Coronavirus (No Politics)

Something positive to come out of the pandemic is that, since I was home four days this week (caught a cold and testing is slow in Sweden at the moment) I got pretty far in Baldur’s Gate 2! And I got to hang out more with my son, who brought the bug to me. :)
Feb 15, 2009
Got our booster shot yesterday, had to go to Germany for that, as it would take some time before it would be our turn, as the Dutch government is quite slow.
In Aachen they allow the Dutch to get a vaccination, so we went there. But to get that vaccination also listed in the access app we need to get a QR code from a pharmacy. We forgot to do that yesterday, so hopping across the border again today to get that certificate.

At the moment I have a bit of a sore arm. Using the arm and moving it reduces the soreness. Lot's of stuff I can learn to do using my left arm :)
Aug 30, 2006
Got our booster shot yesterday, had to go to Germany for that, as it would take some time before it would be our turn, as the Dutch government is quite slow.
In Aachen they allow the Dutch to get a vaccination, so we went there. But to get that vaccination also listed in the access app we need to get a QR code from a pharmacy. We forgot to do that yesterday, so hopping across the border again today to get that certificate.

At the moment I have a bit of a sore arm. Using the arm and moving it reduces the soreness. Lot's of stuff I can learn to do using my left arm :)

In Sweden the booster shots aren't at my age category yet. Still a month or two to go, but I'm in no hurry.

About using the wrong arm: I had some hand surgery done a few years ago and couldn't use my dominant hand for 6+ weeks. It was annoying at first, but I got pretty good at doing a lot of things with the wrong hand. :)
Feb 15, 2009
I'm glad to see so many of us are being wise about this pandemic, I've plans to get a booster shot in the upcoming week. May all be safe and hale during this wonderful autumn season!
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I just watched and heard on 7 news in Australia that Omicron is "about 5x less severe" than regular covid. I dont know how accurate that is though.
Sep 17, 2021
From the BBC website:
"Early data from South Africa and studies in England and Scotland published on Wednesday suggest Omicron infections may be milder and lead to fewer hospital admissions.

Analysis by researchers at Imperial College London found around a 40% reduction in the risk of being admitted to hospital for a night or more compared with Delta, while an Edinburgh University study suggested there was a 65% lower risk of being hospitalised with Omicron - but it was based on only a few cases.

In South Africa, a study suggested Omicron patients were 70-80% less likely to need hospital treatment. However, it suggested there was no difference in outcomes for the few patients that ended up in hospital with Omicron.

Imperial College epidemiologist Prof Neil Ferguson said the research was "clearly good news to a degree".

However, he warned the reduction was "not sufficient to dramatically change the modelling" and the speed at which Omicron was spreading could still mean hospitalisations "in numbers that could put the NHS in a difficult position".

While analysis showed evidence of a moderate reduction in the risk of hospitalisation from Omicron, he said this appeared "to be offset by the efficacy of vaccines against infection".

Good news but the risk to the NHS ( and those requiring treatment) still exists.
Dec 2, 2006
Hope you all had a nice Christmas, and aren't currently in custody for strangling one of your nearest and dearest.

I think there is a bit of realistic hope now that Omicron has evolved to be significantly less lethal. One of the UK scientists takes a pretty positive view on it. There is a best case scenario where Omicron goes on a rampage without doing too much harm, particularly to those with some vaccine protection, and helps to get more immune protection out there.
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Nov 8, 2014
I totally failed to mention that I did get the booster shot, about two weeks ago. The day of the actual shot, nothing, the following two days I felt uber drowsy and didn't feel like eating much, that lasted two days, then all was well. Oh, and for those two days, I slept like the dead, lol.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
So how are things in different countries at the moment?

In Sweden a lot of people are getting infected, but few get severely sick. Mostly people with underlying diseases/risk factors, and more than half of the people in hospitals aren't vaccinated at all.

It's really hard to track the spread of the disease due to how many get it, so there's been some rumors floating around about "giving up" tracking it.

