Torment: Tides of Numenera - Update #2, Stretch Goals and a Gift


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
With crossing their goal in 6 hours it is time for some stretch goals for Torment: Tides of Numenera and a gift.
The friendly relationship between inXile and Obsidian Entertainment is no secret. In collaboration with our colleagues at Obsidian, we are going to create a special pledge reward that will be given to all backers of both Torment and Obsidian’s Project Eternity – a Planescape: Torment Developer Retrospective (digitally distributed). This idea was suggested by community member Dema on our UserVoice forums and has been one of the most highly favored suggestions.
We’ve talked with many of the original developers of Planescape: Torment and they will generously contribute developer diaries/blogs in a compilation of their thoughts about the project. Learn about their experiences working on the game, behind-the-scenes stories, and how the game influenced their later work. This Retrospective will be made available before Torment launches next December.
Two stretch goals have been set for now. One that has already been met:
$1.5 Million: Richer Story - Writer Mur Lafferty and Designer Tony Evans join the Writing Team, plus a Bonus Novella)
Upon reaching $1.5M, we will expand the richness and reactivity of the story through adding two new writers to our team. We have designed the game's storyline to be highly scalable and modular, and this allows us to bring in additional writing talent to enhance Torment's story through deeper content and new areas and characters - both optional ones and on the critical path.
And one that they will sureley meet soon.
$2.0 Million: Monte Writes, Mark Composes, and Goo Oozes
We will continue to increase Torment's story depth and reactivity as Monte Cook also joins our writing team, contributing directly to in-game content. Monte is focused on Numenera, but we've been working directly with him already, seeking his guidance on how to best explore Numenera's Ninth World. Later in the project, we will also be collaborating with Monte on the adaptation of Numenera's tabletop rules to best suit a computer role-playing game. But at this Stretch Goal, Monte will become even more involved in Torment team and will add his writing talents as well. (Fortunately, Torment's schedule allows for his creative work to begin later so that it won't interfere with Numenera.)
Furthermore a PayPal option will be available in a day or so.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
A shame that people without a CC spend 5 dollar more on the game.
15000 backers limit already reached.
Nonetheless inxile is my savior, game wise.
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
They are going to need more stretch goals then that since they are only 300k away from the second one.
Oct 19, 2006
Backed them at the Patron of the Arts level (digital). I'd actually would have loved to get a collectors box for this, but even at the $95(+12) level I would have had a hard time justifying it to myself. And currently the lowest physical tier still available would be at $125(+12)...
Oct 18, 2006
i love the love they show for writing !

Finally some1 gets it
Aug 7, 2008
Digital of course. Getting boxes and cloth... I mean rags feels so... Dunno... Ancient. :)
Apr 12, 2009
Their sales pitch is really good by the way. They're doing what several others should've done: In addition to a solid idea and stuff to show off, they've also prepared a series of high profile backers that publicly support the project. That's a lot of free PR right there, and it ensures that most major game site will cover it, even if it's not dedicated to RPGs.
Oct 18, 2006
Not sure what I think about Monte Cook coming into the project later on. That could either go very well or breed a stark difference in how he wishes to take the story/mood in comparison to the other writers who will have been virtually living together for months by then.

And Chris Avellone is being overused in my opinion. It just seems like he's doing favors for Fargo at this point. Afterall, it's kind of ironic that one would produce a show of support for a project, the spiritual sequel to your ~14 year old baby, and not once talk about content - but just a list of names. Saying FUCK repeatedly for silly emphasis kind of puts me off as well for a professional project's debut.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Looks like it will smoothly sail past 2 million today, already over 1.7 at the moment. I had little doubt that it would be a successful pitch, but I honestly didn't expect it to be a record braker, especially with so many people voicing concerns about funding inXile again before they deliver WL2.
Oct 18, 2006
Looks like it will smoothly sail past 2 million today, already over 1.7 at the moment. I had little doubt that it would be a successful pitch, but I honestly didn't expect it to be a record braker, especially with so many people voicing concerns about funding inXile again before they deliver WL2.

I agree, especially considering the luke warm reception here at the Watch. Despite that, it looks like it's going to end up being the KS record holder for games.
Oct 18, 2006
I think they will break 5 million USD if they really put their efforts into it.

I think inXile did a great job so far. They released WL2 video which was well received and it boosted pledgers confidence into them and secured that people pledge to the new Torment without previous game being published.
Sep 23, 2010
Honestly, I was a little skeptical about the fact that they're doing another KS before the first game even launches. However, after reading the Kickstarter details, I sort of entered a haze. When I woke up.. I had contributed 20 dollars.
Sep 16, 2011
Honestly, I was a little skeptical about the fact that they're doing another KS before the first game even launches. However, after reading the Kickstarter details, I sort of entered a haze. When I woke up.. I had contributed 20 dollars.
This was explained by InExile at several places. What sense would it have made to fire half their team, those whose job on WL2 is already finished, just to hire them again in 9 months? Projects have to overlap to keep all these specialists busy.
Aug 30, 2006
And Chris Avellone is being overused in my opinion. It just seems like he's doing favors for Fargo at this point. Afterall, it's kind of ironic that one would produce a show of support for a project, the spiritual sequel to your ~14 year old baby, and not once talk about content - but just a list of names. Saying FUCK repeatedly for silly emphasis kind of puts me off as well for a professional project's debut.
Heh, I was actually surprised they have not included a MCA focused stretch goal yet to have him working at least in a capacity similar to his in WL2 if not something like creative director of writing/design or at least an overhead. Is it due to schedule conflicts?
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
Heh, I was actually surprised they have not included a MCA focused stretch goal yet to have him working at least in a capacity similar to his in WL2 if not something like creative director of writing/design or at least an overhead. Is it due to schedule conflicts?

Most likely - which is actually a good sign regarding Obsidian, I guess...
Oct 18, 2006
Heh, I was actually surprised they have not included a MCA focused stretch goal yet to have him working at least in a capacity similar to his in WL2 if not something like creative director of writing/design or at least an overhead. Is it due to schedule conflicts?

MCA have to write all the companions and most quests for Project Eternity, a novel (for PE) and all those stuff have to be made for mid-2014. I think his plate is full for now… There might also be internal projects that involve him.
Oct 13, 2007
I pity the poor sod who tries to launch their PC kickstarter game right now...
Mar 22, 2012
I pity the poor sod who tries to launch their PC kickstarter game right now…
Hmmm, time to kickstart my new game: Torment: Tides of Numa Numa!

Asking price is just $50. Stretch goal 1 at $75: the person who makes the donation that goes over the top gets a block of feta cheese.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I pity the poor sod who tries to launch their PC kickstarter game right now…

Lord British?

MCA have to write all the companions and most quests for Project Eternity, a novel (for PE) and all those stuff have to be made for mid-2014. I think his plate is full for now… There might also be internal projects that involve him.

I believe he's also working on their next pitches, and he's still working on his Wasteland 2 novella. So yeah, consider his dance card very full.

Not sure what I think about Monte Cook coming into the project later on. That could either go very well or breed a stark difference in how he wishes to take the story/mood in comparison to the other writers who will have been virtually living together for months by then.

He'll be involved before then, so he will be well familiar with the tone and direction we're going for. Monte and Colin are also long-time friends and colleagues (from their AD&D days) so I wouldn't expect much conflict there.
Oct 19, 2006
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