Elder Scrolls Online - Preview Roundup


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Here are a few more previews for The Elder Scrolls Online.
GameInformer - "Exploring Daggerfall"
During my hour of playtime, I make my way through a number of small sidequests, as well as an extensive mission chain that sees my character thwarting an assassination attempt on the local king. Questing feels more directed and story-driven than many MMOs, and less focused on "kill this many foes" or "collect this many objects." Even so, in the balance between traditional MMOs and the familiar Elder Scrolls games, the game undeniably feels closer to an MMO than its single-player RPG forebears.
FleshEatingZipper - "5 Reasons Why ‘The Elder Scrolls Online’ Isn’t The ‘Skyrim’ You’re Searching For"
This morning I got my hands on Bethesda’s new epic new MMO, The Elder Scrolls Online. It was a brief session, only about half an hour, but it was enough to get a good first impression of what the new online team’s been putting together for so many years. If you’re looking for a traditional Elder Scrolls game though, you’re going to be plenty surprised.
Polygon - "Separate Servers for PC and Console Players"
Sage, who works as creative director on the studio's MMO offering, stated that despite recently announcing the title would hit both next-gen platforms as well as Windows PC and Mac, the game will feature three separate server environments to ensure fairness in PvP across all systems as those on PC and Mac will use a mouse and keyboard while console users will have only a controller.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I am really glad they are keeping console and PC players on separate servers. It would have been a horrible experience for both console and PC players if it would have been mixed.
Oct 19, 2006
Anyone else think it strange and/or suspect that they're making a big infrastructure decision like that based on PVP of all things? In a TOS game?
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Actually PvP is only one of many reasons why console and PC gamers should be separate in an mmorpg. Anyone playing on a PC and wanting to party would have a much more difficult time if they were partied with a console player. Another reason is that the rules will need to be different on the console servers then the PC servers since with the limitations caused by using a controller it would be nearly impossible to have the same effectiveness as a PC player in combat so the combat will need to be easier for the console player.
Oct 19, 2006
I am really glad they are keeping console and PC players on separate servers. It would have been a horrible experience for both console and PC players if it would have been mixed.

Amen to that.^^
Aug 24, 2007
You guys are sorta missing my point: the fact that PVP plays a large enough role as to warrant dictating decisions for server infrastructure is yet another red flag for what is supposedly a TES game.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
It's not a "TES" game, it's an MMO based in the world of TES lore. If you are going to have PvP, then it makes sense to make that side of the game work as well as possible. It would be absurd to let the game be dragged down by trying to achieve some kind of dubious fidelity with a single player game.

They don't need to have separate PvP servers, since PvP only takes place in a particular area of the world. If you don't want to PvP you just don't go there. That's the same as the way PvP works in Guild Wars 2. In any case the old distinction of PvP/PvE servers was largely a technical limitation and annoying for those who like to play both styles at different times.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
Also keep in mind that the console version will no doubt have "aid" in terms of aiming, ability usage and so on, just like shooters and similar have on consoles.
Oct 18, 2006
first impressions on MMOs are nothing. I remember my first impressions of Age of Conan were awesome, the experience in the first island was great, skills that mattered outside of combat, great quests, etc. But after the tutorial island, it was same old MMO all over again.
Sep 23, 2008
Heh, yeah, the Tortuga part of Age of Conan got A's and 10/10 all over the place when people were writing impressions and "reviews". I loved that part as well, I still think it's some of the best content I've seen in an MMO. It rocked. Too bad the rest didn't.
Oct 18, 2006
Heh, yeah, the Tortuga part of Age of Conan got A's and 10/10 all over the place when people were writing impressions and "reviews". I loved that part as well, I still think it's some of the best content I've seen in an MMO. It rocked. Too bad the rest didn't.

Ditto - I played the first 20 levels numerous times, got my money's worth at least.

I am happy to see the split on console/PC myself but I don't PvP so not sure if it would matter as much to me. Not sure how chatting would work unless everyone is suppose to be on voice. I am an old timer even on MMO's, I still prefer typing. Then again I also don't raid/dungeonize and that is where it tends to be most useful IMO.

Still plan on playing the game though - this is the type of thing where I need first hand experience to make a decision.
Jun 4, 2008
Ditto - I played the first 20 levels numerous times, got my money's worth at least.

I am happy to see the split on console/PC myself but I don't PvP so not sure if it would matter as much to me. Not sure how chatting would work unless everyone is suppose to be on voice. I am an old timer even on MMO's, I still prefer typing. Then again I also don't raid/dungeonize and that is where it tends to be most useful IMO.

Still plan on playing the game though - this is the type of thing where I need first hand experience to make a decision.

Indications are that it will be a blast playing the single player campaign up to maximum level on at least one character - probably a month or three of gameplay, taken slowly. Certainly that's the case with Guild Wars 2 and it looks like Zenimax will have put at least as much work into that aspect of TESO as Arenanet did for GW2 (and a lot more than Funcom were able to put into Conan). But MMOs want to attract players for a longer term and sooner or later the content runs out, however much money gets spent. And then, so far, no one has come up with a convincing alternative to Warcraft's raiding gear grind for endgame - and that doesn't appeal to everyone.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
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