Avadon - Review @ TPG


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Avadon has been reviewed at TruePCGaming, where the response was quite favourable:
The quests in Avadon are both numerous and filled with story. You can converse with your quest giver to try weasel out as much information as possible. You start of by accepting a quest to go and clear out Avadon’s dungeons after the shortage of fighters. You can also choose one of two companions to bring along: a sorceress or a warrior. As I was playing warrior, I chose a sorceress companion. You can control this companion’s actions during fighting and control it almost like your own character by picking up items and placing stats. After clearing the dungeon, you are sent to help a dragon. You have to clear his lair and surrounding zone of creatures called wretches. You can also pick up side quests from other people around the area. After completing that quest, you go back to Avadon and you are immediately sent out again to hunt a mysterious beast who is attacking citizens of the Kva lands. After this lengthy quest, you get sent on many others, all with multiple side quests you can pick up. Eventually you arrive at the great question, kill the leader of Avadon and take his place or help him struggle onwards. Other aspects of the game also depend on your actions later in the game.
In semi-related news, Jeff has a new blog entry titled Why All Our Games Are Now Cheaper Forever:
We released our first game in January, 1995. That is a long time ago, and much has changed. A few helpful comparisons.

Now: Huge distributors like Steam and iTunes sell massive numbers of copies for low prices, and Indie developers make good money on huge volume.
Then: The World Wide Web barely existed and we scraped by on a handful of sales from AOL.

Now: A quality Indie niche game sells on big portals for ten bucks at most. More than that and people think you're crazy and move on.
Then: Most good shareware games sold for $25. It took me a very long time just to realize that that price isn't normal anymore.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Wow, that sounds like just the lecture everyone gave to Jeff a year ago about why he should change his business model. Thanks Jeff, I guess.
Oct 18, 2006
Wow, that sounds like just the lecture everyone gave to Jeff a year ago about why he should change his business model. Thanks Jeff, I guess.

Money talks and it looks like the iPad app store and Steam have been very persuasive to him in that regard.
Jan 24, 2011
Glad he's come around, though even with these discounts, the prices seem pretty high for his older games. Avadon is definitely on my to-play list.

Now if I can just get some extra vacation from work!
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX

I would have never paid 25 bucks for this game. But at 10 bucks, Avadon is on my steam wish list. I love indie games but I have yet to finish any of Jeff's games. I'm just to much of a completionist and at around 50 hours I'm through. But at 10 bucks I can treat it like a Iphone game and just play for fun instead of playing to beat the game.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Exactly what I was thinking.

Well, at that time he was neither on steam nor on the iStore, so I wouldn't say he was necessarily wrong in his arguments. But who cares, I guess in the end everyone is happy when the game get cheaper AND he makes more money...
Oct 18, 2006
He didn't radically change his pricing structure though. He added new channels (iPad, Steam) and adjusted his prices to a multi-channel strategy in an evolving market. His prices are still "high", higher than other games but lower than they used to.
Aug 30, 2006
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