KoA: Reckoning - Screens @ Worthplaying

Elf chick is skimpy clothing with big boobs..check

Way over big armor and weapons....check

man I'm either old or that Art Style stinks....Some of it looks pretty good but the characters and weapons and armor are terrible.
Feb 24, 2010
Yeah, it's really quite amazing how all their screenshots and 'look at me! action! dumb as rocks story!' trailers seem to make the game look like a piece of complete suckage I want to back away from slowly, whilst their long gameplay walkthrough videos always get me pretty excited.

Compare barely clothed elf chick in that set, with the fully clothed elf female PC, in a leather(ish) armour set that looked like it might actually be somewhat useful as armour, that they did the GamesCom demo with.
Jun 24, 2007
Agreed on the character art. I kinda like the environmental and monster art though.
Oct 18, 2006
I think you guys are being too harsh on this game. I put that down to all of you being disgruntle grumpy old men :lol:

Jokes aside, not every game has to meet a certain "high" standards. Take books and movies, people enjoy them at various intellectual level. A person can watch good art house movie and enjoy it and the same person can also enjoy trashy movie as well. However we tend request that all RPGs meet the same standard. I think we should recognise a RPG for what it is and treat it as such.

When I first heard about the game, I know it's going to RPG Lite, in other words the American Pie (something like that!) of RPG genre and you can't have American Pie without boobs!
Oct 8, 2009
Looks fine to me. Then again, I don't really care too much about how it looks as long as it plays well and has interesting story/characters.
Oct 18, 2006
man I'm either old or that Art Style stinks….Some of it looks pretty good but the characters and weapons and armor are terrible.

I hadn't heard of this game before, those pics were the first I saw of it and I totally agree. I don't like the look of it at all. But I'm pleased to see a big, open world RPG that's not another MMO. So I'll certainly look into it when it comes out.

But it's too far away to start getting excited.
Apr 4, 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
Lostforever is right , this one is for the masses but i think the colorful art looks good the world looks detailed from the screens that i have seen and the monsters are original And its open world . This is a Triple A release published by EA !!! How hardcore / original do you think its goona get ? I like what i see so far , i just hope EA doesnt push this game out the door before its finished or rip it apart to sell as DLC.
Oct 8, 2010
Lostforever is right , this one is for the masses

I really think they're selling themselves short with their screenshots and short trailers tho' compared with the long gameplay videos. It's the same artstyle and everything — and realism is fairly unfashionable for games currently — but somehow they seem to pick the cheesiest and most hackneyed bits of extruded fantasy product to showcase for the short quick stuff most people will actually bother to look at.

I guess that's marketing for you :)
Jun 24, 2007
It kinda looks like Reckoning wants to be the next Oblivion or Skyrim, but I've heard nothing about modding tools. They're not going to bump Bethesda unless the game is heavily moddable. I would love to see Bethesda get some competition in their field though. Knocking off some of their complacency would be a good thing.

Anyone know if this game is going to be moddable?
Oct 18, 2006
Didn't see any too over-the-top armors, weapons or boobs compared to other RPG's.. I really like the colors, very refreshing to see since most devs makes it really easy for themselves and just desaturate everything to make it all blend in. Character proportions looks good to, no giant freak heads like this: http://www.mlwgames.com/img/assets/skyrim_aug/skyrimdarkelffemale.jpg (lol)
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I'm one of the few here who like the art style for this game, I like vibrant colors.

It just look like a nice "no brain" hack-slash game to me, I need at least one of those per year.
Oct 13, 2007
There are some really staggering play length estimates coming out for this game.

38 Studios' Sean Dunn did several GamesCom interviews where he said that some playtesters who are tasked with trying to complete every quest in the game have logged over 300 hours.

And this is a direct quote from Curt Schilling on Reckoning's official forums (username Ngruk):
"If you do all the content, at release, you can easily get 2-300 hours of gameplay from Reckoning, easily."

There are 6 faction quests that the devs have said will take 20-30 hours each. Players can do them all, which is a little disappointing that there aren't competing factions, however in the Gamescom demo they emphasized that you can complete each one in different ways, which will have different effects on both the world and on your character.

Say what you want about this game, but the sheer ambition in creating a deep, rich single-player RPG experience is admirable and worth getting excited about IMO. I have been very skeptical that any design team could pull off what these guys are trying to do, but after following the game closely for a while, following the dev comments on the forums, and reading/seeing every dev interview and video I can get my hand on, everybody who is involved with this game is exhibiting a strong confidence that this game really is shaping up to be everything they have wanted it to be.

And finally, one aside: I fully understand that folks will remain skeptical since it's all brand new and unproven, and I understand that the art style won't be everybody's cup of tea, but I do have to admit that it makes me chuckle when hardcore RPG fans complain about the art style of a game. I thought the standard mantra of hardcore RPG fans was that if the game is good, graphics don't matter? Or maybe we've all been dragged into the modern times, and are just as demanding now of shiny graphics along with everybody else?

Don't mean to pick on anybody in particular; like I said, it just makes me chuckle a bit. We've come a long way from Ultima 4, baby…
Mar 10, 2009
I think it looks great, the graphics are a nice change....we don't have to have all the games look the same, stylization is ok sometimes, at least to me.

As for graphics not mattering, that only comes up if the game is not north american;)
Apr 17, 2007
I think you guys are being too harsh on this game. I put that down to all of you being disgruntle grumpy old men :lol:

Jokes aside, not every game has to meet a certain "high" standards. Take books and movies, people enjoy them at various intellectual level. A person can watch good art house movie and enjoy it and the same person can also enjoy trashy movie as well. However we tend request that all RPGs meet the same standard. I think we should recognise a RPG for what it is and treat it as such.

When I first heard about the game, I know it's going to RPG Lite, in other words the American Pie (something like that!) of RPG genre and you can't have American Pie without boobs!

Are you telling us that even if it looks like crap we should enjoy it for what it is? ok....
Feb 24, 2010
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