Ni No Kuni 2 - Preview


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Handsome Phantom previews Ni No Kuni 2 featuring story content from the early game.

Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is the latest RRG from Level 5 on PlayStation 4 and PC. In this article, we’ll be previewing the game mostly spoiler free and featuring story content from the early chapters of the game. Throughout the week, we’ll be taking a closer look at specific aspects of the game, such as the battle system and kingdom building, so make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to check it out.

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Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand

I finished the second Ni no Kuni this past weekend, and I’ll reserve most of my thoughts for the Kotaku review, which should be up next week. (If you have no patience, the short version is: It’s great.) Today, though, I want to tell you about what it’s like to build your own kingdom.

In Ni no Kuni II, you play as a boy-king named Evan who is ousted from his kingdom, Ding Dong Dell, in a violent coup. Eventually, Evan decides to start a brand new kingdom, with the ambitious goal of bringing peace to the world by uniting all of its nations.
To build and improve this kingdom, which you’ll get a few hours into the game, you’ll access a whole town management system that’s very reminiscent of Suikoden. You’ll go around the world, doing side quests for strangers and helping them out with their mundane problems. When you do help these strangers find their lost brooms or identify specific types of mushrooms, you’ll be able to recruit them to come join your kingdom.

This game is supposed to be released in 10 days.
I'm still on FF15. The plan was to get it done then replay now patched KCD or go for ToCS2. After that, as certain Sims 4 expansion got released that turns a part of the game into RPG (it's called Jungle Adventure and is similar to World Adventures for Sims 3), I was supposed to play soon, I've even posted on Sims forum if EA is deliberately sabotaging their sales by releasing that expansion at this time.

Well shit.
I want this kingdom building mechanics, and I want it badly. I need it ASAP. This is what ME3 war "points" gathering should have been made, by active use of all ress you found not some RGB ending crap. I want to play this game at day1!

The nightmare story: Blackguards 2 is installed on my PC since it was released (was it 2 or 3 years ago?). When will I finally start playing that game? Can someone please tell publishers to slow down with "musthave" releases a bit? Give us a month or two with only shovelware, please!
Apr 12, 2009
Of course it is, I'm just saying I can't find time for it.
I wish a month with only Destiny (2) clones getting released so I can ignore the market and clear a title or two from my backlog.
Apr 12, 2009
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