Depth of Extinction - Build 40


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Build number 40 has been made available for Depth of Extinction, which will also be shown at GDC, of which the hihglights are that there are new interior facility layouts, with new facility types, a trap mission and more.

New interior facility layouts that are closed in and more complex. We also separated the facility into rooms and added doors into the picture. To open a door, just position a character next to it and click on it. Opening a door doesn’t use an action. Enemies will also open doors if they are pursuing you!

It’s a Trap! Yes, you’ve seen this on the encounter text, but now this is our first “new” scenario. In a trap mission, your team spawns deep in the facility and must get back to the sub. Unfortunately for you, a lot of enemies will be hunting you. I had a lot of fun playing these and they have a very different feel since the enemy is the aggressor.

New Facility types: Farms, Reactor and Hospitals. We got a lot of new art for farms put together and some new reactor set pieces. You’ve probably seen the hospital stuff before but now we’ve made it into a cohesive level.

Missions will now "auto end" if all enemies are dead and all loot is picked up (including enemy drops).

Notifications look different now and are consistent between the mission screen and the tactical screens. They pop up on the side. We also added a new modal box to let you see what you’ve picked up on the mission. The mission screen will give you notifications when a new area is unlocked, a new sub is available or a new recruit has joined the team.

We now give you a new recruit after every completed objective.

Character voice over removed and replaced with a “text dialog” system. This is the first version, so expect to see some issues with it but I think it’s much more interesting and we are better able to customize the dialog to the character class.

New Loot and Level Up screens now only appear by clicking buttons that appear on the mission screen. The buttons will wiggle a bit to get your attention if you have a level up.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Looks like underrail, seems like a decent game.
Available: Spring 2018, looking forward to give this one a try.
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
Has been on my wishlist for a LONG time now. Cannot wait for the release ! Looks like a winner !
May 31, 2015
Ottawa, Canada
Has anyone played the pre-release builds?
Oct 18, 2006
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