


This spring I have taught pathology to nurse students here in Bergen. Which also means that I had to make an exam test for them. Which also means that I have to evaluate their answers.

So now I have 67 tests to read. Which is extremely boring. *sighs* Remember this, all you students out there: At his moment we hate you.

I thought you'd like to know that.
You remind me to study some japanese.
Oct 26, 2006
How will you rate the answers? Will you read the first line and say "Failed!", if it doesn't sound close enough to the topic? Or will you pick up a ruler and give a grade based on how many pages the student has written? You know there's always the option to throw darts and give grades how well you shot. :cm:
Dec 13, 2006
How will you rate the answers? Will you read the first line and say "Failed!", if it doesn't sound close enough to the topic? Or will you pick up a ruler and give a grade based on how many pages the student has written? You know there's always the option to throw darts and give grades how well you shot. :cm:

Heh. The easiest ones are those having answered only 10% of the questions - not much works evaluating. But seriously, I read each answer carefully, comparing the answers to what the students are supposed to know about said questions (which I wrote down when making the test). And we're two people evaluating each student.
Wait 'till they start bugging you about resits and stuff. :biggrin:

I hope everyone passes, though, of course.

So do I.

I always try to make tests which involve all parts of the coures, not only a small part of it. If I'm going to fail someone I want to do it because they really deserve it, not because they were unlucky.
I think that Individuals deserve individual testing.

I fully understand that this becomes difficult with increasing numbers, though.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe

The only thing left, since we are two teachers evaluating each test. is to come to an agreement with the other guy for the final grades. If I threaten him with extreme violence and torture, that shouldn't be too hard.

It's now 04:20 in the morning. And I think I'll go to bed.

*makes note never to get involved in exams again*
Well, We've set the final grades - there were very little disagreements between the two of us. As I expected, since I know the other one quite well - in fact wew went to med school together.

So now I'm all done. I should probably go to bed early. After going to bed at 0400 last night I didn't sleep too well, I dreamt about evaluating tests, all the time discoverig things I had missed.... Yeeech! I hate those serial dreams.

But I love my students. Now.

You probably didn't need to know this, but I told you anyway. Hah!

From the waster of bandwidth:
Congrats :). What about the students, do they love you as well...? After the test, I mean.
Aug 31, 2006
our head of dept used to joke about his grading strategy: throw all the exam scripts down the stairs, and assign a mark based on which step they land on ;-) Given his nature, we weren't entirely sure if he was joking!! I've also just finished exam marking - is it just me or are students becoming dumber as the years creep by? I saw 'Idiocracy' a while back...I laughed and laughed ... and then I thought...oh sweet jeebers, it's all coming true!
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
The step method is actually very scientific. The weightier essays fall to the bottom, the light fluffy stuff stays up top!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
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