The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

Are we going to TR before the Friday run tomorrow?

Alrik, do you want to play with us when we TR. We can easily split in 2 groups of 4 each and run most low level quests on elite. My toon can open elite and Cm's toon can also open elite. I guess Azraelck is back so we might be 8 with Alrik.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Maybe back. I have internet, but now windows is on the fritz. I didn't have time today to do much, but I'll work on it friday when I get up.

Remember that Dte and Corwin already have their TRs, and I have my Rogue, at level 2. So if you're going to TR, do it so you can catch up. Not sure if Alrik or Trev have level 2 characters though.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I think Trev was planning to TR Sparrow. I'll have to call him tonight and check.
Aug 31, 2006
jm did hers today as well, so Peter, cm, and Alrik are the ones left to TR.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I will TR and run up to level 2 before game time. Going to do Baka into a fighter. (Can you imagine me a fighter? lol) If Alrick can play for the whole session he could just start a new character.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
I will TR today after my Shroud run with my pally. Since we have a 4 man group we can use hirelings. I can get a rogue sometimes. Corwin will play a druid and it has some healing capability. As a paladin I will have some healing too.

Shall I play my paladin up to level 2 before we meet today in the evening?

I think we might be short of casters so I wonder if Alrik / Trev would like to play a wizard or sorcerer.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
If you do the 4 village quests (crypt, get the scroll, defend the crystal. collaborator) on elite, you'll be right around lvl2.

Our intention was to run those individually to activate the farshifter so you can go to Stormreach and the guild ship (thus, getting access to your reincarnation cache). As long as everyone only does the 4 quests solo, we stay fairly close on XP. We'll only have a few people with difficulties keeping together—jm's a 3rd lifer, but doesn't do XP pots like you do so she'll lag behind; az and Alrik (assuming he does join in) will be first lifers and will struggle not to pass us by. Corwin, Trevor, cm, and myself will all be 2nd lifers, so we should stick together fairly well although I might lag a bit since I don't have an XP tome running on Wouldii.

As a group (or two), we will return to Korthos and knock out all the outside quests. Remember that Corwin can't play overly long tonight and I'm not sure how long I'll last after spending most of the day at work without a dope crutch.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
One question is if we do split into 2 4-man groups, how we will handle the various jobs and such? I have Rogue on one group, dte Cleric, which means we need 1 more trap monkey-type and one more healing type.
Although I'm grabbing 2 arty levels (1st and 3rd), I have no points in the trap monkey skills so I can't help out on that front like artys usually can. I don't think we know what Trevor planned to TR into.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
One question is if we do split into 2 4-man groups, how we will handle the various jobs and such? I have Rogue on one group, dte Cleric, which means we need 1 more trap monkey-type and one more healing type.

My characters are the following right now :

- Alrikadaram - Level 16 Ranger - haven't played him for almost a month - don't plan to TR him right now - I don't know if I should, msince I still know not enough about the TR process - the benefits it could bring, especially. And I would have to plan what character to play. Perhaps a Favoured Soul, because I had bought this class but didn't play it yet.

- Daracaram - Level 9 Wizard (not much left to level 10 now) - haven't played him for almost a month either, apart from yesterday's Red Fens questing - he is currently specializing on fire spells, has 1 ice/frost spell available, too

- Aracaram - Level 6 Artificer, can disarm traps, haven't tried out on Elite difficulty yet - clearly isn't able to spot traps in elite difficulty, sorry

- Harakadaram - Level 6 Cleric, is currently specializing on battling undead adversaries

All have their Prestige Enhancements apart from the CLeric.

Sorrey, but I'm very exhausted right now. It was a long day (did attend a funeral), and the temperature outside was very high, too.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'm a third lifer too so I keep Jm company with having to PUG to catch you. :)

I guess we will get to the sunny side of Korthos (meaning be get to Stormreach before doing the outer quests). I will do the 4 solo quests in Korthos village on Elite to get to level 2.

For the record: My toon will be a human paladin 18 / fighter 2
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I'm a third lifer too so I keep Jm company with having to PUG to catch you. :)
Actually, with your XP potion addiction, you should have no problem keeping pace with the 2nd lifers. The extra you gain should cover the extra you require.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Sacrilege!!! Thou shalt not besmirch ye olde skool system that sets so near and dear to our shriveled hearts! Nostalgia FTW! :)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Alrik are you going to join us tonight? You will need a level 2 character that has only done the inside Korthos quests.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
I think no. I need some time to recuperate, and I'm watching London's Olympia Opening anyway.

And, besides, I have no level 2 character at hand.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Did Irestone Inlet in a small group with my cleric today.

- "we're doing normal"
- "wait, no normal !"
- "elite, please"
- "no, I still want to play on normal"
- drop
- drop

Nice and smooth run, however.

Did it on hard difficulty after that. With new players (apart from me & the leader.)

Less-than-effective group. I think 8 deaths or so, the fighters zerging ahead outta my sight (one of them dropping after doing 2/3 of the quest). If I didn't have my FVS hireling, things would've been much, much worse.
Leader had to go as soon as everything was finished, I cleaned this mess up a bit by plundering the chests (of which several remained unopened).

Not too much fun, but we made it. Therefore, I cannot complain too much, especially I gut a +15 (?) plate as end reward for my cleric which was ready to use (and not levels 7-10 like almost all the other stuff I took from the chests ). ;)

(Had used the jewel of fortune that was free last week, and I think this added up to the current +2 Loot Bonus Days.)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Hey folks, there's been a ton of changes recently, so if y'all get a moment, wander over to the roster thread in MMO General and make some updates. Tricky to keep track of all the new and "new again" toons that we've added.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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