Neverwinter Nights


An RPGWatch Bot
July 22, 2022
On a Server
Neverwinter Nights (NWN) is a computer game set in a huge medieval fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons. This role-playing game (RPG) puts you at the center of an epic tale of faith, war, and betrayal.
As a player, you are able to choose what skills and abilities you will develop as you voyage though the complex and dangerous fantasy world of Forgotten Realms. Be a deadly and dangerous Rogue moving through the shadows using stealth and secrecy, be a scholarly Wizard and wield powerful magic against your enemies, be a hulking Barbarian whose lust for battle is matched only by his terrible rage, be an armor-clad Paladin who protects the innocent and vanquishes his foes, be a crusading Cleric who heals the sick and defends the helpless… be all this and more.
Neverwinter Nights allows you to create your own worlds. This revolutionary game will come with all the tools needed to construct your own unique lands of adventure. The Neverwinter Nights Aurora Toolset allows even novice users to construct everything from a quiet, misty forest or a dripping cavern of foul evil, to a king’s court. All the monsters, items, set pieces and settings are there for world builders to use. But do not stop there; construct traps, encounters, custom monsters and magic items to make your adventure unique.
But the Neverwinter experience is not just for one person- adventure with all your friends. Neverwinter Nights can be played online with up to 64 friends, all sharing in the adventure. You can organize and run your own adventures through the role of the Dungeon Master and control all the monsters, creatures and characters your friends meet as they journey on their quest. A powerful piece of software that is included with Neverwinter Nights, the DM Client, allows nearly unlimited control for running your own adventures for your friends.
Neverwinter Nights…endless adventure!
More information.
Jul 22, 2022
On a Server
NWN is such a pure classic that it is still being very actively played; some of the persistent worlds of NWN are still going strong.

If own, or are thinking about buying Neverwinter Nights 1, I would strongly suggest trying Higher Ground Persistent world.

The quality and sheer scope of the campaign is breathtaking.

Most importantly it is still well populated 24/7

Has a great community

And it’s free if you own the game or $10 if you buy it from

I just love hg and if you try it you will too.
Jul 2, 2011
the OC's are not great and it tries to be all things to all people - both traditional and action RPG at the same time. However, the modding capabilities are incredible, plus it offers multiplayer of up to 92 people and standalone servers

I ran a server on and off for around 6 years - I had over 10000 unique names logged in with 73 people logged in at once at one point.

if you want to check out the community its best to start at "the vault"
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
the OC's are not great and it tries to be all things to all people - both traditional and action RPG at the same time. However, the modding capabilities are incredible, plus it offers multiplayer of up to 92 people and standalone servers

I ran a server on and off for around 6 years - I had over 10000 unique names logged in with 73 people logged in at once at one point.

if you want to check out the community its best to start at "the vault"

Why do you answer to Katheryne? The post is most probably a forum spam, isn't it? The link ends up on a dubious website. The same link has been posted on the internet on the same day in a lot of forums.
Feb 20, 2009
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