NWN2 - Latest on 1 Up 'Review' Being Pulled

HI :)

Luckily, this is the INTERNET !

This means that nothing (if downloaded) ever vanishes. (even official Danish authorities have had their fair share of problems deleting every file from them on the internet - it is not good when confidential and personal flurrys about on the internet).

This also means that the now pulled review will circulate (for years?) on the internet. I don't now if this is good or bad news.....

However, the info regarding the pulling on the review is - of course - an excuse.
However, i would say that it is fairly good excuse. I will also say that it is nice to see a site being responsible, taking responsibility for its (not so great) actions.

I understand that 1up uses the whole 1-10 score of this scale. This is, in fact, imo, fine. However, I will still maintan that a review which views the whole D & D genre
as negative is not a review of the game itself, but a (negative) review of the whole genre.

IMHO; this is not any reviewer's job...
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
I can see a review like this maybe being more valid if NWN 2 was part of a flood of repeats, kinda like what we see with mediocre point-and-click adventure games and WW2 shooters. But NWN 2 is a unique game, the likes of which haven't been seen for four years. You can't say that it doesn't move the genre forward because the genre has been nonexistent lately!!!! My, how I would love to see just one game a year like this. Maybe we'll see some good expansion packs for a couple of years. That would be really nice.
Oct 18, 2006
I've been sitting back and watching alot of this stuff going on around 1up.com's review, the handling of the release of NWN2, and the bitch-fest that the official forums had become and I must admit that I have found the whole thing rather humerous.

For one thing, reviews are completely and totally subjective. Whether they had pulled the review or kept it meant little to nothing to me. I have played through NWN2, am on my 2nd go through (with the d2d version no less o_O) and have my own feelings on the game. After reading through the original review as posted on 1up's site I kinda shrugged the whole thing off. For one thing the reviewer hadn't played the game all the way through. That was completely evident to anyone that had been playing or had played the game. Secondly, using things like planescape torment and baldur's gate to back up his position told me that the reviewer was confusing those monumental crpg's with drivel like titans quest and diablo.

Personally, I think because of those 2 things 1up did the right thing by pulling the review. They should never have posted it in the first place so it lies on their shoulders completely and absolutely. I am a little wary of 1up now because they have decided to keep the reviewer around but, the fault does not lie with him solely. Sure, he should have passed on the assignment seeing as how he either does not enjoy true crpg's or does not have the time/capability of fully playing the game in order to give an honest assessment of the game. But, the process of reviews going to print/posting obviously need to be worked on and the editors all bear a share of the responsibility for having a jaded person review the game and not fully reading the article before it was posted.
Oct 18, 2006
U da man!!!

But, the process of reviews going to print/posting obviously need to be worked on and the editors all bear a share of the responsibility for having a jaded person review the game and not fully reading the article before it was posted.

No sarcasm intended, seriously.

They should hire you as an editor. :)

You have my vote.
Oct 31, 2006
Icewind Dale.
huh... if a reviewer of a D&D game say he doesn't like D&D why let him review the game in the first place? it's just dumb.

Well I remember when Titan Quest came out, there were a quite a few reviews that the reviewer obviously didn't like the genre of action/rpg. But I didn't see them pulling the review.
I don't like Japanese style RPG's, but I got asked to review Seal of Evil which is based on that genre. I played the game and attempted to review it fairly as a game holding my personal bias to one side. I think from the response it received that I managed to succeed. Therefore, I have no issue with someone reviewing a genre they don't like, provided they take a professional approach, especially when they are being paid to do it!!
Aug 31, 2006
I don't like Japanese style RPG's, but I got asked to review Seal of Evil which is based on that genre. I played the game and attempted to review it fairly as a game holding my personal bias to one side. I think from the response it received that I managed to succeed. Therefore, I have no issue with someone reviewing a genre they don't like, provided they take a professional approach, especially when they are being paid to do it!!
Agreed. After reading some of the "reviews" at 1up.com, if someone is thinking of buying games rather than reading opinions, I recommend him visiting other sites. I went there only because I was curious of the unusual score of the pulled "review" only to find there was not enough content to justify it or even a slightest effort to offer the readers information before buying the product. For example, here is NWN2 review at Gamespy (Thanks, Kalia for the heads-up). A simple question: Positive or negative, how much information can you get from it compared with the pulled "review"?

There are many blogs/forums with opinions and they are all right in their ways but, IMO, they are not what I expect from professional reviews. If the unusually low score is not an intentional trick to attract people, I hope they will do some efforts to make the content richer and be more professional journalists, who live on what you write, rather than amateur bloggers or forum members, who simply enjoy writing what they feel/think about their hobbies.

BTW, this is definitely off topic and probably bit picky but Seal of Evil is not Japanese but Chinese. East Asian would suffice if you find it difficult to tell.
I know Sof E is Chinese, but the genre is generally known as Japanese RPG's, which is why I used the term. Perhaps calling them Asian RPG's in future might be the way to go. What do others think?
Aug 31, 2006
I think that SoE is *much* closer to the Diablo-clones than it is to the Final Fantasy / Tales of Whatever games that define the jRPG genre.

It also had some really bad translations like this:


  • SealofEvil_02.jpg
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Oct 18, 2006
I don't mind reviewers not being fans of the series or genre the game belongs to, but at least they should state that in the review, so you don't think it's a hardcore FPS gamer reviewing Half-Life 2.. when in reality it's me who can't stand the genre as a whole, hehe. :)
Oct 18, 2006
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