We have some new restrictions, like people in restaurants/clubs only allowed to sit at tables and not move around. It's made going to clubs boring, so the clubs are closing down temporarily. There's some restrictions regarding events, amount of people allowed and being vaccinated, but since I'm not going to one at the moment I haven't bothered learning about it.

Most restrictions don't impact me much, but I have to wear a visor at work again, which is annoying. Better than masks though, since masks are extremely annoying when wearing glasses.

On a personal note one of my brothers and his family got covid last week. They are vaccinated so it was like a mild cold to them, and apart from affecting the sense of smell they have no symptoms any more.
Feb 15, 2009
So how are things in different countries at the moment?

The US is an absolute mess - it is an absolute "pandemic of the unvaccinated" (due to the dynamics of how the vaccine limits transmission and infection), which is really sad. I know a bunch of people who have died, and even more who have had life-altering 'long covid' effects. This is the 'no politics' thread so I won't go deeper, but it is sad knowing that hundreds of thousands of children have ended up sick and many hospitalized and dying as the age curve has started shifting in many states.
Oct 18, 2006
I totally failed to mention that I did get the booster shot, about two weeks ago. The day of the actual shot, nothing, the following two days I felt uber drowsy and didn't feel like eating much, that lasted two days, then all was well. Oh, and for those two days, I slept like the dead, lol.
I can book a booster shot now, but I have to book a date after it's been 6 months from my second shot which is the end of February. They are talking about decreasing the time, but at the moment I'll have to wait.
Feb 15, 2009
The US is an absolute mess - it is an absolute "pandemic of the unvaccinated" (due to the dynamics of how the vaccine limits transmission and infection), which is really sad. I know a bunch of people who have died, and even more who have had life-altering 'long covid' effects. This is the 'no politics' thread so I won't go deeper, but it is sad knowing that hundreds of thousands of children have ended up sick and many hospitalized and dying as the age curve has started shifting in many states.
Wow, that's too bad.

Don't know anyone who got severely sick, but some who got semi long term symptoms (a few months). Of course I'm 37, so most people I know outside of work and family are between 30 and 50.
Feb 15, 2009
My nephews wife refused to get vaccinated and got it and gave it to her entire family, including her 9 month unborn child. They are in stable condition in the hospital currently. My nephew was vaccinated and he had only a mild does. His other kids were sick but otherwise okay.

A co-worker, vaccinated, got it but was mild and while working remote so didn't come into contact.

I am basically avoiding people and social things much as I can. I get my booster shot on the 6th of January (third shot) as work is requiring more people come to the office now. Guess they are getting tired of people working remote.
Jun 4, 2008
One of my co-workers caught Covid during Thanksgiving, so he was out for the first couple weeks of the month. He said about 13 members of his family got it, most had pretty mild symptoms but his were pretty nasty. IIRC he said about half of those people were vaxxed. Not entirely sure if he was and I didn't feel like being nosey.

I got my (mRNA) booster on the 23rd. Kinda felt tired and shitty the next day but I'm not entirely sure that was due to with the vaccine.. could've just been that I'd worked 8 days in a row. My upper arm was sore for a few days. Other than that I felt fine and thankfully I did not develop a sudden urge to buy an Xbox.
Apr 9, 2013
Got my boost back in November. I got the 102F temperature again, just like I did with the second dose. Ugh. But at least I can go to the grocery store without much fear of, you know, DYING because of it. Even with the infection numbers skyrocketing, many many people are just pretending it's not a problem.
Other than that I felt fine and thankfully I did not develop a sudden urge to buy an Xbox.
Oh? What about an X3Box? ;)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Even with the infection numbers skyrocketing, many many people are just pretending it's not a problem.

That is the most depressing thing to me - we have surpassed the 1918 Flu pandemic, in spite of knowing *so much more* about particle dynamics, epidemiology, and having an actual vaccine. We are failing by choice, which is just sad.
Oct 18, 2006
Let's try to keep the more political aspects to the benighted P&R covid thread, please. It might seem like I'm being picky, but I think if we start to go down that road, this thread starts to turn into that one.
Nov 8, 2014
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