Iratus: Lord of the Dead - Now on Kickstarter


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Iratus: Lord of the Dead is on Kickstarter.


Iratus: Lord of the Dead is a turn-based RPG taking gameplay inspiration from Darkest Dungeon and the sardonic tone of Dungeon Keeper. Playing as the fearsome Necromancer, Iratus players will use their undead minions to ignite a reign of terror that has been years in the making. Iratus is slated for release in late 2018 on Steam for PC, Mac and Linux.


  • Advanced strategy system: Study your enemies' strengths and weaknesses to achieve victory.
  • Raise your army of undead minions by collecting body parts from your defeated foes.
  • Use your knowledge of alchemy to give unique abilities to your minions.
  • Turn-based combat system with over 50 different talents for your minions.
  • Stylized 2D graphics with a dark fantasy flair.
  • Choose wisely: with irreversible consequences and classic roguelike features, including character permadeath.
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Cancelled my pledge. One of the comments indicated a suspect history for their lead designer with only a ridiculous game on Steam. A shame as the concept and art looked good. Good luck to them anyways.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
Reading one by one feature planned, on each my thought was to shower them with cash for ideas I love and then at the end, this is written:
classic roguelike features, including character permadeath.
Lord of the Dead? No.
This is Rogue of the Permadeath.

Get off my property.
Apr 12, 2009
I wish them well, the turn-based gameplay sounds interesting, but there are enough other details that I'll just watch and see how this turns out.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Booo necromancers and playing evil only.
Aug 13, 2013
Cancelled my pledge. One of the comments indicated a suspect history for their lead designer with only a ridiculous game on Steam. A shame as the concept and art looked good. Good luck to them anyways.

You know, mate, you shouldn't believe everything that you read from the first glance. That developer is actually me. In case you don't know who I am, I'm the owner of this channel:

Maybe there are some chances that you've seen my guides or whatnot.

The game in question:

We've had last patch on april 29 and, if you'll head to the screenshot section of the community, you'll see images of freshly added enemies & stuff that'll be released on the next week, probably.

Long story short - I've decided to stop doing russian content on my channel (nothing personal, just business) and now there's a pretty big smearing campaign against me. There are a hundred or so people who just automatically downvote all my content, they go to the streams of Iratus (it's not the project of my studio - I'm freelancing there) and post comments, calling me a nazi & a scammer, I've been threatened with SWATting (or maybe actually attempted to - luckily, in Russia stuff doesn't work like that), people have been impostering me, writing shit here and there, etc.

Mind you, I'm not complaining and I don't really care about this, but you just shouldn't believe anything that you read on the net. Which means you also shouldn't fully believe me, ofc, but once you find the proofs that I'm a scammer & a nazi & whatnot - then sure, fire ahead.
Sep 24, 2014
Looks nice. Darkest Dungeon with humour sounds like it's right up my alley. I enjoyed the mechanics of DD but the whole setting was too bloody depressing for me so I couldn't stomach more after only a couple of hours played.
Dec 20, 2010
I backed this one because I love Wizardry 4, Dungeon Master, Overlord and other such games, and I liked some parts of Darkest Dungeon a lot. I also like playing a necromancer, so this is right up my alley.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
Reading one by one feature planned, on each my thought was to shower them with cash for ideas I love and then at the end, this is written:

Lord of the Dead? No.
This is Rogue of the Permadeath.

Get off my property.

Yeah, same here... I am so tired of rogue-whatever and permadeath. Liked what I read up to that point but then they list that 'feature'. I guess a lot of people out there like permadeth but I never understood its appeal.
Sep 3, 2016
A Misty Island
Yeah, same here… I am so tired of rogue-whatever and permadeath. Liked what I read up to that point but then they list that 'feature'. I guess a lot of people out there like permadeth but I never understood its appeal.

The game features party-based an permadeath means that you can't resurrect minions, etc. However, the game's economy is built around the idea that you can freely lose roughly 1-2 minions per combat - you're expected to, pretty much. There are some abilities whose cost includes sacrificing a minion and some tougher combats can be won by literally drowning them in bodies.

You lose not by losing a combat but by losing all minions so there is enough space for mistakes etc.

And the entire game is session-based. Somewhat longer than the roguelite of the current era with one playthrough being mb 5 hours or so.
Sep 24, 2014
The game features party-based an permadeath means that you can't resurrect minions, etc. However, the game's economy is built around the idea that you can freely lose roughly 1-2 minions per combat - you're expected to, pretty much. There are some abilities whose cost includes sacrificing a minion and some tougher combats can be won by literally drowning them in bodies.

You lose not by losing a combat but by losing all minions so there is enough space for mistakes etc.

And the entire game is session-based. Somewhat longer than the roguelite of the current era with one playthrough being mb 5 hours or so.

Thanks for the clarification. 5 hours sounds a bit on the short side unless different playthroughs are vastly different? The only game I've really enjoyed that is played through that quickly is FTL.
Dec 20, 2010
Thanks for the clarification. 5 hours sounds a bit on the short side unless different playthroughs are vastly different? The only game I've really enjoyed that is played through that quickly is FTL.

Well, we are roguelite so you get the point. I'm not really sure why the newspost says RPG but whatever.

Right now, there are about 4 general directions in which to build up your skills (to put it generally) and there's, to put it simply, a flow of body parts to which you'll have to adjust. While the economy is balanced in a sense that all body parts are more or less equally used, there's still RNG so sometimes you're drowning in bones, other times you've got plenty of flesh, etc. And, while atm the bodyparts enchantment system is somewhat simplistic, full release version will be more complicated and so you'll have to be thinking more about management etc. and it'll also add up to replayability as certain combos will be available, certains won't.
Sep 24, 2014
Hmmm, are there games with darkest dungeon mechanics but implemented as a normal "high fantasy" RPG without all this "ultra hard / die-alot / suffer through"-stuff?

I only know "The spirit engine" which is quite cool, but has too strange combat mechanics for my taste and its quite old now.
Nov 7, 2006
"Inspired by Darkest Dungeon and Dungeon Keeper" I'm intrigued. Now if only a developer would make a game inspired by Overlord but with different minions.
Oct 1, 2010
Try the amazing demo! Superb art direction, strong skill development, very nice magic and alchemy system and of course crafting your own undead minions. I love dark mages and Necromancers. BACKED!!

Top-notch graphics design, excellent grittiness & cruel dark fantasy world, exhilarating atmosphere. MUST PLAY MUST HAVE
Mar 21, 2013
Agree with Mercy, the demo is great. There are some interesting concepts, and I love the art, especially the effects added to the sprites as they take damage. There's obviously some skill and passion behind the demo. I'm not big on roguelikes, but there's no way I can't back this project after that kind of intro.
Jun 13, 2013
North Carolina, US
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