Knights of the Old Republic is 15 Years Old

This ones for Joxer.:biggrin:
1. EA gets Star Wars license to make new game.
2. Don't give it to their studio – Bioware – who made some of the highest rated Star Wars games.
3. Hire Amy Hennig, famous for her story-driven single player games, and join her with Visceral, famous for their environmental storytelling.
4. Fire Amy Hennig for making her game too linear and shutdown Visceral.
5. ???
6. Profit.
It's a reply from the linked article which I agree with.:nod:
Oct 1, 2010
Personally, I'd take KotOR 3 over a new Mass Effect.
Me to but both games got a small graphic update for Xbox One X. BioWare and Obsidian should collaborate and use a new engine to remaster both games for re-release.

Biggest problem with that though is EA & Disney.
Oct 1, 2010
Personally, can't care less about Star Wars that got insulted, desecrated and killed from every sides.
I'd take any alien dating sim over that corpse any day.

But anyway. EA shifted to phones. Phones don't need writing and don't need to be fun to sell. No use of discussing EA any more.
Apr 12, 2009
Me to but both games got a small graphic update for Xbox One X. BioWare and Obsidian should collaborate and use a new engine to remaster both games for re-releae.

Biggest problem with that though is EA & Disney.

I seem to recall some talk about a proper remaster - but maybe I'm imagining things again.

Like I once imagined joxer talking sense.

Must be getting old :)
Personally, can't care less about Star Wars that got insulted, desecrated and killed from every sides.
I'd take any alien dating sim over that corpse any day.
Yep just watching Disney and Lucas Arts ruining Star Wars is painful.:tears:

The final slap in the face was when everything Non-Disney was labeled non-canonical.
I seem to recall some talk about a proper remaster - but maybe I'm imagining things again.

Like I once imagined joxer talking sense.

Must be getting old :)
There has always been talk about remasters and other non-commercial projects. Nothing ever gets released or the other projects get a cease and desist letter.
Oct 1, 2010
There has always been talk about remasters and other non-commercial projects. Nothing ever gets released or the other projects get a cease and desist letter.

You're in quite the depressive phase, aren't you?

The old Couch is back ;)
You're in quite the depressive phase, aren't you?

The old Couch is back ;)
Nah just sad about this game franchise and the lack of respect by it's license holders. In the classic words of Peter griffin "You Know What Really Grinds My Gears".:biggrin:
Oct 1, 2010
When the Star Wars comics started selling and Han Solo started teaming up with bad guys like Jawas that all us kids liked the question came up whether these stories would matter when Star Wars 2 came out. Lucas did the smart thing by making them "non-canon" although it detracts from their interest.

But in doing this, you can safely retcon or reboot the spin off stories without anyone scratching their head. Now they have to do what the comics do and just pretend it never happened and hope people forget.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Personally, I can't figure out all the fretting based on a story that was so obviously stitched together from multiple sources.

To me, it always seemed Lucas just sat down and dreamed shit up - based on things he freely stole from material all around him.

I mean, I can be serious when it comes to Tolkien - who created pretty much everything himself and put in the work.

But for pop culture non-sense, which is really what Star Wars is and always was - I think I'm a little more lenient than most.
I get my BioWare Star Wars fix from SWTOR since late 2011 personally.

2. Don't give it to their studio – Bioware – who made some of the highest rated Star Wars games.

They might have been offered to make one but refused because of lack of man power. When EA got the license rights (2013), BioWare was working on MEA, DA, Anthem and SWTOR and they barely had the man power to work on all 4 at the same time already.
Oct 13, 2007
I get my BioWare Star Wars fix from SWTOR since late 2011 personally.
Please don't remind me of that Story Driven F2P MMO.:mad:

Oh wait its KOTOR 3,4,5,6,&7 according to a BioWare developer of that game. Sorry just a touchy subject of mine, but they did ruin the last two games lore wise.

That whole Revan Arc and the Immortal Emperor was un-satisfying.
Oct 1, 2010
SWtOR represents one of the least impressive uses of money I've ever seen.
SWtOR represents one of the least impressive uses of money I've ever seen.
In the last ten years a few books and comics have been better then the games.

Star Wars: Legacy
Star Wars: Legacy is set over 126 years after the film Return of the Jedi. The comics feature Cade Skywalker, a descendant of Luke Skywalker, who was trained as a Jedi, but abandoned the order. He apprenticed himself to the pirate Rav and lives among bounty hunters, smugglers and pirates. Cade also dropped his last name. The series begins with an attack on the Jedi Temple and the overthrow of the Galactic Alliance by the One Sith order.

After a great and furious struggle, Cade and his friends manage to kill the evil Sith emperor, Darth Krayt. However, even without their leader, the Sith remain a powerful danger.
And don't forget the The Legacy of the Force & The Fate of the Jedi book series.
Oct 1, 2010
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