Dreamscaper - Preview @ Gameffine


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Gameffine checked out the Early Access version of Dreamscaper:

Dreamscaper Preview :: To Dream or Not to Dream

What is a dream but a projection of our realities - the stories we imagine or the tales we tell ourselves? All those experiences our subconscious accumulates, our deepest desires, are collectively sliced and reeled by our brain into an interactive movie where we are the main character. Not going to lie, I had dreams of the games or movies I had played before sleeping, subtly amalgamated with memories of my school, my old apartment, and sometimes even my college and office - all beginning and ending in medias res. And since our minds fail to distinguish the physical improbabilities in dreams, we only remember fragments of it - faint memories lingering at the back of our minds that we know can't be dreamed again.

Allow me to describe what I felt while playing Dreamscaper.


Early Access Impressions

To be honest, not once did I feel that Dreamscaper was still in Early Access. The weapons are so varied and powerful, the enemies so random, changing attack patterns in successive levels. And on top of it, the devs will be releasing frequent free updates with new weapons, levels, and enemies in the coming months! Dreamscaper is a roguelite, thus providing continuous challenging situations and a rich, expansive combat system to master. There is no shortage of ways to defeat enemies as it all depends on what abilities you have, from burning them to a crisp with lasers or exploding them into a void using your Lucid. Surprisingly, Dreamscaper is made by a studio that comprises of only four people! Dreamscaper is one of the few games we recommend you try out in its Early Access stage itself!

Currently, the prologue is free on Steam if you want a bite of this sweet cookie.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
I refuse to congratulate any roguelite.

What was the name of the smurf who has lines like this? Grumpy?
Apr 12, 2009
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