Raven's Cry - Quick Walkthrough of a Town


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Staff member Fluent had the chance to get an early copy of Raven's Cry, and shared a new five minute preview video of one of the games towns on his YouTube channel.

A little walkthrough of a port town during sunset (that's why the tint is reddish). This is from an early build. The end result may be even better!
Look forward to his written preview hopefully sometime this week.

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Oh man... Not sure if I should watch/read it.
So far I hate everything he likes and love everything he hates. I'm now scared if he likes this game I'll hate it and vice versa... :(
Apr 12, 2009
You guys can indeed look forward to the written preview soon, as well as new videos today. As soon as I get a build with proper voice acting in it, I will show more questing gameplay. I should be getting a new build soon, so stay tuned! :)

So how is it ?

It's good. I'm enjoying it quite a bit, although it's a bit sparse in the world interactivity aspect. It's more along the lines of a very pretty, heavily story-driven RPG like Mass Effect, and not so much like the interactive, exploration paradise that is Risen 2.

I have delivered a lot of feedback to the dev team, and they are listening to what I have to say, so hopefully we see a few of my ideas make it into the game. Of course, it's late in the development cycle, but perhaps they will make some bigger changes via a patch. I can only hope.

Read my preview when it's available for more detailed information. I'll also answer questions if you guys have any. :)
Here's a video of ship combat in the game. Wait to watch it in full HD 60fps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kwoHucMgls&list=UUtumvpikfaMB89TtM_lEh-Q

joxer, Once again I don't know what you're talking about. I tend to like all games, as long as they have sufficient RPG elements and are fun to play. I find the bright side in every game. I'm not aware of any games that I hate and you love or whatever. I'm sure we agree on many games that we both like.

Could you upload also the video without a commentary? Not that I have against a commentary but I think sometimes it is distracting from the content.

How old is your version?

Is there an option to DISABLE the enemy's ship status/health bar I think it looks shitty and to be honest I prefer no status or health bar at all as the damage model is pretty enough to rely on that, at least for me.

Is there an option to disable those stupid smoke trails and explosions, sorry they look silly to me and they are silly! Because I and many people like more realistic effects.

As the devs hear your voice could tell them the following things:

1. There should be an option to go to the ship yourself and battle! Meaning an option for a real time version of boarding!
2. There should be animations, when you release a bulk of crew to the ship.
3. There should be animations how the crew transports the goods to the own ship
4. There should be animations how the other crew members join Chris' crew
5. The ships MUST be REDONE they ARE NOT, I REPEAT NOT historical accurate. The game plays in the early 18th century but the sail configuration (of the Galleon) IS COMPLETELY, COMPLETELY WRONG, there were no gaff sail on the mizzen mast in the early 18th century and there are no spritsails!!!! Sorry but these aren't historical ships, sorry NOT AT ALL!
6. It seems that some character's scabbards are missing baldrics and that the scabbards are glued to the models, if this is the case then there should be also added baldrics.
7. The animation of burning a ship is too fast. It should be more like, some crewmember takes a torch and throws it onto the ship, then the ships SLOWLY starts to burn and then after some 15-20 seconds the ships explodes, as the fire reaches the powder hold.

Thank you for your hard work though :)
Aug 7, 2014
@TheRaven this game is not history simulator but is RPG.
If you want accurate ships buy Sea Dogs (I really hope they patched it already, it's been almost 20 years now).

So if feedback is needed, here's one from me. I don't want making the game boring just for sakes of accuracy from boring history classes. Save that thing for train+DLC shipsailing simulator.
Apr 12, 2009
@TheRaven this game is not history simulator but is RPG.
If you want accurate ships buy Sea Dogs (I really hope they patched it already, it's been almost 20 years now).

So if a feedback is needed, I don't want making the game boring just for sakes of boring history classes.

Where I've asked about wanting a simulator! Asking for better looking models and some animations count as wanting to have a simulator rather than RPG?

Also I asked if there WAS an OPTION to disable those Hollywood effects! I never said I want them to be shut off completely as I know that there are people who likes them, personally speaking I hate them from the bottom of my heart but it's OK people have different tastes therefore I asked if there is an OPTION so both fraction could have fun with this game was this also bad?

In their feature list they listed historical accurate weapons and ships (the first part they delivered and I'm happy about it but the last part they screwed up).

No I don't want a simulator but I want to look at the ships and say, ah they look like early 18th century ships and not like some toy ships. It's true I know how ships of the 18th century should look like, so I notice the error but so do others.
Aug 7, 2014
Apr 2, 2011
That better not be a piracy site as links are not allowed on the forum.:)
Oct 1, 2010
Hmmm… Maybe it isn't, maybe the game went abandonware, dunno.
I'm checking all over internet and can't find the game anywhere for sale except ages old 2nd hand probably scratched cds on amazon…

Just keep in mind this. While the game had accurate ships inside and the best soundtrack I've ever heard in a game, it was full of bugs. Yea, it's publisher was Bethesda, hahaha. But since Bethesda doesn't want to have anything with GOG… No wonder the game ain't available anywhere.
Apr 12, 2009
And did you buy Sea Dogs before writing the reply?

To be honest, I'm actually not even sure you can buy it somewhere today…

The sail configuration is more accurate that's true but the ships are missing details like standing and running rigging, which is better in Raven's Cry, albeit not perfect.

But as for the presentation of the land gameplay I prefer Raven's Cry without a second thought!
Aug 7, 2014
"Welcome To The Iso Zone Marketplace!
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I am not sure, I know it isn't like some of the ones that have movies and what not
Apr 2, 2011
Sea Dogs is 15 years old, of course ships are missing details, LOL

And Raven's Cry is missing, hopefully that thing I mentioned that plagued Sea Dogs.

We'll see. Just a few more days till it's released.
Apr 12, 2009
But since Bethesda doesn't want to have anything with GOG… No wonder the game ain't available anywhere.
It's a bit annoying with all these games that just dissappear.

I'd love to buy digital versions of games such as Sea Dogs, Age of Sail 1 & 2, Battle for Middle Earth 1 & 2 etc... I have the original disks, but that's too much of a hassle (as they're in the basement somewhere). I also have pirated copies, but I never remember where I have them (too many hard drives!)

GOG seems to have lost focus over the past couple of years, focusing too much on new games you can get anywhere.
Feb 25, 2011
Nice video.
Hey! Why kill the guy so cold blooded at 1:10?
Why the violence? :)
Oh, and not into ship battles. Is there like a auto combat? Just to get it over with fast as possible?
Oct 4, 2011
Planet Earth
Screw Sea Dogs and Raven's Cry (at least from what's been shown here so far)... the best pirate game money can buy at the moment is Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag :) .
OK, it's not exactly a RPG but in terms of nailing the 18th century Caribbean pirate setting, sea combat, exploration, upgrading the ship and plundering it's the pirate game I have always wanted ever since I first played Pirates! a couple decades ago or so. It's that awesome.
Raven's Cry would have to have super-awesome quests and characters (the ones in Black Flag aren't half bad actually from Kenway, the main character, to Captain Kidd and Blackbeard or non-lead roles like Stede Bonnet) to make up for its shortcomings in visuals, atmosphere or the sea combat etc.
Since I generally love the setting, I'm going to keep an eye on further opinions but it doesn't look like it can really hold a candle to Black Flag.
Oct 18, 2006
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