Dragon Age: Inquisition - Preview @ OXM


October 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Jaldaris93 from the Bioware DA: Inquisition forum has made a thread about the preview for DA: Inquisition which is in the Official Xbox Magazine.

Here are some of the highlights:

1. There will be 5 regions in Dragon Age: Inquisition: Fereldan, The Free Marches, Orlais, Nevarra and the Dales:

  • 2 of the areas you can expect to visit are; a war-torn region in Orlais and an elven burial ground, known as the Emerald Graves.
  • The Emerald Graves, according to executive producer Mark Darrah, is where the Dalish Elves planted one tree for every soldier killed in the Exalted Marches.
2. Dragon Age Inquisition Companions:
  • There will be no DLC Companions: According to Creative Director Mike Laidlaw: "Because of how deeply enmeshed in the system companion characters are, we can't just add them on the fly; part of them has to be shipped on the disc...which was led to criticism that we're forcing people to pay for content they already own. It's not the case, but we've decided this time to not go that route. There will be no DLC party members."
  • Solas is an apostate and an expert on the Fade.

  • The Prologue Section (or the "Origin" section" will be the same for all players. The player's appearance, class and dialogue responses during the prologue section will fill in the details, presumably of the Inquisitor's background, and in particular inform how other characters respond to you throughout the story.

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Well what a surprise no DLC companions this time. It seems they can learn from past mistakes my interest just doubled in the game.

I wonder if they will release more cosmetic DLC this time as they admitted the game will have no mods tools, or support modding. At least you could mod Dragon Age 2.

Anyway I still wont pre-order it till I see what is offered. More information should be available at E3 in June, and we might finally get a release date ^^
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Oct 1, 2010
Bioware is promising a staggering 40 possible endings for the game, dependent not only on choices made in character generation but by actions taken throughout the storyline. [Mark] Darrah stresses, however, that the endings will all be meaningfully different from one another. You won't find 40 endings with only slight degrees of variation between them."

Now, this better be true..... I don't want any more of ME3 like endings.
I wonder if they will release more cosmetic DLC this time as they admitted the game will have no mods tools, or support modding. At least you could mod Dragon Age 2.

We can collect mounts, don't wonder what the DLCs are going to be (mounts are big seller in F2P MMOs).

"Presumbly as a result, you're also endowed with a singular ability: you can close these rifts wherever they appear throughout the continent."


You didn't need a special ability to close Oblivion gate and I suspect that the journalist is wrong anyway, because the warden (mage or not) was able to close veil tear in Awakening and did need to any special power.
Oct 13, 2007
"My God. Bees."



Oct 23, 2006
Well what a surprise no DLC companions this time. It seems they can learn from past mistakes my interest just doubled in the game.
No DLC companions doesn't mean no DLC crucial story quests later.
Preorder in my case is a definite no. Will wait and buy after the release and only if someone here on the forum says it's worth buying.

Now, this better be true….. I don't want any more of ME3 like endings.
Actually that "enhanced" ending feels better (yea, finally had it a few days ago). But while Evangelion rip-off devs-on-the-heavy-drugs stuff is removed, the ending is still in "unfinished" state and they didn't remove the bloody stargazer crap out of it.

Luckily, modders answered and made another ending type. It's not 3 choices same consequences - depending on how many DLC or multiplayer boxes you've bought.
Didn't try it yet, but will soon.

Bioware is promising a staggering 40 possible endings for the game, dependent not only on choices made in character generation but by actions taken throughout the storyline
For god's sakes… Who cares for 40 different endings? How about making players able to solve every quest in 40 completely different ways? Oh yea I know. It's not easy to make like having 40 practically the same endings with a few different colors.

One question though. Are those endings in the game, or a few are cut out and will be sold separately?
Apr 12, 2009

Interesting.... I might try it out. Really glad that I've still got save right before the star child business. Although I'm still hesitant to revist the ME3, so might wait until you finish it joxer :p
Does all of these 40 different endings or rest of the choices and consequence really matter if they just pick only one as cannon for the next game?

In DAO you have number of big choices as the warden however one of the reason why I felt that you didn't get play the warden in DA2 is cos it would have been an nightmare for the devs to support all of those choices hence they went with new character. This is the same reason why in DAI you are playing a new character…

Just don't want to pick on DA for this issue. ME, Witcher all have the same issues...
Oct 8, 2009
Does all of these 40 different endings or rest of the choices and consequence really matter if they just pick only one as cannon for the next game?

In DAO you have number of big choices as the warden however one of the reason why I felt that you didn't get play the warden in DA2 is cos it would have been an nightmare for the devs to support all of those choices hence they went with new character. This is the same reason why in DAI you are playing a new character…

The endings system is similar to DAO. It's permutation of different choices.

And each game in the DA franchise will have different protagonist that was always BioWare's plan. The Warden story ended with Awakening.

Plenty of DAO's choices are going to show up in DAI, because we are going back to Ferelden* anyway...
Oct 13, 2007
While I can see some clear positive steps it's going to be a while before EA earns a pre-order or a first quarter purchase. DLC of required story modules or 'necessary' to complete the game, are an instant NoBuy.
Aug 13, 2013

Interesting…. I might try it out. Really glad that I've still got save right before the star child business. Although I'm still hesitant to revist the ME3, so might wait until you finish it joxer :p

Please do wait, it's kinda more interesting when you're not alone replaying something. And I won't be that fast, I'm slowly moving through ME1 again so I don't miss anything (that will bring me war assets in ME3). Oh and I'll grab Kaidan again as I can't stand botoxed ME3 Ashley. Boobs, sure, no objection, but high heels botoxed soldier class character? They can go sell that idiocy to porn industry. Oops, sorry, I'm stopping there, it's a material I'll be talking about in the "finished" thread.

But have to mention something else. I persuaded my sister in law to try ME1, she adores it. Which is somewhat odd as RPGs are not really her thing and here she loves everything, especially driving - when I told her there is no Mako in ME2, she was utterly disappointed. So I didn't tell her anything else about ME2 otherwise she will never buy it! :(

Anyway, I've written that in the end because of +50 war asset bonus in ME3 I'll buy ME2 DLC Arrival. So I got more Bioware Points. Much more. Too many.
Got milked by EA… Yea… Well, now I'll probably have enough to buy horse armor DLC in DA:I. :D
J/K I'd rather let biopoints to rot than buying "let's turn insane difficulty into easy" items DLC.
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Apr 12, 2009
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