Precursors - Russian Release Date

How come Russia and Germany get all the good games first? ;)

Of course we don't even know if Precursors is good yet, but it looks like it has a lot of potential.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I hope it does well, though I have always been more interested in White Gold.

Was there any word on White Gold, didn't it get released in Russia, when I click on the links on the site it's mostly empty? There are so many avenues for release now, not to mention fans that do patches and translations for games. This seems like another company that could benefit from fan help and online releases venues like Steam.
Oct 18, 2006
Is there any way to get hold of a Russian release from the US?
Oct 29, 2006
Precursors is
the upcoming PC/Xbox 360 action game which "leads the gamer into unexplored regions of space, where he can fly with huge battle ships from planet to planet.
So... What's that doing on RPGWatch? Or we'll talk about Elite, Privateer and how's the name of the Microsoft's space simulation game few years old called?
Apr 12, 2009
joxer it's got RPG aspects and a ground game. Sounds like you haven't heard much about Precursors. Deep Shadows made Boiling Point.
Oct 18, 2006
C. B.'s Undying also has RPG aspects... And it's awsome and etc...
But it's still FPS or action game.
Anyway, I won't buy this one.
Apr 12, 2009
Boiling Point was a proper FPS-RPG hybrid and absolutely belonged on RPGWatch. Undying was a great game but is not remotely comparable to BP on RPG features. It's hard to say if Precursors will be as strong as BP in the RPG elements, but Deep Shadows has seemed to stick with their formula and therefore merits, to me, coverage here.

I sure hope Precursors doesn't meet the same fate as White Gold. I was so looking forward to that too.
Oct 18, 2006
I hope it does well, though I have always been more interested in White Gold.

Was there any word on White Gold, didn't it get released in Russia, when I click on the links on the site it's mostly empty? There are so many avenues for release now, not to mention fans that do patches and translations for games. This seems like another company that could benefit from fan help and online releases venues like Steam.

Apparently it was released Oct-24, available in retail in Russia and Ukraine and via, which seems to have all the weird payment options except plain vanilla credit cards.
Sep 1, 2008
Precursors is
So… What's that doing on RPGWatch? Or we'll talk about Elite, Privateer and how's the name of the Microsoft's space simulation game few years old called?

You've got your quote, I've got mine:

Jonric: What elements will RPG fans relate to, and how important are they within the overall game design and scope of play?

Irina Snisarenko: This is a real RPG in terms of its structure. We have firearms instead of swords, bionic weapons rather than magic, and spaceships and robots in place of mounts. All the other elements are true to the classical features - quests, leveling and upgrades, trade and relations with NPCs and factions, etc. They are parts of a larger structure, so they can all be viewed as core elements, and very important for player.

Also, true RPG fans are free to play any role; they can be good, evil or neutral, and the choice will affect the gameplay in a variety of ways.

Are they lying? Will it be good? Dunno, but there's no doubt it's supposed to be an RPG, which means we cover it.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
From what I have seen of the character progression system it is better then Boiling Point. Rather then just having a few stats that level as you use them they are using an experience based leveling system where you distribute points into many different skills.

I have seen videos of this game and it looks like it is going to be their best game yet but we will have to wait to find out.
Oct 19, 2006
Eh? What happened to White Gold? Was it canceled?
No. It was released in Russia. From what I read on the Deep Shadow's forums it was a buggy mess. Not just Boiling Point-buggy, which I found tolerable, but truly awful in the bugginess department. Furthermore, Deep Shadows just stopped contributing in the English language forums for White Gold, so a lot of us assumed that an English release was unlikely. There was some discussion of an English mod of the Russian game but nothing had come of it last I checked, although that was a long time ago.

Mike, Acleacius and I discussed it a bit towards the bottom of an older Precursors thread. Things may have changed since then. But I haven't followed the Deep Shadows forum since then as the situation seemed so dire at that point.
Oct 18, 2006
People were still working on the English patch last time I read the forums which was a couple of weeks ago.

There has been clues that they lost their English publisher which is the reason there hasn't been news of the English release of either game. People are saying that they will release both games together if they get a new publisher.

PS. The above is rumors from the Deep Shadows forum.

EDIT: I just checked Deep Shadows forum and the translation of White Gold is going strong and the guy doing it just updated a few days ago.
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Oct 19, 2006
Boiling Point was a proper FPS-RPG hybrid and absolutely belonged on RPGWatch.

I love that game ... need to replay again when I find two hours to rub together ... just got L4D2 so that won't be this month ...
Oct 18, 2006
I still have a sealed box copy of Boiling Point. I was waiting for someone to tell me that it was finally patched to the point of being bug free.

Er…no pun intended.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Keep it sealed, JDR. That one had tons of potential, but failed to deliver. Even if you forget about the bugs, it still is just a boring game. Although watching the AI try to drive on the roads was fun for awhile.

There is a patch out for it, but it hardly address all of the issues Boiling Point had. With that said, I'll still give White Gold a try if they ever release it. A rpg version of Grand Theft Auto sounds pretty good, which is what I thought Boiling Point would be.
Feb 3, 2007
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