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The Witcher 3
TW1, before the enhancement, is still the worst I can recall in terms of constant loading. They didn't have that problem in TW2 though, so I'll assume TW3 doesn't have it either. Skyrim can be annoying as well, especially if you do a lot of walking and talking in any of the cities (in and out of houses, stores etc), but it's certainly not the worst.
Oct 18, 2006
If you're playing a thief trying to rob buildings in one of the big cities in Skyrim, I'd say that could easily qualify as constant loading.

It never bothered me all that much, but the visible changes due to loading cells in the background always bothered me, when exploring the landscape.

Granted, the problem was severely reduced in both FO3 and Skyrim (Morrowind and Oblivion are horrible in that way), but if you open your eyes and look at the paths ahead, you'll still see obvious popping when primitive meshes are being replaced by actual objects with detailed textures.

However, Skyrim has a lot of narrow paths through woods and mountains, so it's not as noticable as when you're exploring the wide open areas - like near Whiterun.

But it should be said that Skyrim has a LOT of interaction, with sophisticated physics. Keeping that many containers and potentially dropped objects visble - from a distance - would be all but impossible to manage on something like the last gen consoles, with their tiny memory capacities.

To me, the best examples of streaming content in a large open RPG are still the PB games. GTA V is also very impressive, but it's not as interactive as a "true" RPG.

TW2 had some odd loading screens when going through gates and doors, and their claim about having no loading screens simply didn't hold true.

But, based on what I've seen of TW3 - they've finally managed to get rid of it.
Is it just me who thinks that TW3 openworld is actually AC3 and not Skyrim style?
Apr 12, 2009
I've never played any of the AC games so I'm not sure what you (joxer) mean.
Oct 18, 2006
Not all AC games. Just AC3 (didn't play Unity but seems it also doesn't have big land area, just towns).

Patience, I plan to make a thread about AC games and how uPlay can ruin games as soon as I'm finished with AC4 that is, honestly, completely different from descriptions people presented it with.
Apr 12, 2009
So what exactly changes if it's an AC3-style open world compared to a Skyrim open world? :thinking:
Waaaay off topic, but if anyone wants to improve the open world loading of Skyrim, look into this mod. It greatly improves the LOD models and pop-in, and makes everything visible at a distance.

Nov 8, 2014
Waaaay off topic, but if anyone wants to improve the open world loading of Skyrim, look into this mod. It greatly improves the LOD models and pop-in, and makes everything visible at a distance.

Well it's not Waaaay off topic to me as I already use that mod. The only problem I have is the mod isn't compatible with a few other mods I like to use.

Anyway it's fun to derail threads like some members do to my news-bits.:)
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Oct 1, 2010
The AC games are basically just a long series of mini-games and trophy hunts.
Depends on a player.
To me, "AC games are basically just a long series of" centuries worth superb conspiracy theory story packed within eyecandy nonchalenging, shallow, boring, repetitive and sometimes very annoying gameplay. Minigames and trophy hunts are irrelevant sidecontent (not that I didn't chase them!).

AC3, unlike other series entries,except a huge town has also a big wilderness area to explore. This area, after videos, to me looks like a blueprint for TW3's huge explorable world. Somehow TW3 presentations to me don't look like Skyrim, Gothic, Risen, FarCry3, Watch Dogs, DragonAge3 or something else - but have strong AC3 feel. Can't be sure till the game is released, but still.
Apr 12, 2009
Well if CD Projekt can copy the open world mechanics of Assassins Creed, but add more content instead of fetch, and kill quests it will automatically be my Game of the Year.:drool:
Oct 1, 2010
We'll see about that in a month (and btw, again, not everything in AC is fetch quest/mission, take riding race in Brotherhood, it actually adds to the story although it's packed into racing grind stuff and getting better sync in fetch missions unlocks an important catherine ending for story chasers).

The most important good news however - CDpr doesn't have uPlay. :D
Wait a few days please, I'll write about how come I'm saying Ubi's platform is more evil than EA's. I do hate them both, but Ubi mastered the lousyness so much Origin looks like a cute baby compared to it.
Apr 12, 2009
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