Of Orcs and Men - Review Roundup


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Here is acollection of reviews for Of Orcs and Men, with mixed results.

  • The Xboxer, 9
    It’s a game filled with corruption, lies and brutal violent force and with a good story to it as well.
  • Gameranx, 4/5
    Though Of Orcs and Men probably won't be grabbing much awards attention come December, it does make for a thoroughly enjoyable experience that you won't regret playing.
  • GamingLives, 6
    A good game wracked with issues, Of Orcs and Men is rather hit and miss.
  • Hooked Gamers, 7.9
    I am rooting for this game. I care about this world, I care about Arkail and Styx. Their story is my story, their anguish is my pain, their redemption is my deliverance. This is a fantastic tale, full of memorable characters, desperate struggles, impossible odds and fueled by an unsaid bond between two world-weary and battle-scarred greenskins. It has great locations, fun and complex combat, and satisfying mechanics. However, poor voice-acting, random bugs, questionable AI, a rushed ending and a general lack of polish hold Of Orcs and Men back from being a great game.
  • Gamespy, 3/5
    Keep in mind that this isn't an everyman's game -- its linear levels, the absence of bundles of loot, and even the quirks of its combat whittle down its potential audience -- but there's a lot to love about how this RPG sings the glories of the underdogs. For all of its blood and gore, it's a tale of dreams and friendship and hope and loss, and somehow, if only briefly, it thus manages to capture something of the same poignancy of the Steinbeck's parable of two misfits wandering about a broken world.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
So far, it looks like the average assessment is much better than game of thrones. Guess that means it will be perfect for me.
May 18, 2012
wow, this really looks good despite those horrible trailers
i wonder if they are not considering the writing so much.

if you comapre it to GoT.. its way better received. Maybe because its an original Ip, and the reviewers felt obliged to bash the Game of Thrones IP, either for not being worthy of the title, or for not liking the IP
Aug 7, 2008
I'm playing the game. I'm about 10 hours in and those reviews are about right. I don't like the combat, I don't like the voice acting (it's not bad it just misplaced), I hate the linearity and the mostly non interactive setting. However, the story is quite good and I am starting to feel the bonding between these two characters. Two characters we typically would kill in any number of regular RPGs. The story is working in spite of the bad game mechanics.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
I'm playing the game. I'm about 10 hours in and those reviews are about right. I don't like the combat, I don't like the voice acting (it's not bad it just misplaced), I hate the linearity and the mostly non interactive setting. However, the story is quite good and I am starting to feel the bonding between these two characters. Two characters we typically would kill in any number of regular RPGs. The story is working in spite of the bad game mechanics.

Haven't played it, but I was wondering what you didn't like about the combat?
Aug 7, 2009
hope developers learn from them. Honestly since game of thrones, i didn't feel attachment for a character probably since Legacy of Kain.. how painful is that thought?
Aug 7, 2008
Haven't played it, but I was wondering what you didn't like about the combat?

In a nut shell - the combat is indirect.

Basically, you have various fight options (both defensive and offensive) to pick from. You can queue about 4 actions. You select what you want to do and then the computer will activate those actions. If the computer goes through all the actions and you are controlling the other character, then the uncontrolled character will continue combat with its default action.

On the surface it sound like turn based combat but it isn't. These actions are done in real time, however the game goes into a slo mo (not pause) mode.

Give me turn based (where I can use strategy) or give me real time (where I can feel the heat of battle) but this mixture of the two just takes me out of the game.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
sounds like the same system as GoT. I like it, they create something and polish it.
Aug 7, 2008
I don't like the combat, I don't like the voice acting (it's not bad it just misplaced), I hate the linearity and the mostly non interactive setting. However, the story is quite good and I am starting to feel the bonding between these two characters
Sounds like the GoT RPG to me (apart from the voice acting). A lot will depend on whether the story and the setting are good enough for someone to make him overlook the other aspects.
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
for me thats the best thing of a non-electronicsport game. The voice acting is a factor though. I've started the game and watched the first cutscene. The voices aren't as bad and off as the trailers showed it. But the lip sync is
Aug 7, 2008
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