Graywalkers: Purgatory - A Strategic & Tactical Turn-Based RPG


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Well this new kickstarter fell under my radar it's called Graywalkers: Purgatory, and it's asking for $100,000 to get funded.

It's described as, "A Emergent Strategic & Tactical Turn-Based RPG set in a Supernatural Post-Apocalyptic World where Heaven & Hell merged with Earth."

I wish them luck as the game sounds good, but the asking price based on other projects is hard to achieve.

Graywalkers: Purgatory is the first in a series of Emergent Strategic and Tactical Turn-based 3D Role-Playing Game set in a stylish supernatural post-apocalyptic world, where parts of Heaven, Hell and Earth have merged together in an event called "The Rupture".

In this game, you play the prophesied leader of the Graywalkers, 36 Hidden Ones who walk the line between the darkness and the light. It is your task to gather them all, unite the the chaotic lands of Purgatory under one banner, and lead the war to reclaim the world for humanity. Your actions will affect the economy and politics of this land ravaged by the war between the supernaturals.

The vision for the Graywalkers saga has underlying foundations that will guide it through its development from beginning to end:

  • Best of Turn-Based - the game was inspired by some of the best turn-based games we love: the X-Com series, Fallout Series, Jagged Alliance series, the original Wasteland, Baldur's Gate and Arcanum. We've melded the best features we loved from these games and added our own to create a unique but familiar experience.
  • Epic Story, Deep Mythos & New Mysterious World - the epic story of Graywalkers spans more than 2000 years of background history, providing a deep and rich world flavored with new takes on old legends and mysteries waiting to be discovered.
  • Emergent Gameplay - we wanted to create a game where the player's decisions and actions have the ability to change and affect the world in profound ways.
  • Community Interaction – one of the reasons for us being here on Kickstarter is to build a community behind this game. We want them to be part of the development of this game as reasonably possible. The game we will build is the game they want to play

  • Game Type - It is a 3D 3rd person role-playing game with strategic and tactical elements. You can toggle between Isometric and Perspective views.
  • Game Modes - There are 3 possible Game Modes; Campaign is the single-player epic storyline, Freeform is a single player experience where everything is procedurally generated and your measure for success is affected by influence, resources and power. If Stretch goals are reached, we will be adding a Multiplayer Mode which is Team based PVP.
  • Distribution - We are targeting on distributing the game on as many digital platforms as we can get on, including hopefully Steam, GOG, Desura and others.
  • Current State - The game is in the pre-alpha stage. We have working prototypes for some of the core systems but we still need to build majority of the content. We estimate 14-18 months more of development time.
More information.
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Oct 1, 2010
I'll support it if they remove multiplayer plans completely. Or the strech goal for that gets set to 5 millions.

Scratch that. It's a phonegame. Go get funded by phone companies.
I'm outta here.
Apr 12, 2009
Scratch that. It's a phonegame. They can get their funds here (copypasted pic from their project):I'm outta here.

Oh what a surprise someone hates a kickstarter just because it's coming to mobile devices also. I wish I had a quarter every time I hear this.

Didn't stop people from pledging to Shadowruns Return now did it.:p
Oct 1, 2010
That's their problem. I bought some beer instead, and probably had more fun with it.

Look, I'm aware there is no more capitalism, socialism, communism and etc but the whole world entered the era of scamism. Should I go with the flow just because of that? Never.
Apr 12, 2009
I'll support it if they remove multiplayer plans completely. Or the strech goal for that gets set to 5 millions.

Scratch that. It's a phonegame. Go get funded by phone companies.
I'm outta here.

So you are saying that major publishers will publish hardcore turn-based rpgs now?
Oct 19, 2006
guenthar, you didn't read my posts in other threads.

Major publishers present an early stage game to 50 morons (medically, I'm not trying to insult someone) and if all 50 like it, they publish it. They don't care what genre it is.

The pic is from Technopriests.
Apr 12, 2009
I remember that image it has been linked a few time before on the site.;) I still don't care that the game is for mobile devices also, and that's not going to change.

