What games are you playing now?

I've been on a certain kind of strategy kick lately. Panzer Corp 2 mostly, but also Warhammer 40K: Armageddon (which is similar gameplay-wise), Fantasy General 2, Unity of Command 2, and a bit of Warhammer 40K: Gladius. Trying to talk myself into some other stuff, like a Civil War game. I want a really detailed, complicated military game, but I haven't found one that fits what I want.
Sadly not to many good civil war games. I can recommend a few.

  1. Ultimate General: Civil War
  2. Ultimate General: Gettysburg
  3. Sid Meier's Gettysburg!
  4. Victoria II: A House Divided
Two more games with muskets at least.

  1. Empire: Total War
  2. Napoleon: Total War
Oct 1, 2010
I have Vic 2, though I'd consider that a different kind of game entirely.

I've been eyeballing UG: Civil War. The battles look good, but I'm not sure if there's enough depth for me. I'm more drawn to Grand Tactician: Civil War. It's in Early Access atm, but looks very promising. The battles don't look nearly as good, but everything else looks great.

I have several Total War games. I've considered those two in the past, but I think at this point they're just too old for me. Age and graphics don't matter to me if it's, say, counters being moved around a board. But the Total War games are about seeing your little dudes run in real time around realistically modeled countrysides and towns, and because of that and UI, I can't do it. I have Attila, Troy, Three Kingdoms, Shogun 2 (though I don't play that anymore) and all the Warhammer stuff.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Played the first level of Ghostrunner, since it just unlocked on steam. Pretty cool game. Love the visuals and music. The synth sound is great. But the combat is quite hard. You have to finish each encounter without taking any hits. Your enemies die in one hit, but so do you. 30 deaths so far on level 1. But that music, though. :D
Jul 31, 2007
So, I love survival games and 1st person open world games. Found a nice marriage of the two in a mod for Fallout 4 called Frost. This has been out for a couple years, but it is new to me. It totally removes all of the quests from vanilla and massively upgrades the survival elements. Going outside without a mask will kill you in about 5 minutes. Even with a mask, you get tired more easily and need more sleep to recover in general. All of the quests are gone but you'll have a few bounty hunter type quests and a few note-style ala 76. Water is very hard to purify and you need to drink quite a bit to totally satisfy thirst. Same idea with food. You have a hunter perk now and without it, bodies don't give meat. Probably a wise early investment.

The game is pretty buggy, but probably worth a download.
Oct 18, 2006
There are a few mods like that for New Vegas as well. I personally hated them as it removes all game content and boiled down to just kill and survive. Very boring.
Oct 1, 2010
Discovering Fallout 4 since a couple of days. I'm a few years late on that one. Great game so far. Just walking around and exploring the wasteland is very enjoyable. I have yet to reach Diamond City but I have completed a couple of Brotherhood of Steel and Minutemen Quests.

I'm also surprised about how my fairly old machine run the game well.

My main grip is the interface. Just like Skyrim's, it's too consol-ish oriented. It's more about being «cute» than anything. Managing your inventory, sort all the crap, is especially difficult. Perhaps I should look for a better inventory mod? There was one, in Skyrim. Can anyone recommend one?
Nov 4, 2007
Quebec city
Managing your inventory, sort all the crap, is especially difficult. Perhaps I should look for a better inventory mod? There was one, in Skyrim. Can anyone recommend one?
Here you go.

Link - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10654/?
Link - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1235/
Link - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2371
Link - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3877

I have more threads with other mods I recommend as well.

Link - https://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44364
Link - https://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39550
Oct 1, 2010
Oct 1, 2010
I've never really strayed too far from arcade racers, when it comes to racing games, but I just tried Dirt 4, since it was heavily discounted, and I'm impressed. It's a lot more sterile and serious compared to NFS games which usually try to spin some sort of melodramatic soap-opera plot. But mechanically it's very cool. And I'm not playing under Simulation mode. Not sure if I'll ever reach that point. But even with more arcadey controls it feels a whole lot better than arcade racing games.
Jul 31, 2007
Indeed. I was surprised how deep the game was. You've only scratched the surface. :)

Are you playing with a gamepad or K+M?

