes, HL2 was an excellent game, I had so much fun playing it, and finally we got to play with physics for real.

I should never have get started on Battle of Westnoth 1.6, I deliberetly held back on it before..... with good reasons, I started to play until I had won one campaign.... gawd where did the time go... it was just gone.... in an empty hole... hmm could have something to do with daylight saving hours also, since I lost an hour for that :p ( all excuses are good ones )
Oct 25, 2006
HL2 had the feared bore-out effect on me :-/. Never played the sequels, not even for Barney.
Aug 31, 2006
I am really curious about that game... how is it ??? I guess I did like most other people and dismissed it after seeing some screenshots.... but it got a lot of nods from gamespot as one of the best games of the year....
Oct 25, 2006
It's great. Gameplay-wise it's more of a action/adventure/platformer but the dialogue and writing is great. Voice-overs are also good. And Tim Schafer (Monkey Island series, Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle ) worked on it. I'm having loads of fun with it. And it's definitely original. You could say it is a bit in the style of Beyond Good and Evil.
Jul 31, 2007
I am really curious about that game... how is it ??? I guess I did like most other people and dismissed it after seeing some screenshots.... but it got a lot of nods from gamespot as one of the best games of the year....

It is definitely a console-style game, but plays nicely on PC. Don't know what pricing is like, but it is worth getting.
Oct 18, 2006
It should be cheap by now - if you can find it, that is.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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