League of Legends


The Smoker
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
April 12, 2009
Starting a thread.. Dunno where it'll go.

LoL is MOBA game, a strategy basically, that's why it's in this section and not in MMORPG. Copying from escapist what is it about:
The game is played from an RTS style view, with the player controlling a single unit hero. Traditionally played in 5v5 teams, the objective is to destroy the opposing team's base.

Your hero gains experience and levels over time, which you use to upgrade your hero's abilities in an RPG type fashion.
Exp and Gold are gained by laning, in which you kill waves of computer controlled units called creeps. But you don't just kill them, you have to get the last hit on them to earn gold. There are also neutral creeps in the jungle areas of the map, but I won't get too specific there.
Exp is used to level up and make your hero stronger in stats, while gold is used to buy items. Items have a very game changing effect, and are incredibly important.

The main obstacles to overcome are enemy heroes and towers. Towers must be destroyed to be able to advance further toward the enemy base. Working as a team to defeat the enemy team, and then subsequently kill their tower, will put your team on the path to victory. It will get increasingly difficult the further you go into enemy territory.
Those are basics.

LoL is f2p, but really free to play, it's not pay to win nor free to scam game. Only skins (different looks) cost some real cash, everything else you can unlock by playing the game.

I'm on EUNE server, under JoxerTM nick if someone wants to play a fight or two.
Apr 12, 2009
For those that didn't play MOBAs game plays lot like aRPG(or at least how aRPG should) or somewhat less like aRTS like starcraft.If you like either of those try LoL.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
You can't even deny in LOL…

Come play some Heroes of Newerth with me! That's the best MOBA! :)

Edit: You know, I'm always so sure of everything I say... But it has been a couple of years since I checked LOL out, and maybe... It's better? Isn't there 'summoner' features that add potential imbalance in favour of players with more time played? Extra spells and such?
Jul 10, 2007
LoL is not the only title in the genre, of course. Now which one is the best, I can't say not only because I haven't tried all of them, but because they're all basically the same thing.

There is no creep/farm denial in LoL, that's true. But you get used to it very fast and instead you can (try to) zone out your enemy so he can't get close and lasthit. Meanwhile you're lasthitting and letting enemy creeps to kill your own ones. ;)

There is no bonus spells imbalance. On level 30 everyone has the same chance no matter how long you've been playing the game.
Prior to level 30 however, you don't have all mastery points nor you can use all of best runes. So if you rush into PvP, you'll notice the difference when matchmaker for example puts some level 30 against you who is level 15.
How matchmaker works? If you win a few PvP games, it puts you next game in a team that lost a few, which means if you're very good, matchmaker will "cheat" on you and deliberately make you lose the game by putting some highly experienced player in the opposite team.
Since you can level your account to 30 in about three weeks, that's not some huge issue.

If you'll try the game, everyone suggests taking some ranged character (cheapest one and free in tutorial is Ashe) but I must disagree. The third season introduced some radical itemchanges which made healthstacking very fruitful. Thus I suggest starting with a tank, in this case free in tutorial, and one of cheapest ones is Garen. Try him first.

Also please don't go PvP instantly, train on games vs AI (bots) at least till you unlock Flash spell (level 12).
Apr 12, 2009
LoL is not the only title in the genre, of course. Now which one is the best, I can't say not only because I haven't tried all of them, but because they're all basically the same thing.
Awww... saying all games in a genre are basically the same thing doesn't really speak much of your understanding of the intricacies. :/

There is no creep/farm denial in LoL, that's true. But you get used to it very fast and instead you can (try to) zone out your enemy so he can't get close and lasthit. Meanwhile you're lasthitting and letting enemy creeps to kill your own ones. ;)
Yeah, lasthits are also in the other mobas! Nothing unique to lol here. The loss of denies just takes off a layer of depth :p

There is no bonus spells imbalance. On level 30 everyone has the same chance no matter how long you've been playing the game.
Prior to level 30 however, you don't have all mastery points nor you can use all of best runes.....
....Since you can level your account to 30 in about three weeks, that's not some huge issue.
So, a new player is on an even playingfield with everyone else after they grind bots for three weeks, OR start playing the game right away and have a huge imbalance as they cant use all the best runes and don't have even mastery points.... This is exactly the unfairness I'm talking about!
In HoN and Dota2 you don't go into a round with an advantage because you've been playing for "three weeks" to get to level 30....

Also please don't go PvP instantly, train on games vs AI (bots) at least till you unlock Flash spell (level 12).

MOBAs are all about the PvP. There's no way I'd grind bots for weeks just to be competitive! I think I'll have to pass.

BTW, I'm extremely experienced with MOBAs having played DOTA when it was a WC3 mod, aeon of strife the starcraft mod, and all the other WC3 ones like HosK... I've been playing Heroes of Newerth since beta in 2009 and have almost 4000 games played. 300 hours of DOTA2, which isn't as good as HoN, in my opinion.
Jul 10, 2007
By this site's standards, LoL is RPG, there is no arguing about that.
Mar 29, 2011
MOBAs are all about the PvP. There's no way I'd grind bots for weeks just to be competitive! I think I'll have to pass.
You don't have to grind bots for weeks if you don't want to. It's just my suggestion to newcommers.

And you'll never be competitive in LoL. To be competitive, you have to be born in Korea. :D
Apr 12, 2009
A new eyecandy cinematic just got out:

The story?
Leona and Ahri stumble upon Kata (who else) in the woods. A chase starts, but it's a trap (what else) and the fight begins with more champions getting involved.

Yes it's visually stunning, but it's - crap.
First and foremost, Ahri is presented as a pathetic almost crybaby person which in the game she is not. She's actually an assassin that can instakill any squishy.
Kata? Again? Can I see any LoL vid without her? Please? Yes she's sexy, but cmon!
Etc etc…
Leona is the only champ done properly here. She's a cc spamming tank and is played as support - just as she does the vid.

Honestly, while the animation is perfect, it still can't even touch the excitment and spectacle of Monty Oum's DF2:
Apr 12, 2009
I liked first video more, also why put Draven in the video if you are not going to have one of his cheesy lines.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
I've been playing the ARAM map a lot more and it's much more fun than the original one in my opinion. No wasting first 10 minutes on farming minions. Go out and kill !!!

Much better.

I tried both ARAM and Dominion and I highly dislike both.Probably because us supports aren't needed there.I mostly play ranked, less trolls and less rage(believed or not there are less flamers on ranked than on normal or team builder), only problem with that is because last 2 years I play a week that go inactive for 2-4 months than repeat my elo(and with it) tends to take dives so I spend good time returning to where I was.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
I tried both ARAM and Dominion and I highly dislike both.Probably because us supports aren't needed there.I mostly play ranked, less trolls and less rage(believed or not there are less flamers on ranked than on normal or team builder), only problem with that is because last 2 years I play a week that go inactive for 2-4 months than repeat my elo(and with it) tends to take dives so I spend good time returning to where I was.

Actually, Soraka, Sona and Taric are some of the best units for ARAM.

Extra healing power is a must! Especially since the items' healing strength has been reduced a lot lately….

Teams with supports often massacre the other team who cannot heal themselves…
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
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