Everquest Next: Landmark - The Minecraft Killer


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Player Attack takes a look at Everquest Next: Landmark, and wonders if the F2P MMO RPG is a Minecraft killer.

Everquest Next: Landmark was a surprise announcement last year at SOE Live. Gamers were expecting an announcement on the future of the Everquest franchise and what they actually got was two announcements in one. While Sony is still making a fully fledged, more traditional MMO in Everquest Next, Landmark promises the sort of world-building and exploration more common in smaller multiplayer titles like Minecraft.

Like other world-building games a large part of the appeal is designing and constructing your own creations, whether that's a crude hut to live in, an exquisitely detailed castle or a meticulous recreation of the Starship Enterprise. People have been quite ingenious when it comes to using identically sized cubes to build in Minecraft and those same skills will transfer readily to Landmark.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I don't see EQ Landmark as a Minecraft killer. Not even. Landmark is controlled by inept and greedy SOE, who are monetizing and controlling the whole thing. Calling it F2P is such BS when the whole thing is wrapped in cash shop, microtransactions, and SOE taking a cut off of encouraged player sales. It's all a bunch of garbage, like most F2P.

Minecraft is all about community - which developed naturally - which likes modding both server and client - which gets regular updates from the devs STILL all for free.

Landmark is all about trying to build a community intentionally with a bunch of glitzy hooks that all resolve around SOE trying to get cash out of everyone involved.

Minecraft is pay once for $30 or less, have fun forever, be totally free to play as you want, do what you want, with a huge community that loves the game. Landmark is already pay up to $100 just for alpha, that's just the beginning, and here, let us show you the cash shop and all the ways you can be nickel and dimed forever. Please make us more content to sell and resell so we can profit off your work.

Good games are about more than just graphics and good graphics have never been enough to make a game.

Landmark has some potential but the fact that the SOE corporate machine is behind it means it will always be about money and their profits first, and good gaming second, if that.
Apr 22, 2013
You can explore and create to such a degree in Minecraft... that I don't see how any company mired in bureaucracy could even get the idea they'd compete, let alone "kill" Minecraft. Is the world and its exploration infinite? Will you be able to construct digital circuits mimicking not only computers but a 3D printer? Will you be allowed to mod the game however you see fit?

The guys who wrote that article are either trolling or just plain dumb in their expectations.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
The guys who wrote that article are either trolling or just plain dumb in their expectations.

I'll go with plain dumb.

SOE didn't create Landmark to compete with Minecraft, they saw a way to make money out of the tools they created to make EQNext while getting plenty of testings for some game features. It's also a variation of what they are doing with Player Studio and the Dungeon Maker in their other games.

I've seen plenty of Minecrafters interested in it though, how many will make the switch is another question. Especially this early, when most of the features won't be in (like Minecraft most of its features were added overtime).
Oct 13, 2007
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