What I've Been Watching: The Catch-All Film Thread

I don't remember ever being a fan of "big monster" movies. The concept strikes me as stupid, frankly.

But I did like King Kong, because it had a human side, and I found the idea of the Ape being all pissed off, but slowly charmed by an innocent young woman, appealing. That everyone else wants to exploit it for profit made the whole thing come together as disturbingly relevant to real human behavior.

Anyway, I like what I'm hearing about Godzilla - and I'll definitely check it out. It doesn't seem to revolve entirely around multi-million dollar CGI and pixels violently interacting.

I'll take that as a sign it might be for me :)
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I also thought the Dark Knight Trilogy to be a mediocre, longwinded mess and Man of Steel to be complete dreck, tossing out or losing sight of everything I ever loved in the Superman character. And I enjoyed Alien 3. So, feel free to disagree and adore any movies you wish.

I have the same feelings about the Batman trilogy and the superman film and I also didn't mind Alien 3 at all, not quite as good as the previous two, but mostly good. Well, I did like Dark Knight a lot, I thought that one was a very cool film.


Couchpotato said:
Anyway time for me to watch both GI Joe movies, and the Transformers Trilogy again.

I thought the Transformers movies were all pretty darn bad. That's one franchise I've never understood at all. I think people just like the wark-curk-klak noise, lol.
Feb 10, 2014
I only saw the first Transformers, which was abysmal.

But it did seem to fit the profile of fights between huge robots and a lot of eye candy.

I'd have guessed that's right up JDR's alley ;)
I don't remember ever being a fan of "big monster" movies. The concept strikes me as stupid, frankly.

And the execution was equal to the task! :) But I have many fond childhood memories of watching the 'Creature Double Feature' on TV56 in Boston in the pre-cable 70s ... :)
Oct 18, 2006
And the execution was equal to the task! :) But I have many fond childhood memories of watching the 'Creature Double Feature' on TV56 in Boston in the pre-cable 70s … :)

It's just one of those things I was never really explosed to, like comic books. I have a few friends into comic books, but I never had the slightest interest in them.

Not trying to appear high-brow, because I loved a lot of other silly stuff - like pretty much all of those dreadful 50s sci-fi movies ;)
Nope, sorry to disappoint. CGI robots and terrible acting isn't quite my thing. Perhaps I would have liked them if I was still 8 years old. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Just came back from Godzilla. It was decent, as I only rolled my eyes once or twice. The CGI was amazing, the fights cool as heck. I only had one issue.
They made Godzilla some sort of a balance guardian that feels no need to attack humankind. I just can't get behind the idea of humankind cheering a huge prehistoric creature. Anyways, as far as eye candy and fights go, Pacific Rim was a lot more impressive. Maybe because of the diversity of beasts
Jul 31, 2007
Pacific Rim also had a grander sense of scale - everything felt colossal. Godzilla not so much. Whether that was due to Guillermo Del Toro's skill or Godzilla's over-reliance on the human element is up for debate.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
i had fun at Godzilla, 3D iMAX w/ a ton of kaijiu-maniacs - it was crazy, loved it

Actually we watched Pacific Rim that night! Great movie too
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Anybody else seen the Michael Jackson hologram performance.
Looks pretty realistic. But it's really kind of weird, if you think about it.
Dancing with someone from beyond the grave.
And, it kind of defeats the whole purpose if you know it's not him.
So, then why bother. Well, except for milking his legacy for years to come. :(
Jul 31, 2007
Die Hard 5:

Yea, I'm a bit late on this movie, but that's because I've read bad critics back then so I skiped it before.
And now when I finally saw it, not only I can say it deserved bad critics, this movie is an insult to all four previous ones.

The only thing done good in this movie are special effects. Everything else, the cast, the music, the script, the direction, the sound, the Chernobil reconstruction, oneliners and jokes, hell even their clothes, it's unbelievably bad!

If you didn't watch this movie yet, just don't. Watch all previous ones, all are awsome action movies. And keep it at that.
This is not a Die Hard movie, this is a kindergarden stuff that costed too much of money and will cost you too much of your nerves.

Apr 12, 2009
As far as I am concerned there is only ONE Die Hard movie ... All the others are so much worse ...
Oct 18, 2006
Just came back from X-Men: Days of Future Past. Has to be one of the best X-Men movies. It's got great action, amazing visuals, great acting, from both old and young versions of the characters. You can really tell Bryan Singer is back at the helm.

Highly recommended.
Btw, I just loved how they did the portaling ability of one of the mutants. Really cool stuff.
Jul 31, 2007
As far as I am concerned there is only ONE Die Hard movie … All the others are so much worse …

Indeed, the first movie is - by far - the best.

Unfortunately, I find that it doesn't QUITE hold up today.

Then again, I'm difficult to please :)
I only saw the first Transformers, which was abysmal.

But it did seem to fit the profile of fights between huge robots and a lot of eye candy.

I'd have guessed that's right up JDR's alley ;)

Actually the first Transformers movie was amazing, the one that came out in 1986 obviously.:)
Actually the first Transformers movie was amazing, the one that came out in 1986 obviously.:)

Not sure if I've seen that one... The cartoon? I seem to recall watching an animated show in the ancient past - but I guess that was a series or something.
Yes the cartoon. I was a transformer nut when I was akid.

I owned every 1st gen transformer made. I even had the boxes because they had the stat card on the back, When I move out my 2 little brothers got in to them and destroyed them all.

I still get mad to this day when I think about it.:'(
Yes the cartoon. I was a transformer nut when I was akid.

I owned every 1st gen transformer made. I even had the boxes because they had the stat card on the back, When I move out my 2 little brothers got in to them and destroyed them all.

I still get mad to this day when I think about it.:'(

Hehe, that sucks!

I seem to remember having a few Transformers toys. A truck or something, but it's been a while.

I was more into Star Wars, ET, and Lego as a kid. Oh, and Action Man ;)
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