Rune II - Interview @Wccftech


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
The developers of Rune II were interviewed by Wccftech.

Got it. Last year you were supposed to launch on Steam Early access, I think it was in September. I was wondering which areas of Rune II you reckon were improved the most, you know, between the extra funding and the extra development time.

Sure, combat has been improved. That's the core of the game, it's the core of what you do. There's been a lot more polish, a lot more actions you can do with the different weapons, a lot more weapons themselves, and the overall pacing of the game has improved. Rune II is quite a difficult game, intentionally, but it's very rewarding. The narrative has been greatly improved as well in terms of just how the overall story is told and how it's presented to the player. The world has also gotten a lot larger, I believe we basically doubled the size of the world in terms of the amount of content you can explore and the number of islands. This world has been affected by Ragnarok, so there's a lot of islands throughout the world, from very tiny ones that have cool little secrets or a special recipe you might learn to much larger islands where there's a lot more area to explore and a lot more things to encounter. The other big thing that we've improved since then is we've added the Ages system. And what that is story wise....Loki freed himself from his shackles, then he's kind of taken over the entire world of Midgard. He doesn't want to die because in the Ragnarok story Loki dies at the end, but he found a way to circumvent that and he's basically resetting time. When I say that, Rune II isn't a roguelike, meaning everything isn't reset, you don't lose all of your gear, you don't lose all of your progression. But each time you try to encounter and try to kill Loki, because that's the ultimate goal, each time you try to kill him, if you fail, the world will reset and a new Age begins. These Ages have different attributes to them, both positive and negative.

Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Q: Tell us about the side-quests

A: You can hunt for and pick up rocks that have recipes on them so you can make ‘kewl loot’.

Um, yeah ... tells me everything I needed to know about questing.
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah…. i like how he chops down the trees w/ a swipe or two of his sword :biggrin:

I'll probably play it when it hits a sale, big fan ov the first Rune
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Q: Tell us about the side-quests

A: You can hunt for and pick up rocks that have recipes on them so you can make ‘kewl loot’.

Um, yeah … tells me everything I needed to know about questing.

Well, it didn't sound quite *that* bad when I read his answer, but close enough for me to say this game probably isn't for me.
Dec 20, 2010
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