Just wanted. To thank @JDR13; again. Just finished, except Frozen Wilds and a very impressive, solid, deep lore, interesting, etc. Etc. Most enjoyable game. Thanks!

Pity the next one is currently only PS4 & PS5.

In terms of stability? 1 freeze in over 70 hours play and while my graphics card is a 1080, the rest if the machine isn't highly specced.
Sep 2, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Just wanted. To thank @JDR13; again. Just finished, except Frozen Wilds and a very impressive, solid, deep lore, interesting, etc. Etc. Most enjoyable game. Thanks!

Pity the next one is currently only PS4 & PS5.

I think the next one will be PS5 only. Which is a big part of why I'm leaning that direction over Xbox when I buy a next gen console.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Just wanted. To thank @JDR13; again. Just finished, except Frozen Wilds and a very impressive, solid, deep lore, interesting, etc. Etc. Most enjoyable game. Thanks!

Pity the next one is currently only PS4 & PS5.

In terms of stability? 1 freeze in over 70 hours play and while my graphics card is a 1080, the rest if the machine isn't highly specced.

Glad you enjoyed it.

I had a few lockups during the course of my playthrough but no other issues. I logged 179 hours total according to Steam.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Made a mistake and started playing Watchdogs: Legion (PS4)

As usual in this series, a potentially good game ruined by a totally awful storytelling.
WD1 had a good story badly told. WD2 had a mostly good story with a bad cast. WD:L has a bad story and a bad cast.
WD1 had a totally moron protagonist. In WD2 Ubisoft firmly believes that our future saviors would be a bunch of cool-ish looking Fortnite players. Now in WD:L our benefactors are hordes of cloned clowns.

God bless us all, the end is nigh.

( Pro Tip: for all things holy, please turn on Permadeath! )
Mar 3, 2008
Watch Dogs 2 definitely looking like it will be the high point. I don't think the cast was bad. You don't have to particularly like the sorts of people they are to appreciate the quality of the characters. Legion lost all appeal for me when it ditched a protagonist for randomly generated, generic clones with zero personality. The apparent technical issues (it crashes constantly on consoles) was the nail in the coffin.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Just wanted. To thank @JDR13; again. Just finished, except Frozen Wilds and a very impressive, solid, deep lore, interesting, etc. Etc. Most enjoyable game. Thanks!

Pity the next one is currently only PS4 & PS5.

In terms of stability? 1 freeze in over 70 hours play and while my graphics card is a 1080, the rest if the machine isn't highly specced.

I just played HZD based on your discussions and I have to second your thanks! The game reminds of Shadow of the Tomb Raider with regard to mechanics (climbing, fighting, leveling) but it is much better in several regards:
- Complete open world.
- Crafting is fun
- Even fighting is so much fun that it is nowhere near "grinding"
- Deep Story
- Many Sidequests
Feels like a "real" RPG for me…:cool:
Dec 26, 2007
Made a mistake and started playing Watchdogs: Legion (PS4)
I've decided not to go for it bcs Yakuza7 in a week, but I've heard it's as buggy as AC:Unity was.
Please do share some input on it.
And on other game aspects ofc.
Apr 12, 2009
on HZD, do you need parkour skills? I have zero but the game sounds right up my alley otherwise. My twitch skills are zero.

I'm playing Fallout 4 with settlements mod. Haven't found the holo tape that starts that aspect yet, but I'm just wandering around DC with Piper. Won't touch the main quest much and am mostly playing it as a shooter/looter. Don't know if I'll even touch the settlements at all really. I find I install stuff but unless it's quest mods, I really don't ever mess with them. I've got that Vault 4 mod and will head up that way soon.
Oct 18, 2006
on HZD, do you need parkour skills? I have zero but the game sounds right up my alley otherwise. My twitch skills are zero.

The parkour is mostly automatic. You just aim in the right direction and hit the jump key. You definitely need some twitch skills for the combat though.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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