Drakensang Ergo's Fixpack [MOD]

for anyone having trouble installing these files, it seems that you need to install this before any other mod or it won't work, so fresh install them add other mods after
Feb 2, 2011
Thanks for the info. :)
Aug 30, 2006
I just finished a full playthrough with your 1.80 final mod. Thanks for the great mod. It was a hell of a game. Has to be the most stable game I have played in years! Not a single CTD.

One small thing issue I found was in muralosh (sp?) when you confront and kill the woman who kills salina (she has 2 stone golems) and quest steps into the next stage the game switches to the desktop and pops up a warning dialog saying something about "transferspecial is only for specialitems - could not transfer" or something similar. This is not a fatal error but you just click okay and then you can alt-tab back into the game and continue. Is this a result of the mod or just a known issue?

A small suggestion I have is that some of the recipes should really be tweaked. I don't think there was a single worthwhile recipe in the entire game…..I remember the final one-hand axe recipe ended up being worse than the store bought wyrmslayer axe….forgrimm was most displeased. (Wrymslayer was 1d+5 but 11/2 versus 1d+9 11/3)
Oct 18, 2006
Agree on recipes and nice to see that you didn't had any bugs, like some people are reporting, but it's not because the fixpack. That error dialog is known issue, but I've yet put the fix there.

Agree on recipes. At first with Iron Shield I was thrilled that it was better than the wooden shields in the shops, but unfortunately the rest of the game the recipes suck. To "fix" recipes would require such a big work, that I'd rather dedicate own mod for it than keep adding stuff to fixpack. Something like "Ergo's Recipes for Drakensang", but hopefully somebody else does it so that I can enjoy it as well, though I use my own fixpack.

But right know I'm suffering from slipped disc in my back and I cannot sit down more than few minutes a time, so no modding unfortunately. :(

PS. Recipes work so much better in River of Time, as does the whole game! ;)
Mar 9, 2009
The installation batch ain't working with the version from Amazon (Drakensang complete saga) if installed on Win7, dunno for other windows versions:

It's easy to install it manually however, so I've modified a bit Ergo's instructions from the previous page:
1. Go to your game folder (…\drakensang\export\db) where all .db4 files are
2. Copy from fixpack inside it: sqlite3.exe, game.sql, static.sql, locale.sql
3. Open command window in there (SHIFT+rightclick in the folder)
4. Copypaste in the command prompt one by one next three commands then press enter and wait till each finishes before you copy and execute the next one:
4.1. sqlite3.exe static.db4<static.sql
4.2. sqlite3.exe game.db4<game.sql
4.3. sqlite3 locale.db4<locale.sql
5. Go to your export folder (…\drakensang\export)
6. Copy folders "textures" and "gfxlib" from fixpack inside it.
7. Run the game
8. Go options, set all gfx to high, aa to 4x, lightsource on, up the resolution
9. Restart the game
10. Play!

Points 8 and 9 are optional and probably unnecessary to mention, but well… Better safe than sorry. ;)

The installation batch for TRoT (http://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11874 ) works so no need to mess with that one too.
Last edited:
Apr 12, 2009
Agree on recipes and nice to see that you didn't had any bugs, like some people are reporting, but it's not because the fixpack. That error dialog is known issue, but I've yet put the fix there.

Agree on recipes. At first with Iron Shield I was thrilled that it was better than the wooden shields in the shops, but unfortunately the rest of the game the recipes suck. To "fix" recipes would require such a big work, that I'd rather dedicate own mod for it than keep adding stuff to fixpack. Something like "Ergo's Recipes for Drakensang", but hopefully somebody else does it so that I can enjoy it as well, though I use my own fixpack.

But right know I'm suffering from slipped disc in my back and I cannot sit down more than few minutes a time, so no modding unfortunately. :(

PS. Recipes work so much better in River of Time, as does the whole game! ;)

Hey man, how do I install only the speed changes? Not interested in your rebalancing but am interested in faster speed!
Dec 5, 2015
Hey man, how do I install only the speed changes? Not interested in your rebalancing but am interested in faster speed!

Edit the install patch and comment out everything else.
Mar 9, 2009
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