Two Worlds - Interview @ GameBanshee


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
GameBanshee has a new Two Worlds interview with NA publisher Topware Interactive. Managing Director James Seaman is answering the questions and here's a sample:
GB: Take us through a typical combat scenario in Two Worlds. What sort of maneuvers or other strategic options will be available to the player at the outset of a battle? Is ranged combat handled differently than melee?

James: Hopefully, there is no ‘typical’ combat in Two Worlds. After you’ve gone up a few levels, you’ll probably be starting to find out what kind of combat suits you, and you’ve learned some special maneuvers related to that. For example, if melee is your forte, you might stab an enemy in front of you, kick dirt in the eyes of the foe to your right, then perform a deadly pirouette that strikes everyone around you. Or if you’ve specialized in mounted combat, perhaps you charge into battle, strike, then ride off to make another pass (unless someone dismounts you with their polearm).

And yes, ranged combat is a little different than melee. It also has its own special moves to learn, but we’ve designed it so when you pull back the bow string, the camera starts to zoom in on your target. The farther you zoom in, the more damage you’ll do. It’s up to you whether to fire off a lot of less damaging shots, or hold off for one powerful arrow.
In related news, Eurogamer is previewing an upcoming Two Worlds interview with Zuxxez' Dirk Hassinger using Oblivion to drum up some PR:
"Our inventory system is smarter, our magic system is much more complex and even the way we handle horses has more depth. Beyond those game mechanics, we have a much more complex society, with many more factions working within it. On top of that, our overarching storyline is a touch darker and more involved. That's not to say that Oblivion is a worse game, just that Two Worlds has more 'meat'."
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Maybe I'm misinterpreting something, but this quote annoyed me:
"No one's ever tried to bring the free-roaming, single-player RPG together with a fully-featured multiplayer mode before, although that's more pioneering through ambition than through innovation."

Wasn't this the core design for NWN??!!
Aug 31, 2006
Wasn't this the core design for NWN??!!

Maybe it was... before they decided to drop the free-roaming part and turned NWN into a game on rails that is only occasionally giving you the illusion of freedom ;) .
Oct 18, 2006
This game didn't turn into the train like game that NWN did. (which is a good thing)
Oct 19, 2006
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