What I've Been Watching: The Catch-All Film Thread

I've just seen The Longer Ranger. Other than a very great performance by Johny Depp (as always) it was a mediocre movie, I found. Mainly because the movie itself couldn't decide if it wanted to be a) an ironic twist -and hommage - to the old Lone Ranger movies/series or b) a real western movie or c) a family movie. Thus becoming none of these.

On the other hand I enjoyed Princess Monokoke...
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Mononoke… I can't see what's so stellar about that anime, to me it's ecological brainstorm wannabe/fail since I live in a country without any kind of environment pollution so to me it was pretty much "meh". And I do like anime stuff generally, just couldn't understand why are ppl so excited about this one.

The Lone Ranger you mentioned… Flopped on US market. For whatever reason.
But I adored it! It's not a masterpiece, but everything in it, means action, western, thriller, humor, drama and a bit of fantasy, was mixed inbetween perfectly. Oh it does decide what it is. Fun. It is fun. Nothing more than that. If you wanted something else, you're searching in the wrong place.
Apr 12, 2009

'nuff said because it looks like a totally generic over-produced standard disaster action movie?

'nuff said because until the final 5 seconds it could have been anything? (see above generic comment)

or 'nuff said because it is yet another example of how Hollywood's idea of innovation is throwing cash and big explosions and 'dark & gritty' at every already-done idea to come up with a bigger, louder and totally inferior product that will sell enough on hype to justify the NEXT fetid pile of crap ... like this?
Oct 18, 2006
'nuff said because it looks like a totally generic over-produced standard disaster action movie?

'nuff said because until the final 5 seconds it could have been anything? (see above generic comment)

or 'nuff said because it is yet another example of how Hollywood's idea of innovation is throwing cash and big explosions and 'dark & gritty' at every already-done idea to come up with a bigger, louder and totally inferior product that will sell enough on hype to justify the NEXT fetid pile of crap … like this?

I guess it never occurred to you that I might simply be a fan of Godzilla in general.

Or maybe you were just in the mood to go off on an inane rant today. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I guess it never occurred to you that I might simply be a fan of Godzilla in general.

Sorry - after seeing the trailer that didn't cross my mind! :)

Being a fan of Godzilla would describe many of us - myself included. Which is why when you linked to a trailer that could easily have been *anything* (heck, it could have been a Transformers movie by just changing the last 5 seconds), my initial assumption was 'nuff said was linked more to a 'oh here we go AGAIN' sentiment rather than excitement.

I hope I am wrong and it is just a crappy trailer.
Oct 18, 2006
Sorry - after seeing the trailer that didn't cross my mind! :)

Being a fan of Godzilla would describe many of us - myself included. Which is why when you linked to a trailer that could easily have been *anything* (heck, it could have been a Transformers movie by just changing the last 5 seconds), my initial assumption was 'nuff said was linked more to a 'oh here we go AGAIN' sentiment rather than excitement.

I hope I am wrong and it is just a crappy trailer.

I tell you what they got a director that did a great little movie called Monsters, I think. About a couple that had to escape Mexico during a giant alien invasion :) Nice little indie director and I have some faith in him to do Godzilla right. But I am a huge Godzilla fan. Grew up in the 1970's hehe. I am hopeful but they did break my heart back in 1998. ROAR
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
I still have to see the first one, too. Don't even know where to rent the DVD, as all the shops have disappeared. :/

You could always do a RedBox or digital rental. I am waiting for it to go on Amazon Prime (i.e. free) ... or enough pull from the family :) 1 book, 3 movies ... massive cash grab ... not the biggest draw for me.
Oct 18, 2006
I was pretty disappointed with the first Hobbit movie. In fact, I still haven't seen the ending yet because I fell asleep before I could get through the whole thing. I don't have much hope of the second part being better.

I'll be mildly interested in the third part though just to see how badly Jackson can f*ck up The Battle of Five Armies. That was always my favorite part in the book.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Didn't go for the first one, won't watch the new one nor the third one.

Sorry but Jackson's LotR trilogy is IMO an insult to books and I'm not watching anything else he directed. That means no Hobbit and no Nice Bones or whatever was the title of some movie he directed a few years ago.
Oh, I'm aware I'm the minority, but just so you know there are ppl who refuse to change their taste and yell "a masterpiece!" after seeing the rubbish he makes.

I have to add something else however. While rotten as a director, he does his job perfectly as a producer. Which means, if he'll only produce, I'm in. It doesn't have to be District 9 sequels.
Apr 12, 2009
Didn't go for the first one, won't watch the new one nor the third one.

Sorry but Jackson's LotR trilogy is IMO an insult to books and I'm not watching anything else he directed. That means no Hobbit and no Nice Bones or whatever was the title of some movie he directed a few years ago.
Oh, I'm aware I'm the minority, but just so you know there are ppl who refuse to change their taste and yell "a masterpiece!" after seeing the rubbish he makes.

I have to add something else however. While rotten as a director, he does his job perfectly as a producer. Which means, if he'll only produce, I'm in. It doesn't have to be District 9 sequels.

Ahhh your a fool Bad Taste was the greatest movie ever made. Aliens that come to earth to use humans for their fast food chains. BRILLIANT MASTERPIECE!!!!!
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
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