Times change and so do games that's a reality of our hobby. If you asked me a year ago I would be just like you. Since then I now have a tablet that I use with my PC.

It's just another option I'm not going casual anytime soon either.:cool:
Oct 1, 2010
I love that Joxer will be here to give us his hate for any games that are on mobile devices regardless if they are good or not. Man, if you don't like it fine, don't think every post needs your damn approval.
Apr 17, 2007
another me too kickstarter, this time with creepy voiceovers. launch it, and color me interested.
Jun 30, 2011
Pre Alpha, but no gameplay or combat demo? Just some rather crude cutout images in the video and a few mocked up screenshots. Some interesting ideas perhaps, but not enough here to convince me yet. Setting sounds a little hokey too.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
guenthar, you didn't read my posts in other threads.

Major publishers present an early stage game to 50 morons (medically, I'm not trying to insult someone) and if all 50 like it, they publish it. They don't care what genre it is.

The pic is from Technopriests.

So since 50 morons wouldn't be able to play a complex hardcore rpg (like this) then they wouldn't be able to get "phone companies" to fund the game.
Oct 19, 2006
Looks interesting. But for 20$ and this unprofessional voiceover I need to see some ingame footage in motion…
Jun 2, 2012
God damn. All the negativity. I imagine I'm among the older RPG gamers on this site, having cut my teeth on gold box, Bard's Tale, Wizardry, Ultima etc in the late 80's so when I say WHO FUCKING CARES IF IT ALSO COMES OUT ON PHONES, you know I don't say it lightly. Kickstarter RPGs usually won't be casual or simple games. It's turn based for fucks sake. It seems that PC is the base upon which the game will be designed. If getting it on phones or consoles helps them continue making turn based hardcore RPGs then they have my blessing. Besides, isn't Baldur's Gate playable on phones?? Your argument is thusly defeated by logic.
Jan 1, 2010
Toronto, Canada
God damn. All the negativity. I imagine I'm among the older RPG gamers on this site, having cut my teeth on gold box, Bard's Tale, Wizardry, Ultima etc in the late 80's so when I say WHO FUCKING CARES IF IT ALSO COMES OUT ON PHONES, you know I don't say it lightly. Kickstarter RPGs usually won't be casual or simple games. It's turn based for fucks sake. It seems that PC is the base upon which the game will be designed. If getting it on phones or consoles helps them continue making turn based hardcore RPGs then they have my blessing. Besides, isn't Baldur's Gate playable on phones?? Your argument is thusly defeated by logic.

1.Phone games don't have as good interface as PC only games.

2.Porting to multiple platforms strains already minimal resources that most of kickstarter games have that can be used to improve game.

That is perfectly logical reason not to back or preorder any games that come out on phones or consoles too.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
2.Porting to multiple platforms strains already minimal resources that most of kickstarter games have that can be used to improve game.

That is perfectly logical reason not to back or preorder any games that come out on phones or consoles too.

Would you rather pledge to a 10k PC only project than to a 200k multi-platform one?
Sorry but just drawings won't make me pledge for anything (hmm… maybe I broke that rule once). Show me a gameplay video and we'll talk.
Sep 23, 2008
Would you rather pledge to a 10k PC only project than to a 200k multi-platform one?

That depends on game.Any resources that go to any platform beside PC are wasted resources from my perspective being PC only gamer.It's not 100% deal breaker, I did back Antharion and I did preorder paper sorcerer, but at this point I backed too many projects and I can't afford to back as many so practically any multiplatform game is taken out of consideration unless it really impresses me.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
1.Phone games don't have as good interface as PC only games.

Isn't this simply a matter of implementation though? Seems to me like a lot of the "good 'ol games" we like to remember fondly here would do quite well on mobiles. Had they been developed today, on mobiles, it'd be a pity not to play them just for that.
Feb 3, 2011
I was interested until I looked at the KS page. Too much cutesy/sexy JRPG stuff going on to take it seriously. The female models look ridiculous. So not to my taste.
Sep 11, 2012
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