Star Trek Into Darkness (spoilers - if you haven't seen it stay out)


October 18, 2006
Boston MA
I thought it was a good movie but I found myself annoyed. The whole point of Abram's first movie was to give himself a clean slate. Why on earth go after the best film in the older series? Meyers Khan has an ensemble and script that Abrams cannot hope to top. Ricardo was perfect. Meyers "run silent run deep" sequence is superior. Spock's death is more impactful. Kirk's legendary yell in the center of a dead planet needs no cheesy reproduction. Why would Abrams invite the comparison? I didn't know it was Khan going into the theater and I found myself rolling my eyes at the weak plot parallels. The alternate timeline thing was played out in the first movie. It was a solid film and if you missed Meyers better material perhaps it was damn good, but not for me. Meyers: yours is superior! (That's a notable quotable in case you missed it)
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Eh…? Khan is in the new movie??

*Edit* I guess I should have paid more attention to the thread title… :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Now you know ;)

I loathe Abrams and his superficial Hollywood crap. I can't imagine this popcorn timewaster could be any different.
No big deal. I didn't plan on seeing this in the theatre anyways, and I would have no doubt learned of that detail by the time I got around to watching it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Eh…? Khan is in the new movie??

*Edit* I guess I should have paid more attention to the thread title… :)

Roflmao. Yeah Abrams is chasing others materials "around perdition's flames". If the next one has whales I'm done.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Now you know ;)

I loathe Abrams and his superficial Hollywood crap. I can't imagine this popcorn timewaster could be any different.

Well what do you expect from reboots. Hollywood always changes them from the originals. I watched it and frankly it's not bad just more of the graphics without plot summer movies.

Abrams is at the helm of the Star Wars franchise now so I don't know if he will be making more Star Trek movies. He at least likes Star Wars.

Roflmao. Yeah Abrams is chasing others materials "around perdition's flames". If the next one has whales I'm done.
Like the Spock Radiation death from the original movies. This time it's different wont spoil it.:)
Last edited:
Oct 1, 2010
I actually didn't mind the last one, and I mostly liked the previous 4 that featured the cast of TNG.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well, Star Wars is harder to ruin at this point, I'd say. But I'm sure he'll manage it - as I've seen nothing from Abrams that was even remotely good.

Except, perhaps, the initial premise of LOST was interesting - but turned out to be all that it had to offer.
Well, Star Wars is harder to ruin at this point, I'd say. But I'm sure he'll manage it - as I've seen nothing from Abrams that was even remotely good.

Except, perhaps, the initial premise of LOST was interesting - but turned out to be all that it had to offer.

Isnt Person of Interest done by Abrams? So far thats a good series.
Jul 22, 2012
yeah I've heard from a few of my friends who are way bigger Trek nerds than me that it sucks, and you might as well just watch Wrath of Khan!
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Saw this earlier in the week while I was travelling for work. It was my first 3D movie in 25+ years and was not impressed and will likely be my last 3D unless someone confirms that other 3D is way better. Felt like an old cartoon where the background was filmed separately from the foreground and was done in distinct layers.

Regarding the content, I thought the movie was ok. Something worth watching once maybe on cable but nothing to overly recommend to others. The Wrath of Khan was vastly superior. I appreciated the attempt at humor with the references to the first movie but really felt hollow. My main complaint was the way over the top action scenes and would have liked less superman heroics.

It could have been worse such as being directed by Michael Bay though Abrams was doing his best imitation. I actually liked Fringe which Abrams produced.
Apr 23, 2010
Now you know ;)

I loathe Abrams and his superficial Hollywood crap. I can't imagine this popcorn timewaster could be any different.

He has only directed 4 bigscreen movies and did you really think all 4 of them were crap? One of them (MI3) could probably be called "crap" - the rest are mediocre at worst. In terms of lost he only directed the pilot episode which most people would probably consider the highlight of the 8 years or so that it lasted. If you consider 90%+ of the movies coming out of hollywood as "crap" then you are probably correct :) For me I reserve "crap" for the bottom 10% of movies.
Oct 18, 2006
It was quite twee and there were too many emotions being discussed. The last one (of the recent reboots) was good though I thought; quick paced, a bit dark, and some good humor.
May 29, 2010
I'm not exactly a Star Trek fan, but I watched most of the series including the animated one which I personally like best out of them all - haven't seen Enterprise, however.
I wouldn't have gone to the theater to watch this but my friend, a real Trekkie, absolutely wanted to see it. She found some things rather annoying, but liked the movie nevertheless. I found it mildly entertaining, but nothing I would want to watch again: Didn't like most of the cast, and the story ... well, yes.

I have nothing against Abrams - liked both Lost and Person of Interest -, but I'm a bit apprehensive when it comes to the next Star Wars movies, especially after seeing this Star Trek one. But it's probably because of Into Darkness' cast and scenario. Actually I wouldn't mind Uwe Boll directing the Star Wars ST as long as the production design and cast were fine enough ...
Aug 31, 2006
He has only directed 4 bigscreen movies and did you really think all 4 of them were crap? One of them (MI3) could probably be called "crap" - the rest are mediocre at worst. In terms of lost he only directed the pilot episode which most people would probably consider the highlight of the 8 years or so that it lasted. If you consider 90%+ of the movies coming out of hollywood as "crap" then you are probably correct :) For me I reserve "crap" for the bottom 10% of movies.

Yep, they were all crap.

Yep, ~98% of Hollywood movies are crap.
I have nothing against Abrams - liked both Lost and Person of Interest -, but I'm a bit apprehensive when it comes to the next Star Wars movies, especially after seeing this Star Trek one. But it's probably because of Into Darkness' cast and scenario. Actually I wouldn't mind Uwe Boll directing the Star Wars ST as long as the production design and cast were fine enough …

I'm not too concerned about Star Wars. He has said that he is a big SW fan and not a Star Trek fan. So, i'm hoping for the best.
Nov 11, 2006
.......Actually I wouldn't mind Uwe Boll directing the Star Wars ST as long as the production design and cast were fine enough …

Uwe Boll????? I don't think anyone, anywhere on the blue planet has ever issued an endorsement for Uwe Boll, let alone for Star Wars. The king of cheesy video game adaptations? The 29th Raspberry Award winner for worst director? On 3 separate films? The guy with the special award for Worst Career Achievement?

I suspect sarcasm....
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
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