Mount & Blade - Spotlight @ GameAlmighty


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
A site called GameAlmighty has an Indie Spotlight featuring Taleworld's Mount&Blade:
Some would argue that Oblivion is the best RPG to emerge on any platform over the past few years. Some would site its sheer scope and hundreds of hours of gameplay as the paramount reason while another group may single out its impressive graphical prowess. While I found Oblivion enjoyable, I ultimately didn’t come away feeling as if I had played anything new. It was the same old RPG I’ve seen before, just more of it. No real innovation. So now you’re sitting there with that incredulous look on your face, wondering just what in the hell could be better than Oblivion? It’s called Mount&Blade.
Two people are responsible for Mount&Blade and they just happen to be married and citizens of Turkey. Not quite the situation we’ve come to expect in the world of game making, though the result speaks for itself. Programmed and designed Armagan Yavuz, with his wife Ipek handling the artwork, these two have single-handedly created one of the most innovative RPGs I’ve seen in a very long time. Do the graphics match Oblivion? Not even close. Does it have 500-billion quests? Nope, maybe half that. What it does have is gameplay, the likes of which you’ve never seen before.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
So now you’re sitting there with that incredulous look on your face, wondering just what in the hell could be better than Oblivion?

(Slowly turning head to the right, where shelf with the collection of computer games stands.)

I suppose I could name a few.
My guess is he hasn't actually put much time into Mount&Blade. I found the gameplay extremely repetitive (like a MMORPG).

Not to mention in the last year there has been like a couple of new versions and basically nothing has changed since the .500 release, apart from a few minor graphical changes.
Oct 18, 2006
Well, I haven't read the whole article, but he's right - the game is very innovative, and something I would be proud of if I had created it.

I agree though, it is very repetitive. I haven't ventured too far into the game myself because of this. Nevertheless, I see tremendous potential. If they fleshed out a story with an actual plot, added some background lore to make the world believable, upped the graphics to the current name-brand standard, and dumbed down the horse-mounted combat a bit (to somewhere in-between the difficulties of Gothic and Oblivion) I think M&B would become a revolutionary RPG.

Unfortunately, I don't get the impression from the forums on the M&B site that the above mentioned wishes are the direction they want to take the game.
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
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