The Batman Arkham Asylum Debate or something like that

I doubt everyone wants you speaking for them.

You're like the little gnat that randomly enters the room and then refuses to leave. :p
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Most agree with me, I'm sure. OK, let's have a vote. How many think this discussion is a boring waste of bits, and how many are enthralled?
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Honestly it is making me want to replay the games ... and I am not sure whether to thank or curse you guys for that! :D
Oct 18, 2006
Honestly it is making me want to replay the games … and I am not sure whether to thank or curse you guys for that! :D

Well it made me install AA and mess with it for awhile. :)

I can definitely see the appeal. I'm not a big fan of Batman, but the production values in this series are fantastic. I had a hard time pulling myself away once I was a few hours in.

I'm not sure if the game will stay that compelling to me for a full playthrough, but I definitely plan on coming back to it. Perhaps when I'm finished with Shadowrun and Blade of Destiny.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Good for you. :)

Not sure why someone having a different preference would bother you so much though.

Not bothered at all. Just wanted to put things in perspective :p

Gnats are good at perspective - they get to places nobody else could go :D
Oct 19, 2006
We're not bothered, but endless discussions of the trivial are boring to read. Luckily only the most OCD need read. ;)

In other words: things you don't need to know. *shivers*

Pibbur who would be bothered if the powers that be decided to move this to the TYDNTK thread.

PS. DON'T YOU DARE! IT'S MINE! MINE! MINE!!! ... *pushes air from the lungs in a quick, noisy explosion* DS.
Did that exit from your backside?…

Hmmm… *Sniffs* … Don't think so. The smell is different.

Besides, that would require significant anatomical adjustments, either from surgery, or by way of a fistula, between the lungs and the colon, which would be possible due to the very short distance beween said organs on the left side. However, because of the huuuuge number of bacteriae in the above mentioned intestinal tract, repeated and severe episodes of pneumonia are likely. And I don't have a fever.

So all in all, my coughs probably left my lower airways using completely natural connections/openings.

…Now you're starting to sound like Thrasher. :)

Thank you.

Pibbur whose anatomy, except for a missing appendix and some related, but minor relocations of abdominal organs, is normal for level 58. But not necessarily attractive. Unfortunately.
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